Is It Reasonable For Me To Hang A Dragon With A Slime?

Chapter 89 I'm Waiting For Support, What Are You Waiting For?

"Sister Fang Si, hurry up!" Chen Shu didn't explain too much,

The black beetle looked like it was pretending, its eyes looked fierce, but it looked around from time to time, obviously trying to escape.

Compared with an escape master like Chen Shu, it was really far behind.

Fang Si nodded, causing Chi Yanlong to chase after him first, and himself and Frost Dragon to chase after him.

As long as you are a black iron-level beast master, you must have a habit: keep a contract spirit by your side at all times, otherwise accidents will easily occur.

Chen Shu climbed up a big tree and looked at the hotel in the distance.

I thought that the black beetles were already raging in the hotel, but I saw a huge black shadow flying in the sky, and there was obviously a person standing on it.

"Have the people from the Lingling Bureau come?"

Chen Shu breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the black beetle swarm had died in vain.

At this time, Fang Si kept chasing, and the speed of the black beetle lord was extremely fast, but fortunately, Chi Yanlong left a little flame mark, which could be locked on from a distance.

Tonight, she will kill a lord beast with her own power!

time passed slowly,

At this moment, Fang Si's expression suddenly froze.

I saw Chi Yanlong in front of him stopped, with doubts in his eyes, he kept looking around.

"The mark disappeared?" Fang Si frowned.

There are only two possibilities, the black beetle has the ability to eliminate the mark, and the other possibility is dead!

If it was the first type, the black beetle lord would have eliminated it long ago.

The flame mark is not concealed at all, that is, there is an unquenchable flame on the carapace, and it is impossible for the opponent not to see it.

That leaves only the second possibility.

"do you died?"

Fang Si looked at the night ahead, anyone dare to grab food from her mouth?

Tread Tread!

At this moment, four red lights appeared in front of him, gradually approaching Fang Si.

Chi Yanlong's body tensed up, and he continued to let out low growls.

"The genius in the legend, now it seems that it is nothing more than that."

A boy in a windbreaker with a refined face walked over slowly.


There was fighting intent in Chi Yanlong's eyes, and he kept spewing out bursts of flames, his eyes fixed on the contracted spirit next to the boy.

A big dog with two heads stood, its scarlet pupils were full of tyranny, and its aura was equally powerful.

It is the s-class double-headed magic dog!

Fang Si narrowed his eyes, and said flatly, "Su Han, a junior?"

"I didn't expect to be remembered by a genius. It's an honor for me."

Su Han smiled gently, and at the same time threw something out of his hand.

"The black beetle you wanted!"

Fang Si looked at his feet. It was the black beetle lord who had just died, but his body was broken. It was obvious that all the important materials had been dug away.

"Do you dare to snatch my prey?"

Chi Yanlong and Frost Dragon stepped out one after another. Although their bodies were wounded, they still looked extremely ferocious.

"What? Want to try with me?"

Su Han sneered, and saw the space above his head burst, and a big blue bird flew out.

It is another S-level contract spirit 'Wind Sparrow'. It is said that it has a trace of blue bird blood, and it is by no means weaker than the dragon contract spirit.

Huaxia Academy has gathered geniuses from all over the country, and Fang Si is not the only one who has two S-level contract spirits.

The two sides fell into a state of confrontation,

It was extremely cold in Taiqing Mountain at night, but the two of them remained motionless.

Su Han folded his hands on his chest, wanting to see if the legendary school genius would dare to make a move.

Time passed minute by minute,

Fang Si remained indifferent from beginning to end, without any change.

The two seem to be caught in another confrontation,

The night is silent, and they are even more silent...

Su Han still stood where he was, his trench coat fluttered when the night wind came, looking extremely mysterious and unrestrained.

But at this moment, an accident happened suddenly.

"Look at the bag!"

There was a loud shout, and a strange figure appeared behind Su Han.

Oh shit! Was attacked!

Su Han's reaction is quick, his two contracted spirits are about to return to protect the Lord,

But Fang Si's Ssangyong had been waiting for a long time, entangled him tightly.

The four contracted spirits broke out in an instant battle!

Su Han only felt that he was caught in some kind of bag.

It was Chen Shu who came to the back of Su Han without anyone noticing...

After Chen Shu caught him, he retreated directly without making a move.

The opponent is a black iron-level beast master, he can't beat him, and it is estimated that he can be hammered away with a single punch.

Now it was Zhang Dali's turn to appear on the stage. He was holding a huge iron pot tightly with both hands, with his legs around his waist and his hands around his belt, and his body rotated 360 degrees.

Hoo hoo!

The iron pan in his hand made a violent cracking sound.

Zhang Dali yelled violently: "Go to hell!"


Su Han, who was about to open the urea bag, felt his head buzzing instantly.

His head is hard, but the iron pan is even harder!

Who told this to be a special pot for cooking beast meat?

Zhang Dali also made extremely tricky moves, knocking Su Han unconscious in one hit.

Losing the consciousness of the host, the two contracted spirits returned to the space of the beast in an instant.

The cooperation of the three was incomparable, it was completed almost in the blink of an eye, it was simply perfect.

Fang Si's indifferent expression could no longer be pretended, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

She leaned over, kicked Su Han, and said, "I'm waiting for backup, what are you waiting for?"

"You're so young, you don't know the dangers of society." Chen Shu shook his head and said with a sigh: "Fight with us, do you have the strength?"

The three pulled down Su Han's backpack and found the black beetle lord material inside.

"Let's go!"

Fang Si kicked a few more times and was about to leave.


With a sinister smile on the corner of Chen Shu's mouth, he began to take off Su Han's clothes.

Fang Si glared and said, "Are you a pervert?"

"What are you thinking? Turn around first."

Soon Su Han was left with only a pair of underpants, like a naked lamb.

Zhang Dali said: "Wearing pink? What a pervert."

The two covered him with a urea bag and threw Su Han's other clothes down the mountain.

"Let's go!"

Chen Shu clapped his hands and was about to leave.

The corner of Fang Si's mouth twitched: "You two really compete!"

Tomorrow morning, Su Han will either go down the mountain in pink shorts or a urea bag.

Either way, it belongs to the death of the society,

It is estimated that Su Han will check on the Internet tomorrow which planet is suitable for living.

Chen Shu laughed cheaply: "Who made this guy pretend? He wears a windbreaker in summer and looks like a show bag! Maybe I thought he was the protagonist!"

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