Is It Reasonable For Me To Hang A Dragon With A Slime?

Chapter 92 Want To Meet My Nanjiang Gangsters?

"Mom and Dad, I'm back."

"came back?"

Chen Shu's parents happened to be having dinner.

Father Chen Ping stood up, looked outside the door, and said, "There are no pursuers, right?"

Chen Shu said speechlessly, "Dad, what are you thinking? I'm not a fugitive!"

He remembered something, and said again: "Although I didn't pursue the soldiers, I met a mental illness today."

Father Chen Ping said: "Your bed friend?"

"..." Chen Shu smiled dryly, "Hehe..."

"It seems that you are in a good mood." Father Chen Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen Shu returned to the dining table, filled a big bowl of porridge by himself, and said, "I must be in a good mood when I get home."

Mother said, "We thought you'd be upset about Dali."

Chen Shu raised his eyebrows: "Dali? Didn't he get admitted to Jingdu Lingchu University? Why should I be sad?"

Father Chen Ping sighed: "It's because he passed the exam. Although the three of you have played together since you were young, Fang Si and Zhang Dali are both so good, and you are so weak, it is inevitable that you will feel unbalanced."

"Although we are rookies, at least we have a good attitude."

Chen Ping patted him on the shoulder and said, "As long as you have a good attitude, you can live a long life. Whoever laughs last laughs the best!"

"Oh...Dad, you really know how to comfort people..." Chen Shu said, "Besides, I have accumulated a lot of money. Once I work hard, they will have to rely on me to take care of them in the future."

Chen Ping said: "It's over, the mentality is fine, it seems that there is something wrong with the spirit."

"..." Chen Shu simply kept silent and concentrated on cooking.


The next day, Chen Shu was planning to retreat for a day to rest and recharge his mind.

Unexpectedly, the phone rang early in the morning.

"Unknown number? Has been marked as a scam by 9999 people!"

"..." The corner of Chen Shu's mouth twitched, he didn't even change his number, brother, your heart is really big.

He picked it up, but before he opened his mouth, the other side struck first.

"Old classmate, oops, you miss me so much."

"No, you know who I am, so you just let this old classmate go?"

"You can't even hear my voice? You really forget things, me! Old Zhao!"

The corner of Chen Shu's mouth twitched, and he asked with a smile: "Old Zhao, do you believe in Lao or believe in Zhao?"

"..." The other side was silent for a while, and then said again: "You haven't changed at all, you still like to joke so much."

Chen Shu said: "Haha, I was just kidding with you, I will never forget Old Zhao."

His eyeballs rolled, and he asked again: "By the way, what have you been doing lately?"

"I've been working as a fitness trainer recently, but I always feel that I don't have enough money. If I want to invest in business, I need to find a partner."

"Put it down, old Zhao, I remember that you have been suffering from epilepsy since you were a child. From time to time, you fell to the ground and twitched, foaming at the mouth and so on. Why are you a coach for others? Teach people to twitch?"


There was another long silence on the other side.

Chen Shu forced a smile, and could already imagine the expression on the other side.

"Heh...heh... Now that the level of medical care is advanced, am I recovering?"

"Have you recovered? Congratulations, congratulations."

"Don't talk about the past, let's talk about investment now."

There was another smirk at the corner of Chen Shu's mouth, and he said, "That's not right, Lao Zhao, didn't you drink too much when you were in junior high school, and you were playing disco on the road, and you were hit by a dump truck? Your left leg was amputated at that time." , you can also be a fitness trainer?"

"..." The voice on the other side became a little unnatural, and said, "Old classmate, did you remember wrongly?"

"That's right! Look at my brain, I misremembered." Chen Shu said apologetically.

"For so many years, you are always forgetting things."

"My memory was wrong. I remembered it. You had your right leg amputated. Look at my memory."

"Beep beep beep~~~" There was a silence on the other side, which was already autistic, so he hung up the phone directly.

"Hey! Hey! Old classmate!"

"Hahaha!" Chen Shu couldn't help laughing out loud, guessing that the liar on the other side had already broken his defense.

Just as he was enjoying himself, another phone call came.

"Another call from a stranger? Are there so many scammers now?"

Chen Shu picked up the phone and said directly: "Why, Lao Zhao, the epilepsy is cured?"

"..." A familiar voice came: "I, Xie Sunan, what are you talking about?"

"Uh... Thank you so much..." Chen Shu explained, "A liar called me just now, and I was molesting him."

After saying that, Chen Shu remembered something again and said, "You are not a liar, are you?"

"What do you think?" Xie Sunan's mouth twitched, and said, "Are you free today? I accepted a task, are you interested?"

"What mission?"

"Recently, a Nanjiang bandit appeared!"

"I'm not interested. For this kind of thing, you need to contact the Public Security Bureau."

"You have a reward of 50,000 yuan!"

"I, Chen Shu, have never been used to criminals in my life. Where are you now? I'll come out to find you!"

"..." Xie Sunan said speechlessly, "Why don't you let this Sichuan opera change your face?"

"How dare you call yourself a Nanjiang bandit, you clearly want to meet my Nanjiang bandit!"

Chen Shu got up, packed up, and left the community with his backpack.

Half an hour later, Xiafei intersection.

Xie Sunan is wearing a blue T-shirt and jeans, she looks extremely young, if you don't look at her face...

"Old Xie, you don't sell pork anymore?"

"Pork has been in a downturn recently, so I don't sell it anymore. Besides, I'm just a part-time job."

"Part-time butcher, to be honest, you are outrageous." Chen Shu patted him on the shoulder and said, "But you're not bad, I actually saw someone part-time as a mental patient last night."

"..." Xie Sunan said, "I'm a serious part-time job, okay?"

"Stop talking, let's take a look at the mission information."

Chen Shu nodded and took a booklet.

[Task Name]: Capture the Nanjiang Bandit.

【Task Difficulty】: None

[Task Content]: Recently, a Nanjiang thief appeared in Nanjiang City. He specialized in stealing the property of rich families. His methods of committing crimes were superb, and there were no clues at the scene. He stole millions of dollars of wealth. Arrested!

[Task reward]: 100,000 yuan

[Mission Difficulties]: 1: Without the basic information of the Nanjiang Bandit, even the gender cannot be judged. Two: Its method is weird, avoiding all monitoring, it may be the ability of using the contract spirit.

[Mission Tips]: It can be concluded that the Nanjiang Bandit is only one person, and there is no possibility of a gang fighting. Two: The level of the beast master will not be too high. Three: After committing the crime, the four words "robbing the rich and helping the poor" will be left on the scene, and it may be living in a slum.

"Beast Master?"

Chen Shu frowned slightly, his expression a little dignified.

"What's the matter?" Xie Sunan asked, although he was a beast master, but his combat power was almost zero, so he specifically found Chen Shu as a thug.

"If the criminal is a beast master, it will be tricky. Criminals are all cruel and unscrupulous in their actions, and their contract spirits are equally cruel and difficult to deal with."

"Can't it be done? I have already investigated the specific information." Xie Sunan frowned.

Chen Shu laughed and said, "I can do what others can do, and I can do what others can't!"

"I mean..." His tone paused, and he said, "We need to pay more!"

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