"What a coincidence?" Ellie was a little unconvinced.

Rand nodded: "I don't want to believe it either."

Ellie rolled her eyes: "I'll help you put on makeup. If you are recognized, it will be a big deal."

Now Ellie and Olena have completely trusted Rand. At least when faced with the situation that Rand might be the leader of the terrifying cult, they chose to believe Rand without hesitation.

They have known Rand for almost a year. It is clear what Rand wants to do during this time. A person like him cannot be the legendary leader of the terrifying cult who wants to turn the world into a hotbed.

Lysa, Olena and Elsa, who originally planned to watch Rand put on makeup casually, also came to help.

Lysa had recognized him a long time ago, and for Elsa, it didn't matter what Rand was.

As soon as Rand took out this wanted order, they realized the seriousness of the problem.

In fact, it was normal that I couldn't recognize Rand's face before. It's the same in modern times. Apart from the police, there are actually very few ordinary citizens who will carefully read the wanted posters to try to make a fortune.

Rand's name is well-known, but there are not many people who know what he looks like.

But I can't afford to gamble. After all, the name is the same. Although there are many people named Rand, if they look alike, it will be a big problem.

After everyone present finished their makeup, Rand led people to the Lord's Hall. At this time, Taner had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing that a group of people with different styles had become ordinary, Taner couldn't help but nodded, which was quite like his ability to disguise himself and sneak into the den.

Rand said: "I have a second layer of insurance."

Everyone present sat in their own seats. Now Elsa has officially joined the den and become a formal member of the den, so she also got her own seat in the Lord's Hall, sitting on the third seat on the right.

Everyone was listening attentively. Although they were very close in private, Rand's prestige was very high in a public place like the Lord's Hall.

Everyone believed in Rand's choice and was willing to obey Rand's will.

Rand sat on his stone lord's chair covered with animal skins and said, "We can pull the tiger skin of the Torch Church."

Hearing this, Taner, who was originally very calm, became a little restless.

Rand continued to analyze: "Taner's dress is very similar to the paladin of the Torch Church."

In fact, Rand suspected that Taner was a rebellious knight of the Torch Church, but he had no evidence.

Taner was already sweating. Although he believed that even if his identity was exposed now, Rand would choose to continue to trust him, but his vest was stripped, he still felt uncomfortable.

"So I think the nobles of the Frost Moon Kingdom also think so. Otherwise, there are many things about our strength that are difficult to explain, and our relationship with the White King is also difficult to explain."

Everyone fell into silence. Generally, only powerful earls are qualified to hire top-level professionals, and they may not really be able to hire them. Generally, only the royal family can control multiple top-level professionals.

However, in a small Crescent Territory, there are two top-level professionals and one suspected top-level professional.

Although Lisa would not take action under normal circumstances, it is still difficult to explain.

But if this is interpreted as the base of the Torch Church in the Northern Union, it is understandable.

There are many powerful people in the Torch Church. Maybe there is a cardinal in the Torch Church who wants to get a share of the Northern Union. This is completely explainable.

In peacetime, these nobles and royal families will definitely unite to resist the invasion of religious forces, but in the face of this upcoming civil war, they will definitely unite all the forces that can be united.

If we can really win the civil war, there will be a lot of extra fiefdoms and property, and we can give some to the people of the Torch Church.

"So we can completely disguise ourselves as the power of the Torch Church, for example, a bishop wants to find a way out for his illegitimate son?" Rand blinked.

Taner breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that it was just a coincidence. He was not exposed. Sure enough, his level of traitor was something that even a wise person like Rand's envoy could not see through.

Then Rand continued to speak: "Leave this matter to you, Taner. Do more disguises and let the people sent by the second prince believe that we are the people of the Torch Church, at least there is some relationship in it."

In fact, Rand can also use the tiger skin of the White King, but it is easy to do so. In the end, everything will be a wedding dress for the White King, and it is very likely that Ellie and Olenna will be put in danger.

The White King has many enemies outside. If he is targeted, Rand's cooperation with the White King may end early.

There is no such risk when using the tiger skin of the Torch Church.

Because the Torch Church will be destroyed sooner or later.

The reputation of the Torch Church is steadily declining, and it will soon lose its overwhelming influence on human countries, and will soon be out of reach of the hideout in the Frost Moon Kingdom.

At that time, Rand will have a lot of autonomy whether to continue to bully others or to change his flag.

When Taner heard this, he began to sweat again.

He always felt that Rand had something else to say, but he didn't dare to test it.

However, he was confident that he could do a good job of pretending to be related to the Torch Church, but he was a little worried that he would do it too well and be discovered.

He was not sure whether Rand really saw through his identity.

Chapter 78 Fried Chicken, Second Prince

The people in the Lord's Hall looked at the golden chicken legs that Rand took out of the pot, and they all moved their noses at the same time.

They knew that Rand's tongue was quite picky. Since the hideout became rich, Rand would add spices to the meat he ate every time. He also studied how to remove the fishy smell, although the effect was not very good.

