Is It Reasonable For Me To Hang A Dragon With A Slime?

Chapter 61 This Wave Is Breaking The Defense

"Brother Wang! Long time no see."

Zhou Shi looked at Wang Gan, and the two were obviously friends.

"Old Zhou, all the strong potions he sells on the black market belong to your company?" Wang Gan asked.

Zhou Shi nodded and explained: "Xiao Chen is indeed a summer employee of our company. His position is a pharmacy assistant. He also knows a little bit of medicine refining technology. I will show you the relevant contract tomorrow."

Zhou Shi didn't pay much attention to it, he just thought that Chen Shu had sold a few bottles of medicine, if he knew that the other party had made a profit of millions in just ten days, he might not be able to sleep at night.

Wang Gan nodded: "Okay! If this is the case, then there is no problem."

Now it has been confirmed that Chen Shu has nothing to do with the counterfeit drug dealer. His own medicine is genuine and has a source. Naturally, there is no need to detain him.

"You are all victims, what other opinions do you have?"

Although Wang Qian knew several people, he still had to deal with them according to the law, and there were surveillance in the hall.

The young man in the lead was about to speak when the cell phone rang suddenly.

"Hello? What? My contract spirit is leaking again? The toilet is blown?"

The young man shivered, put away his cell phone, and said, "He and the other party are not accomplices, so forget it, and trouble Captain Wang to catch the real liar as soon as possible."

A group of people left the Zhenling Bureau one after another.

Zhang Dali took a deep breath and said, "Chen Pi, why do I feel like a new man?"

"Actually, I feel the same way..."

The two of them were outside the Zhenling Bureau, breathing the free air crazily, and even opened their hands, as if they were embracing a better tomorrow.

"Are you two sick?"

As soon as Zhou Shi came out, he saw that these two guys seemed to be sick.

"Uncle Zhou, you don't understand!" Chen Shu said with emotion on his face, "We are different from you. Our roots are young and red, we abide by the law and discipline, and we are not regular visitors to the Zhenling Bureau."

Listen to this... how do you feel that I am an old criminal?

Zhou Shi has a black line on his forehead, it's a crime to co-author you to come out, right?

"By the way, it just so happens that the beast royale group is having dinner, will you two come?"

Chen Shu looked at Zhang Dali and asked for his opinion.

Zhang Dali said: "I won't go, I want to go back and record this important day!"

"Then let's wait another day, Uncle Zhou, I have to take it easy."

The two took a taxi and were about to go home.

"Chen Pi, it's not like you, you didn't go to eat?"

"You are stupid, you must have lied to me to pay the bill, how can I, Chen Shu, be fooled by such a big competition?"

"It makes sense! High! Gao Le Gao's high!"

Zhang Dali suddenly asked: "By the way, Chen Pi, you were framed, right?"

"Nonsense, I'm worried that I have nothing to do during the summer vacation. I must catch that counterfeit drug dealer! Let him know that Chen Shu has messed with me, and there is no good fruit to eat!"

Now Chen Shu can no longer do his summer job, and has nothing to do.

As for summer homework? Then pull it down!

Which student have you seen doing homework as soon as the holiday? Don't do it before the last minute!

This is the rule!

Zhang Dali nodded: "Chen Pi, I support you!"

Chen Shu patted Zhang Dali on the shoulder: "That's good, he is really my good brother, lend me your father's use!"

Zhang Dali "???"

What does it mean to borrow from my dad?

Chen Shu said: "Aren't I worried about danger? After all, I'm a criminal, maybe some kind of beast master. With Uncle Zhang protecting me, wouldn't I have no worries?"

"My parents have gone on a trip abroad, so I don't have time to mess around with you."

Zhang Dali shook his head and suddenly remembered something.

"But I have a friend who might be able to help you!"

"What friend?"

Zhang Dali blew up solemnly: "He is known as the 'savior of vegetables' and 'Nanjiang Secret Exploration Cave'. No matter what it is, you can find him to solve it. The efficiency is absolutely amazing!"

Chen Shu raised his eyebrows, and said in a melodious tone: "Apart from me, do you have such a high-end friend?"

"Then what exactly does he do?"

"Xiafei intersection, the butcher..."

Chen Shu remained silent, just looking at the other party with a strange look.

"I said, Chen Pi, don't do this, what I said is true."

Zhang Dali looked at the other person's eyes, feeling uncomfortable all over,

Chen Shu seemed to have said nothing, and at the same time seemed to have said everything, as if there were two words echoing silently.

‘Silly beep~~~’

The two returned to the community. Zhang Dali covered Chen Shu with his hands all the way, and he no longer wanted to face this look.

"Early tomorrow morning, I will come to you and let you learn a lot. You should also get to know the upper-class people in Nanjiang City."

After saying that, Zhang Dali ran all the way and returned home.

"Find a pig butcher? To investigate counterfeit drug dealers? Am I crazy? Or is the world crazy?"

Chen Shu returned home, washed up for a while, and was about to fall asleep. Today's experience is really rich.


Just then, the phone rang suddenly.

"Huh? Someone sent a message in the group?"

He clicked on Qiuqiuqun in Nanjiang No. 2 Middle School, and there were all students from Yushou, without a teacher.

Zheng Yi: Mr. Jiang, thank you for your guidance. My contract spirit has really learned a skill!

Zheng Yi: Sorry, I made a mistake and accidentally sent it to the group.


Do you dare to lie a little more? Chen Shu saw that Zheng Yi was showing off at a glance!

Du Ziteng: Is it combat skills? That's a big improvement!

Wei Transcript: The probability of a black iron-level contract spirit comprehending a skill is extremely low. Congratulations, Squad Leader Zheng.

The people in the group congratulated one after another. The importance of skills is self-evident. Measured by Huaxia coins, they are at least several million.

Especially the skills he comprehends are generally very in line with his combat characteristics, which greatly improves his strength.

At this moment, a line of words appeared silently.

Chen Pi: Congratulations, squad leader Zheng (four combat skills)

Zheng Yi, who was looking excited, froze for a moment, the corners of his mouth twitching,

Congratulations to Nima, what does adding parentheses mean?

Zheng Yi: Hehe! Thanks!

Chen Pi: Everyone will learn from Squad Leader Zheng in the future (will enter the special training class for the third year of high school)

Zheng Yi: ...

Chen Pi: Do you have any learning experience to pass on? (Score 396 in cultural subjects)

Wang Meng: Why is Squad Leader Zheng's profile picture gray? Are you offline?

Chen Shu is lying on the bed with a smile on his face, letting you pretend to be in the group.

"Your gray profile picture won't jump anymore..." Chen Shu hummed and turned off the phone.

At this moment, Zheng Yi clenched his fists tightly, muttering in a low voice, his body couldn't help shaking.

"Fake! It must be fake!"

The improvement that he was proud of was nothing more than that in the eyes of the other party.

This wave, this wave really broke the defense!

ps: There are only two chapters today, thank you for your gifts! This book belongs to the light novels that are partial to daily life. I will write it slowly, and everyone will read it slowly. Thank you again!

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