Is It Reasonable For Me To Hang A Dragon With A Slime?

Chapter 73: The Lone Wolf Requests To Be Paired With You

For a full ten days, Chen Shu went back and forth between the Beast Masters Association and the black market, earning a full three million Huaxia coins.

Chen Shu shook his head on the road and sighed: "The current world is really difficult, and it is so difficult to make a little money."

He went to the Beast Masters Association and retrieved twelve more Dalihua, ready to return home to configure.

As the saying goes, several families are happy and others are sad.

In the high-tech zone of Nanjiang City, the top floor of an office building is brightly lit.

"Who can explain to me why the sales of Dali Pharmacy have decreased by 30% this month! Especially at the end of July, it has decreased by 70%!" A middle-aged man with a majestic face roared.

Several company executives beside the conference table were all sad, not knowing how to explain.

They are Xiaxing Pharmaceutical Liquid Company. In order to occupy the Dali pharmaceutical market in Nanjiang City, they forcibly cut off the supply channels of their competitors.

Because of this, 666 Liquid Medicine Company lost the market share of Dali Pharmacy.

A man wearing black-rimmed glasses said: "Valiant Potion is one of the basic liquid medicines, so it is impossible for such a huge fluctuation in sales! There must be some artificial reason."

"Check for me! Check with all your strength! I want to see who dares to touch the company's cake!"

The middle-aged man roared angrily. In order to occupy the market share of Dali Pharmaceutical, the company paid a high price, and it has not yet paid back, and such a problem has unexpectedly arisen.

Chen Shu sold more than 2,000 bottles of low-grade Dali medicine in ten days. If it was in a big city, it would be difficult to cause a storm.

But Nanjiang City is just a small city, and his medicine has already affected the market.

"Successful deployment of powerful potions! Proficiency has been improved! From 'Control Level' to 'Dacheng Level'!"

"Dacheng level: The prepared medicine has a special effect: an additional 25% of the amount can be swallowed!"

Chen Shu let out a sigh. After configuring so many potions, he finally raised his proficiency level!

He summoned the golden slime and made it swallow a bottle of mid-grade powerful potion. Sure enough, the original drug resistance disappeared, and the strength increased by 05% again.

In the end, the golden slime swallowed another ten bottles of medium-grade vigorous potions and ten bottles of low-grade vigorous potions, increasing its strength by 10%.

This is the benefit brought by Dacheng-level proficiency, and even rich people cannot compare with it.

Although the talent of golden slime is not good, but we can take drugs...

At this moment, a message came from the mobile phone.

'The lone wolf requests to be paired with you! "

"???" Chen Shu looked puzzled, what the hell was Zhang Dali doing.

He frowned, clicked yes, and another message popped up: 'Sorry, you are not worthy! '


Chen Shu called directly and was connected quickly.

"Dali, what are you doing?"

"Uh, I made a mistake, and I clicked on Bluetooth pairing." Zhang Dali said calmly.

"Why do I feel that you did it on purpose?" Chen Shu looked suspicious.

Zhang Dali said: "Don't worry about these details, I'm going to the capital tomorrow, will you go?"

"Why so early? The exam is about to start?" Chen Shu frowned.

"Go a few days earlier, and visit Sister Fang Si by the way."

"Fang Si?" Chen Shu was taken aback, thinking about it.

Originally, the other party was going to come back during the summer vacation, but it was a pity that he took over the task temporarily.

Options suddenly appeared in front of Chen Shu's eyes.

[Option 1: Go to Kyoto with Zhang Dali, completion reward: Slime size plus 5%]

[Option 2: Continue to set up street stalls and grow bigger and stronger! Completion reward: The production of low-grade vigorous medicine +1]

Chen Shu considered for a moment and chose the first option.

He nodded and said, "Okay! Let's go together tomorrow, as I have nothing to do."

Now that the proficiency of the Vigorous Potion has been upgraded to the Dacheng level, although it has given an additional effect, the original effect of reducing materials by 30% has disappeared.

As a result, he could only prepare ten bottles of Zhongpin Dali Potion at a time, which was 80,000 yuan, and the profit was already less than 10,000 yuan.

As for the rest of the potions, such as body size potions, defense potions, etc., it is impossible to sell them in large quantities because of their high prices and low demand.

Chen Shu's money-making plan can only be shelved temporarily.

The main reason, of course, is that it's just too boring to do this all the time.

It is unprecedented for Chen Shu to last for ten days.

With a system, he still looks like a coolie. This is an insult to the protagonist's halo!

"I'm relieved to have you here. My parents are not here, so I'll leave the travel expenses to you."

Chen Shu frowned, and typed: "You have this purpose in co-authoring."

Zhang Dali replied: "If you don't go, I will only have online loans, and the photos are all ready."

"What picture?"

"Don't all loans require a more private photo?"


Chen Shu ended the call directly, and if he continued, he would probably be speechless by Zhang Dali.

He turned around and began to pack his luggage, a change of clothes, mobile phone, ID card, urea bag...all the necessities were stuffed into his backpack,

Chen Shu took out his mobile phone, bought a ticket, and then clicked on Fang Si's Chaoxin avatar.

"Sister Fang Si, I have good news for you!"

After a while, the news came.

"What good news?"

Chen Shu was about to type, when he suddenly thought that telling the other party directly would not be a surprise.

"The good news is... I have good news for you tomorrow!"

As soon as he sent it, Chen Shu instinctively felt a vague murderous aura, and immediately turned off the phone.

"??? Are you sick!" Fang Si gritted his teeth in the dormitory, probably not sleeping well tonight.

I've seen one that tantalizes people's appetites, but I've never seen one that is so blatant!

Early the next morning, Chen Shu talked to his parents and set off on a journey with Zhang Dali.

"Master, go to Nanjiang Railway Station!"

The two each carried a backpack and got into a taxi.

"Chen Pi, why don't you book a plane ticket?"

"You are stupid, the train can see the scenery outside!"

Chen Shu explained solemnly, and even sighed: "Nowadays, people's hearts are too impetuous and the pace of life is too fast, which has already made us lose ourselves. We must learn to slow down!"

Zhang Dali curled his lips: "Speak human words!"

“Flights are expensive…”

Zhang Dali said with a speechless face: "It's expensive, so what kind of life mentor is this?"

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