Is It Possible That The Mecha I'm Talking About Is A Toy?

Chapter 67 Report To The Chief! Comrade Lu Yuan Has Come Up With A New Project!


"The full coverage of the at particle nano-mecha is completed, and it takes three seconds, four or five..."

With the smart control system built into the watch, Alpha emits an electronically synthesized sound.

Lu Yuan tried to move his hands and feet, and his flexibility was stronger than the previous anti-missile mecha, and the weight was only one percent of the anti-missile mech.

That's like a few kilograms.

However, the strength of the new material nano-hydrogen steel used has been increased several times on the basis of the tungsten steel titanium alloy used in the anti-missile armor.

Compared with the metal materials used by super-light particle fighters, there is not much difference.

"It's really handsome. Even if you don't activate the brainwave-assisted control, you won't feel any burden as an ordinary armor."

Putting on the at particle nano-mecha, Lu Yuan walked to a metal mirror and looked inside to see his current appearance.

The nanomechanical structure with a high degree of fit has been completely integrated into a whole at this time.

And the built-in nano-electromagnetic components allow these very tiny mechanical structures to form a magnetic attraction force that is stronger than vacuum pressure.

As long as the 1000-equivalent poached egg does not explode, the electromagnetic force between the 06 mechas will not be torn apart.

in addition.

This mecha is no longer an auxiliary device that uses anti-gravity components to escape gravity.

Tiny nano at particle engine.

A scaled-down version of the Quantum Entanglement Engine.

It contains quantum traps and particle accelerators, which can capture specific at particles.

Forming a strong reaction force, even if it is separated from the planetary magnetic field of the blue star, it can still provide a very sufficient power.

However, AT particles also have a special usage. After processing by the micro-nano AT particle engine, an AT force field with a diameter of more than two meters is constructed at the core of the mecha watch.

Compared with the nano-hydrogen steel used in the mech itself, its defense capability is nearly double that of the armor itself!


"The micro-nano-at particle engine starts, and the energy output of the micro-ark reactor increases to 35%..."

Controlled by Lu Yuan's brain wave, the flight function of the at particle nano-mech is activated.

Protruding from the nano-hydrogen steel around the waist of the mech, there are four miniature nano-at particle engines extending out. The external structure looks somewhat similar to the quantum entanglement engine installed on the super-light particle fighter.

It's dark inside.

The construction also looks very complex.

next moment.

The faint blue particle beam spewed out, and the strong reaction force directly lifted Lu Yuan from the ground.

The multi-point engine starts from time to time to adjust the direction and balance of Lu Yuan in the air.

In terms of control flexibility.

This at particle nano-mecha is much more powerful than the previous anti-missile exoskeleton mecha.

As for the limit speed.

Lu Yuan didn't try.

Judging from the performance of the particle fighter.

The at-particle nano-mecha that also uses the quantum engine can absolutely crush the previous anti-missile exoskeleton mecha at the limit speed.


"Mecha armor flew out of Chief Lu's R&D department!"

106 factories.

Several R&D departments near the Toy R&D department.

At the same time, I saw ten mechas with the same body, but with these dark blue light lines on the outer armor plate.

Quickly lifted off from the toy research and development department, in the mid-air of several kilometers.

Several blue beams of particles sprayed out in different directions, stabilizing the balance of the entire mecha.

"This mecha looks too handsome!"

The researchers of the mecha research and development department looked at the black mecha above their heads with burning eyes.

That beautiful line.

It seems that the anti-missile exoskeleton mech is much more imposing than the previous anti-missile exoskeleton.

Zhang Dahai swallowed his saliva: "Not only has the color of the mecha changed, but the power system it carries is also obviously different from the previous anti-missile mecha."

Vice President Lin nodded: "Those blue particle beams look a bit like ejected from a quantum entanglement engine."

"Could it be that Master Lu put that super-light engine on the mecha?"

Nearby researchers heard the words.

Immediately stunned by his words.

Hyperdrive installed on the mecha?

Isn't this more powerful than the superlight speed fighter before?

"It's a pity that Chief Master Lu's security level has been raised to SSS level, otherwise we really want to try how awesome this new mecha is.

Liu Xun was also very jealous.

Although the mech R&D department has an anti-missile exoskeleton mech, it is obviously not as handsome as this one!

"Don't even think about it. It's better to honestly wait for the higher-ups to make arrangements, and see if our boss will pay for it and use the research and development funds to get one from Mr. Lu."

The researcher next to him also said with burning eyes.


"Come in!"

Factory Manager's Office.

Fang Hongyun's assistant pushed open the door anxiously, and trotted in from the outside.


"Chief Lu...has developed another mecha, and now, he is flying outside at a low altitude."

The assistant reported out of breath.

Fang Hongyun stood up from his seat with a bang, took three steps at a time, and quickly came to the window of the office.

Here you can just see the direction of the toy research and development department.

"Black mecha, blue thruster beam, unmistakable! This is a brand new mecha!"

Watched through the window for a moment.

Fang Hongyun quickly judged that this mecha should be a brand new mecha just developed.

With the previous anti-missile exoskeleton mecha.

There is this very obvious band difference.

Turn around and come back at 940.

Fang Hongyun quickly dialed the satellite phone of the commander of the Third Army Department.

"Boss, I am Fang Hongyun from the 106 Military Factory..."

The call just came through.

Fang Hongyun's voice was quickly transmitted through the satellite signal.

Wu Linghui, who was flipping through the documents, quickly put down his work and asked Fang Hongyun on the other side of the phone: "Did Comrade Lu Yuan come up with any new projects?"

There was anticipation in his voice.

Fang Hongyun replied: "Over Comrade Lu Yuan's research and development department, we just found a brand new mech launched into the sky."

"It adopts a completely different power system. It has a quantum engine similar to a superlight fighter. It is maneuverable and flexible, and it is significantly stronger than the previous library missile exoskeleton machine."

“Very good old way!”

"I'll arrange someone to come over right away!"

Wu Linghui quickly made a decision.

Equipped with a quantum engine, this mecha may be a super individual equipment that can break through the atmosphere!

Coupled with the previously developed super-light speed fighter, this can already create a brand new unit that can fight in the universe!


"Arrange the flight immediately, I'm going to Factory 106 in Shengshi!"

hang up the phone.

Wu Linghui immediately set about making arrangements.

About three hours.

The car from the Third Army came to Factory 106 and drove directly to the toy research and development department where Lu Yuan worked. .

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