The Last Legacy

After living in Colombia for almost a year, Li Lin still felt that he was just a passerby.

In this fast-paced country where money is paramount, the frontier is still sending major expeditions and colonial fleets to every corner of the world with great enthusiasm. And in the core area, those in power who have truly become mega-corporations watch the wealth of this world dance in their palms.

Countless infected people and refugees with dreams joined Colombia from all over the world, and then were sent by Colombia to expedition and colonial teams, sent to the corners of the world with illusory dreams and promises, to expand the territory of Colombia, and then divided Run gave them paltry wealth. That’s why Comet Columbia is on the rise.

So under such circumstances, the heroes of the past will soon be buried in the dust, and the trends of the past will soon become obsolete. A serious illness, a self-cultivation, the world you see after you come out may be very different. The world that was supposed to be solid and unbreakable has become fragmented in the fast-paced life of Colombia. But here is still the relatively freest place in the entire Terra.

Countless corpses and bones are buried here, but it is still the place of everyone’s dreams.

So even if Stuart died, this kind of news wouldn’t stir up any waves. It was nothing more than a former follower of Li Lin’s overreaching and leading people to open up the frontier to death. The former war hero Chun Lei kept his name anonymous, so don’t care. What she doesn’t want is what people want.

compared to those who once supported but have diedPeople, now everyone has quickly changed their minds, using a more amiable attitude to confront Li Lin, who is getting more and more angry and unpredictable.

The Guards officer corps is all fake, it’s true that fierce people like Li Lin are not easy to provoke.

The ghost knows what Stuart told Li Lin. Judging from their relationship, maybe they didn’t fight at all. Now that people’s mood is worse than the naked eye, it’s better to be a little cowardly.

As for Stuart, he died when he died. There are not a dozen or even a dozen big entrepreneurs in Columbia who run to the wilderness every year without any leisure. They are still in the era of barbaric development. Whether they are shuffling or playing cards, it is abnormal. the swiftness.

Time passed bit by bit like this, surrounding Stuart’s death

And Li Lin sat in his room and looked at the fragmentary notes written based on the hazy thoughts of that day, frowning more and more and thinking.

After that day, he deeply felt the difference between this world and his original world.

Compared to my own world, this world is simply too dangerous.

In the original world, people without power could express their ideals and make more people their own power. But in this world, it is not possible. No power is nothing. No matter how many people around you, no matter how strong the manpower is, all kinds of strange raw stone skills and natural and man-made disasters will kill you silently.

Naturally speaking, this world does not have many foundations of objective existence in the original world, and it is fundamentally different from the bottom, so the things that are poured out are naturally different. Southern orange and northern trifoliate, there is an objective environmental gap. But since there are still so many people pursuing ideals in this world, and so many people have beliefs, it proves that there are still some things in common.

The only thing to do is to find out these commonalities and find a practical method so that these sacrifices will not go to waste.

“Facts have proved that without complete preparation, any action is reckless. Facing Terra, one must be fully prepared. People should not be heroes who raise their arms, but should be surrounded by the natural crowd On the throne.”

“In this world, violence is almost impossible. I can be subdued, and those people can be defeated. Strong force will always face stronger natural disasters and demons. The story of Khan and Gaul has not gone far.”

“But only thoughts, only thoughts, these things are the biggest variables in this world. The most important violence in the previous life is secondary here. Only the arming of thoughts is the main thing.”

“You can’t just copy the previous theories… There are natural disasters and unknowable forces in this world.”

“Don’t trust the conclusions of the past too much… This world is not the original human world.”

“Death and replacement cannot be relied on to turn public opinion around… Immortality and immortality exist in this world.”

“With these three elements as the core, we can truly find the ultimate solution to all this.”

“Yes, what should I do?”

Looking at the hazy overall theory sketched out by writing and drawing in his notebook, Li Lin was at a loss for the world in front of him.

The people have no power, nor do they have the right to supervise and manage, and the knowledge and thoughts between the long-lived and the short-lived are completely different. Even Terra itself has different systems that complement each other. Factions such as theocratic unity, theocracy, slave society, capitalism, state society, feudal enfeoffment, legionary plutocrats, democratic self-government, etc. all appeared. And both have their pros and cons and trade-offs.

The distinction between classes and interests entangled here cannot even be simply described in terms of productivity. Sometimes it’s a gap in civilization itself. When a six-hundred-year-old Sarkaz is put together with a thirty-year-old Filin, even when you think the Sarkaz is younger, this class division itself is a very ridiculous thing. They are not even the same in life, it is ridiculous to want to distinguish not by race but by class.

So there must be a plan that can be recognized by everyone in the true sense, and it can be regarded as the truth and can convince others. Li Lin knew about this plan to some extent.

die. Only death is equal to all. When everyone has the ability to destroy others, Terra will fall into balance.

But this kind of thinking is useless to solve the problem. Even if death is equal, the gap in ability and race still exists objectively, and it cannot even be improved by hard work.

In the long run, the development of science and technology can indeed solve problems step by step. But in the face of this situation of genes and rough stone technology itself, the current development prospect of rough stone technology does not seem to level it out, but expands it more and more.

As far as he is concerned, before Rhine Life’s full equipment was equipped, he was a flawed assassin. But now equipped with the magic circuit tailored by Rhine Life, to a certain extent, Li Lin can destroy all active objects that can currently be observed on the Terra continent. As long as he is alive, he can be nailed to death with a single shot. And he was unscathed. Such an increasingly terrifying gap brought about by technology is obviously not what Li Lin wants to see.

So, is there another research direction…from outside the material, from another angle…

Looking at the words and sentences on the diary, Li Lin frowned.

But at this moment, a dull ringing interrupted his thoughts.

And Li Lin didn’t bother to think about it anymore, he took out his phone and pressed the answer button directly.”Hello? Which one?”

“Excuse me, is this Mr. Li Lin?”

“It’s me. What’s the matter?”

“According to Mr. Stuart’s previous will, if he dies, and if he is officially confirmed and has an exact death certificate, the sole heir of his property in Columbia is you.”

The voice on the phone said politely.

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