Is It Reasonable For Me To Hang A Dragon With A Slime?

Chapter 1 As I Said Earlier, He Is Super Brave


"Hey Hey……"

There was an extremely strange laugh.

Everyone in the classroom looked towards the back row with strange expressions on their faces.

A boy was laying his head on the table, constantly making strange laughter, accompanied by his body trembling, looking extremely excited.

"Chen Shu!"

The face of the teacher on the podium suddenly darkened, and he said in a cold voice.

However, only the laughter of 'hehe' responded to him.

The homeroom teacher Li Yuan finally couldn't bear it any longer, holding a piece of chalk in his hand, he threw it at Chen Shu.

call out!

Sure enough, the chalk hit Chen Shu's deskmate with incomparable precision.

"Ms. Li...I..."

Zhang Dali looked aggrieved, he could lie down with a gun while sitting?

"Wake up Chen Shu!" Li Yuan didn't change his face.

"Chen Shu! Chen Shu!" Zhang Dali could only obey, pushing and shoving his deskmate.

"Don't make trouble...hehehe..."

Unexpectedly, Chen Shu was still shaking his body, accompanied by obscene laughter.

Seeing this scene, Li Yuan's complexion became darker and darker, and he was about to explode.

Zhang Dali knew that he had to do something.

"After school……"

Zhang Dali said something softly.


Chen Shu reacted almost instinctively, standing upright instantly, and even kicked the stool away.

Seeing such a scene, the students in the class couldn't help laughing out loud.

Chen Shu had just woken up, his perception was a little dull, and his face looked blank.

It's just a school break. As for laughing so loudly?

Can you calm down like me?

He rubbed his sleepy eyes, and suddenly saw a big black face occupying his field of vision.

"Damn it! What the hell?!" He exclaimed.

In the next second, Chen Shu reacted instantly, and his body jerked even more.

"Hello, Teacher Li..."

"Did you have a good dream?"

Li Yuan's face was as black as coal, and it even made people worry that it might spontaneously ignite.

"No... hey... hey"

Chen Shu shook his head hastily, as if thinking of the scene in his dream, he laughed again.

Li Yuan took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed his anger.

"Brother, you are really fearless..."

Zhang Dali's eyes were full of admiration, as if he was looking up to his idol.

Chen Shu also reacted, forcing himself to hold back his laughter, and kept silent.

"Why do you have to sleep in class?" Li Yuan looked serious.

"As a student, it makes sense for me to sleep in math class."

Chen Shu couldn't help thinking,

But seeing Li Yuan's angry face, he still held back his words.

Li Yuan's eyes widened, and he seemed to have thought of something in the end, and he didn't get angry anymore.

He returned to the podium and pointed to the blackboard.

"What is the answer to the question I just talked about, if you make a mistake, get out of the classroom."

Chen Shu was shocked and rubbed his eyes.

But when he saw the title above, he was instantly confused.

"In the early days of the recovery calendar, what is the formula for the beast master to sign the contract spirit?"

Chen Shu looked at a loss, and a philosophical question appeared in his mind.

"who am I?"

"Where am I?"

"What the hell is this?"

Isn't this class math?

Isn't black whirlwind Li Kui a math teacher?

Seeing the other party's stunned look, Li Yuan's face became darker and darker, and the chalk in his hand was crushed by him.

His anger value has risen sharply, and he is completely ready to release his nirvana.

At this moment, Chen Shu knew that he had to say an answer to save the situation.

Mouth... Mouth...

Finally, he tentatively spoke.

"Odd changes and even remains the same, symbols... look at the quadrant?"


Li Yuan finally couldn't bear it any longer, and slapped the desk with his palm.

"What the hell!"

"Ms. Li, don't be angry, give me another chance!"

Chen Shu spoke quickly, trying to temporarily suppress the head teacher's anger.

"Questions are beyond my knowledge, multiple choice questions are my forte!"

"Multiple-choice questions, multiple-choice questions! Don't you just do multiple-choice questions?!"

Li Yuan roared loudly, and even the ground seemed to shake.

"Ding! The beast selection system has been successfully activated!"

The voice in his head made Chen Shu messed up again.

Immediately afterwards, three options appeared before his eyes.

[Option 1: Honestly admit the mistake and promise not to make it again in the future. Completion reward: a small amount of animal power]

[Option 2: Spread your hands together, and say with sincerity: "I wanted to get along with you as a top student, but in return I got alienated. It's a showdown. I'm a scumbag, and I can't do anything! Completion reward: low grade Flame Potion]

[Option 3: Keep silent and bow your head. Completion reward: contract spirit obedience +1]

Protagonist halo? !

Although Chen Shu was at a loss, his reaction speed was not slow. This is the treatment of the protagonist.

It seems that I only need to make a choice to get various rewards.

Although I don't know what these rewards are for,

But whatever, choose and be done.

He glanced at it and came to a conclusion in an instant.

The rewards of the three options seem average, and words like 'a small amount', 'low-grade', and '+1' seem too naive.

"What a stingy system."

Although the rewards seem to be of inferior quality, the effect of the low-grade flame medicinal liquid should be the best.

As for the options, Chen Shu didn't care at all, he only cared about rewards.

The world always wants men to be fearless...

What's more, in line with the general rule of 'two shorts and one long', he should also choose the second option.

I saw Chen Shu looked at Li Yuan with a calm expression, and even looked around at everyone, as if the leader was inspecting him, but he almost had his hands behind his back and spoke in an official tone.

Afterwards, he spread his hands out with a serious look on his face.

"I wanted to get along with everyone as a top student, but what I got in exchange was alienation."

At this point, Chen Shu sighed even more.

"I have a showdown, I'm a scumbag, I don't know anything!"


Deadly still!

Even the air in the classroom froze.

Everyone looked at Chen Shu, and the admiration in their eyes almost overflowed.

My role model ah!

May I ask, in the grade, who dares to hit the muzzle of the 'Black Whirlwind'?

This is simply standing on the cusp of the storm, holding the sun and the moon to rotate! !

"Chen Shu, come with me to the office!"

Li Yuan's face suddenly calmed down, but it was extremely depressing.

Seeing Li Yuan leave the classroom, Chen Shu straightened his shirt, and at the same time a voice sounded in his mind.

"Successful choice! Reward: low-grade flame medicinal liquid!"

"Because the host is too brave, an additional reward: the contracted spirit's obedience +1!"

"The medicinal liquid has been automatically put into the system space!"

Chen Shu stepped out of the classroom slowly, like a warrior about to go to war.

And all the students in the classroom paid attention, as if they were waiting for his triumphant return.

A "reign of blood" kicked off.

After the two left, the students' discussions started to ring out.

"What's the situation? Did Chen Dapi take medicine? So brave?"

"This is simply provoking the majesty of Black Whirlwind. The geniuses in the beast control class in the grade would not dare to be so presumptuous."

"Dali, what's going on? You and Chen Pi are at the same table, do you know what's going on?"

Although Chen Shu's name looks serious, but he is too skinny,

His brain circuits are not on the same channel as normal people, which is why he was nicknamed Chen Pi.

Zhang Dali straightened his body with a proud face.

"Nonsense, of course my deskmate is not a simple person. As I said earlier, he is super brave."

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