The chicken was marinated with salt when Rand proposed it yesterday. Today, it was coated with flour and fried in a frying pan. When it was fried golden and crispy, it could be taken out.

The fragrance soon filled the Lord's Hall.

Although Ellie was very opposed at first in such a serious and ceremonial place as the Lord's Hall, now that the fried chicken was taken out, everyone's eyes were only on the fried chicken.

It can only be said that the person who invented fried chicken is really a legendary figure. Simple marinating and simple frying can make the ultimate delicacy that is popular all over the world.

Although in Rand's previous life, fried chicken could be added with more seasonings, now it is just a simple process, and the flavor will not be much worse.

Rand did not eat first, but gave everyone present a plate and put a few pieces of fried chicken on it.

Then everyone enjoyed the fried chicken together.

"How does it taste?" This sentence is not a question, because even Rand's picky tongue feels that the taste is still quite good.

At least it is much better than all the food he has eaten before.

"It's delicious." Ellie nodded, "The cost is not high. You can add this dish to the tavern in the holiday resort in the future. It will definitely sell well."

Rand did not think of using this to make money at first, but when he relaxed before, he thought about making something delicious, but he didn't think of it until before the expedition.

But now, the priority is still to consider the soldiers who are about to set off.

"I'm going to distribute some to the soldiers who are going to the expedition." After Rand finished his fried chicken, he wiped his mouth with a towel, "I'm going to go to the expedition soon, eat something good before fighting to the death."

If it was in the past, before meeting Rand, among these people in the Lord's Hall, Taner might be the only one who would care a little about the welfare of the soldiers.

But now, everyone present has seen the training of the army in the den and the occasional actual combat of suppressing bandits. The combat effectiveness is obvious to all. Facts have proved that Rand's training strategy is completely correct.

"There are not so many chickens in the den." Olenna said. As an adjutant, she knows more about the details of the den than Rand.

"Then cut some meat, at least everyone can taste it." Rand didn't care. The productivity is low now.

At the fried chicken meeting in the Lord's Hall, he only ate a chicken leg and two pieces of chicken. It was very good for his soldiers to taste the taste.

Keep a thought, as for wanting more, then exchange it for merits on the battlefield.

Before departure, Rand handed over the affairs of the den to Ses and Selai, and selected all the people absorbed from the God of Struggle's den for centralized management.

And because of the good relationship with the people in the Adventurer's Association, he also recruited a lot of adventurers with good strength to maintain law and order. As long as there are no large numbers of believers of the God of Struggle, there will be no trouble in the rear.


Perhaps because they are brothers-in-law and are relatively close, the second prince's camp is in the Black and Brown City of the Black and Brown Earl. However, since the return of the garrison in the North, the defense here has been more than doubled.

After Rand handed in the invitation letter from the Black and Brown Earl, he entered the Black and Brown City, and about 260 soldiers camped outside the city.

Taner's armor at this time was painted with a layer of white paint on the black paint, which looked a bit like the standard armor of the Paladin of the Torch Church, but not so much. God knows how much Taner has thought about it now.

Before the battle started, Taner felt exhausted. He finally experienced the feeling of being a ghost inside. He was obviously not a ghost now, but he still had to be nervous.

At first glance, there was nothing special. When entering the tent, there were only Taner and Rand, and everyone else was stopped outside.

However, they were not asked to remove their weapons. It was probably due to cultural reasons. People in the North would always wear their weapons.

The second prince is a young man who looks about 30 years old, but in this era of short life expectancy, he can be called middle-aged.

Generally speaking, small characters like Rand and Taner are not qualified to see the prince's level.

But since this is the Black and Brown City, and the Black and Brown Earl still highly respects the Feng Rang Mercenary Group, and the second prince has also heard about the previous battle against the Green Leaf Marquis's mercenaries across the stream.

Therefore, the second prince also wants to meet Taner, who is suspected to be the top professional, and Rand, the actual controller of the Crescent Territory.

There are many people in the big tent. Rand can tell who is the Black and Brown Earl. As for the others, the half-baked heraldry that Rand just learned on the way here is not enough for him to tell who is who.

Fortunately, none of the nobles in these tents came to say hello, and there were almost no low-level nobles present, and even the duke was present.

When they met the second prince, Rand and Taner both bowed. This was the good thing about the aristocracy. Once they were recognized, they were no longer commoners. When a small baron met the king, he only had to follow the standard aristocratic etiquette instead of bowing.

When the second prince saw Taner coming over, he asked a few questions about marching and war, and Taner, who had the "Reference", naturally answered them fluently.

Then he asked Rand several questions about the source of soldiers and military management. Rand answered them one by one without hiding his shortcomings, except that he did not put forward a theory that was too epoch-making.

Rand actually did not understand military strategy, and could not recite all the Thirty-Six Stratagems, but he was still very familiar with the war ideas of his ancestors.

Then the Second Prince asked Rand and Taner to sit in on the war meeting.

