"Pharmacy, pharmacy..."

Chen Shu returned home and began to study new functions of the system.

After the previous selection, the system has opened the primary pharmacy,

I saw a new panel appeared in front of his eyes, showing the appearance of a tree.

The branches of the trees are all kinds of potions,

There are powerful potions, flame potions, ice potions, giant potions, etc.,

But only the powerful potion is on, and the rest of the potions are dim.

The lower the potion tree is, the more precious and rare the potion is.

With a thought, he looked at the powerful medicine at the top.

Strong Potion: It can permanently increase the power of the contracted spirit.

Proficiency: mastery level (30% reduction in materials required to refine pharmaceuticals)

The current materials are insufficient and cannot be refined!

Note: Every refinement will increase the proficiency level. The proficiency level is divided into entry level, control level, master level, and master level.

Note: Different proficiency levels will provide different additional effects.

Chen Shu kept researching the functions with an excited face.

As the main subject in human beings, the weight of pharmacy can be imagined.

If you can master it proficiently, it will be like gold in the world.

"It seems that the materials that still need to be refined cannot be created out of nothing."

Chen Shu finally came to a conclusion,

For the rest of the people to refine the medicine, they all need to concentrate and not make any mistakes.

Even so, there will still be failures.

Although pharmacy has been developed for hundreds of years, it is still not industrialized and cannot be refined with instruments.

Every bottle of potion is personally refined by the pharmacist, which is why it is so expensive.

But Chen Shu is different. He has a system. He only needs to add materials, and the corresponding medicine can be automatically refined.

"Dalihua, I need Dalihua..."

Chen Shu lay on the bed and kept muttering.

The medicinal materials needed for Dali Potion are very common and easy to get.

Only the main medicine in it is called Dalihua, which is a medicinal material produced in a different space.

The big stores in the city center must sell them, but he is not qualified to buy them and needs to be a pharmacist.

"I have to go to the black market."

Chen Shu whispered that now he wants to make money as soon as possible.

In addition to the advanced level, the strength of the contracted spirit can also be greatly improved by taking various medicines.

The contracted spirits of the big families are supplied with potions all year round, and they can even fight across the ranks.

"Zhang Dali seems to know the location of the black market."

Chen Shu opened Chaoxin and found Zhang Dali.

The head portrait is a prairie wolf named Lonely Wolf.


"Api, what's the matter? Why are you looking for me all of a sudden? After you leave, I'm the only one left in charge of the general class. Lonely, lonely"

"Your uncle just beat up the squad leader of the third squad of Beast Familiar today, and that scene was really hot-blooded."

"Tell me quickly."

"I'll tell you next time, do you know the location of the black market?"

"What? You want to buy something?"

"I want to see and see."

"It's just right, I escaped the evening self-study tonight, let's go shopping together."

"Right, lend me some money."




"I, Cao, pretend to be dead when it comes to borrowing money?"

Seeing that the other party did not reply, Chen Shu persisted in sending harassing messages.

"You and I are the same age, you have no money, can I have?"

Zhang Dali finally couldn't stand the harassment and replied.

"By the way, you can't use 'repay', isn't there a quota every month?"

"No, that borrowed one has to be repaid."

Lone wolf: "???"

Zhang Dali was extremely decisive and directly turned off Chaoxin.

The two lived in the same community, and Zhang Dali soon visited them.

"I said Chen Pi, you really have no money?"

"No, I'm cleaner than my face now."

"Forget it, let's go to the black market first."

Although Chen Shu has no money, he may be able to trigger the system option,

As long as you can get a little liquid medicine and sell it on the spot, wouldn't you be rich?

The two rode bicycles and wobbled towards the suburban location.

"Speaking of the black market, I, Zhang Dali, have been fortunate enough to go there a few times with my parents. There are a lot of fish and dragons in it. You and I must remember not to be too high-profile."

Zhang Dali's parents are both black iron-level beast masters, they can be said to be rich and noble,

But since he doesn't have the talent to guard beasts, he can only become an ordinary person.

"As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake. I still understand this truth."

Chen Shu nodded in sympathy.

The two looked like they wanted to stir up the black market situation.

But when they reached the entrance of the black market, they were all dumbfounded.

"Sorry, no one is allowed to enter without the guidance of a beast master above the fifth rank."

"Brother, we are accommodating, everyone is a person of status."

"May I ask your Excellency, besides an ID card, what other identity do you have?"

The staff at the black market entrance folded their arms and looked indifferent.

He is also a beast master, and he can slightly sense the aura of the two of them. One is just an ordinary person, and the other is at most three levels.

The two of them didn't expect the guard to be so shameless.

Zhang Dali coughed, it seemed that he needed to introduce himself grandly.

"In Xiananjiang City No. 2 Middle School, ordinary class 3, Zhang Dali, once served as the representative of the materials class..."

"Get out!"


Zhang Dali turned around and left without stopping for a moment, while pulling Chen Shu up.

"Chen Pi, it seems we can't get in, let my dad bring you next time."

Chen Shu stayed where he was, and saw three options in his eyes.

[Option 1: With the help of golden slime, break into the black market by force and show off your glory. Completion reward: Beastmaster level plus one]

[Option 2: Leave helplessly and look for opportunities next time. Completion reward: Slime power doubled, lasts for three days]

[Option 3: Top-level provocation, approach the security guard’s ear, and say softly: "Wo Nen tuo." Completion reward: Skill enlargement plus 1]

Chen Shu fell into deep thought, until Zhang Dali urged him to wake up.

"Dali, are you familiar with the terrain here?"

"It's okay, what's the matter?"

"Get ready to run, don't look back...take pictures!"

Before Zhang Dali could react, he saw Chen Shu approaching the man.

Chen Shu said in a low voice.

"Brother, I know the code word, can I go in?"

"Huh? What?" The security guard looked puzzled.

At this moment, Chen Shu slowly stepped forward and gently pressed his ear close to him.

"Wo Nen fell..."

The next moment, Chen Shu turned around abruptly, and Sa Yazi ran away.

The security guard was stunned for a while before he realized that he was about to chase them out, but the two of them had already disappeared.

This kind of speed is simply unique, and the security guard had no choice but to curse and return to his post.

"Chen Pi, what did you say?"

"It's nothing, I tried the code word."

Chen Pi panted heavily, and I had to say that the feeling of the skin was too exciting.

Sure enough, the golden slime's skill of giganticity has been increased by one level.

Enormization: Temporarily increase its quadruple size, and its speed is slightly reduced.

"It seems that we need to find a way to enter the black market."

"Let's talk about it next time, do you want to eat ramen?"

The two looked up and happened to come to a ramen restaurant called La Da Nian.

"This name sounds a bit disgusting?"

Chen Shu raised his brows, it sounded like he was defecating.

"It proves to be a special feature. It just so happens that I didn't have dinner."

Zhang Dali didn't care at all, and went directly into the store.

"Boss, here are two bowls of ramen."

"Would you like a larger portion?"

"Big portion, must be large!"

"Pull it out right away, and eat it while it's hot."


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