This was a very good signal, because the military strength of a Crescent Territory was not enough for Rand and Taner to stand here and sit in.

Since they agreed to sit in on the war strategy sent by the Second Prince, it meant that they would be assigned sufficiently important tasks and given surplus troops.

Just like when Taner faced the Green Leaf Marquis's mercenary group before, due to his excellent command ability, the Feng Rang mercenary group did not have to rush to the front line like those ordinary mercenaries. Although the mission was still very dangerous, it was much better than being cannon fodder.

This is also the reason why Rand and Taner did not hide their incompetence when facing the second prince. If they really hide their incompetence, people will think you are nothing special and assign you to be cannon fodder, and that's it.

In fact, it is also a consensus among the nobles to assign command tasks to people with excellent command ability. The nobility is hereditary. Some nobles are good at internal affairs, and some nobles are good at personal bravery. But when it comes to war, no matter what you are good at, you have to go to the battlefield.

Therefore, many nobles will hand over their troops to people who are good at command. In this way, not only will the loss be smaller than commanding by themselves, but it can also reduce a lot of energy consumption. And some of them who are good at personal bravery can prove their glory on the battlefield.

And those who are not good at bravery can also mix in the large army to reduce the probability of death.

Chapter 79 Strategy, Position, Provocation

The strategy sent by the second prince sounded okay, and Rand did not pretend to know it and make comments.

He knew that some military theories were already well learned in the military training knowledge class in college. It would be a joke to talk about the strategy of the medieval magic world.

The strategy of the Second Prince's faction is very simple. They rely on the faction of the Third Prince to gather all their forces together and slowly crush the enemy, thus perfectly avoiding the possibility of being defeated one by one.

The Second Prince himself will also follow the army, instead of staying in the rear to avoid being attacked by the enemy.

If the Second Prince is lost, the legal basis of this war of kingship will be over. Rand knows very well that the Second Prince is protected by multiple top professionals and has an elite knight group.

It is estimated that the Third Prince is also the same, otherwise the assassination would have started long ago.

Mutual oppression and consumption are not as efficient as directly destroying the king of the opposite side. However, there is no hope of doing so at present.

However, although the forces are concentrated in one place, there are also different corps divided and commanded, that is, a pyramid command structure from top to bottom, otherwise everyone will be in unified command and it will be a mess.

The Second Prince's faction has a total of eleven powerful earls and a grand duke. The Second Prince himself also has actual fiefdoms, which is almost an earl.

The title of Marquis is mostly an honorary position in the Frost Moon Kingdom, and the specific strength is not much different from that of the Earl, so it is also considered an Earl in the war.

The Third Prince's faction consists of ten powerful Earls and one Grand Duke.

The strength of both sides is actually not much different. In the Frost Moon Kingdom, the population of a standard baron territory is at the level of thousands, about two to three thousand to four to five thousand people, and the population of a standard earl territory is at the level of ten thousand, basically around 60,000 people.

A powerful Earl will be divided into about 8 to 10 barons.

In short, the military strength of both sides in this civil war is the strength of several thousand cavalry and tens of thousands of infantry.

The Second Prince's faction divided the army into 5 corps, each corps of 5,000 people, with 500 cavalry, and the extra people are the other Second Prince's direct corps, which can be regarded as a reserve and fire brigade, and do not participate in the formal war.

The Black and Brown Earl became the commander of the 5th Corps because of his good record in previous local conflicts and his brother-in-law with the Second Prince.

One of the adjutants was another earl in the legion, and the other one was beyond everyone's expectations, this person was Rand.

And in terms of military force distribution, at least during the march, Rand was authorized to command a standard infantry regiment of 5,000 people plus 1,000 mercenaries, a total of 6,000 people. Many small and medium nobles such as viscounts and barons were also assigned to Rand.

Another earl and the black and brown earl himself, plus some of the remaining more courageous small nobles were all in the cavalry. It seemed that there were 500 standard cavalry, but in fact, with some private goods of the nobles, it was normal for a cavalry regiment to have 600 or 700 people.

Such a heavy task made Rand sweat profusely. He didn't know that he was so capable and could command so many people?

To be honest, in his previous life, Rand was the highest official he had ever been, a squad leader, managing a class of more than 30 people, which sometimes made him overwhelmed. After crossing over, he only managed a Crescent Territory with a population of several thousand.

But Crescent Moon Territory is easy to manage, and the villagers are mostly self-sufficient. As long as he doesn't cause trouble, the villagers themselves don't have much trouble. The main troubles are concentrated in the hideout.

Because he has a high reputation in the hideout, it feels like a sage dictatorship, playing a simulation business game, it is not very difficult. The Adventurer Association also helps manage the affairs of the resort villa.

But now being the commander of a 6,000-man legion is indeed a bit beyond his ability.

It was also obvious that this made many viscounts and barons assigned to this legion dissatisfied. Rand had no reputation before, and the most famous event was just Taner's conflict with Marquis Greenleaf.

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