Rand originally thought that this elf was just passing by, but for some reason, she still stared at him whipping the minotaur after waiting for a long time.

She also shook her body from time to time. Did she think he was too bad, feel angry, and want to punish him?

Rand looked back at Taner who was studying doctrine nearby. He felt that he was annoying before, but now he felt relieved.

It's impossible that any elf can beat such a powerful paladin?

It's impossible!

Chapter 7 On how cultists stay hidden during war

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?" Although this elf was always peeping from behind and it was not polite, Rand still planned to try to persuade her to leave with his mouth.

"Damn it." The cherry lips under the pointed ear hood opened slightly, and the crisp voice said angrily: "I was discovered by you!"

There are already many outrageous things in this world, so Rand was too lazy to complain about how this elf, who had half of his body exposed, dared to use the word "actually" to describe being discovered.

Isn't it obvious that he was exposed on purpose?

"No offense..." Rand continued.

"Hehe." The hood fell off, revealing a delicate face as expected. "Evil human, I have seen through your evil desire to catch me and whip me like a beast! Stop pretending, come on!"

"?" And aren't elves with white hair and golden eyes a rare species? They can actually go out alone without an elf. Aren't they afraid of being caught and used as Star Fury?

When Rand was stunned, the elf rushed forward and attacked.

Taner had naturally prepared for it, but he didn't expect to be so lucky. He got the third chance to show himself in just a few days!

Taner was closer to Rand and had prepared for it. He rushed to Rand first and blocked the elf.

The greatsword passed across, and the elf jumped up lightly, pulled the bowstring lightly, and several arrows shot out.

But they were separated by the small shield embedded in the back of Taner's hand.

The short confrontation allowed both sides to understand each other's strength level.

Evenly matched opponents!

The elf felt that she had a good chance of winning, but she was not here to win.

If she really won, she would not be caught, which would be embarrassing.

But losing to the Paladin, this righteous psychopath made her have no desire to be caught. It seems that she needs to find another way to be defeated by this sadist.

I didn't expect that this small village would be protected by the Paladin. Now it seems that I have to think about it in the long run.

She took a few steps back: "Damn, the little human is so powerful. I will let you go this time, but I will come again!"

As she said that, she ran away with light steps. At least Taner, who was fully armored, had no chance to catch up.

Inexplicably psychopathic elves, but there is no good solution at present.

Rand rubbed his eyebrows with a headache and motioned to Shasa, who was watching the battle, to continue his work.

At this time, Shasa was a little trembling. Any elf who came out of nowhere actually had such fighting power.

Sure enough, the previous guess was correct. The races on the surface were really powerful.

Now Shasa is going to become a sinner in the Underdark. She resolutely went through the temporary portal to the surface. She had no choice but to go back to the underground. In fact, there was another important reason. She still had a way to go back underground.

But she was caught by the village chief Rand. It is obvious that the leader of this human village will lead his villagers to attack the underground world sooner or later. At that time, Shasa may be nailed to the historical pillar of shame of the Tauren.

The first shameless, dignified and honorless guide Tauren in history - Shasa.

It's a bit shameful to think about it, but it's all for the continuation of the tribe. Maybe Rand will give the Tauren race a place to live because of Shasa's leading the way.

Thinking about it this way, she may still be the savior of the Tauren tribe.

On the other hand, since most of the labor tasks were done by the Tauren, most of the cultists and bandits were able to join the slingshot training part-time.

Unfortunately, there is no extra money to buy weapons and armor now, otherwise the combat effectiveness of the 27-man regular army would be quite good.

It is even enough to threaten some weak barons.

"Lord God! The Southern Kingdom may come to collect taxes." The speaker was Serai, and next to him stood Sers. Because they were relatively smart, they were assigned the task of communicating with other villages.


"We learned about this when we went to other villages to exchange supplies."

After experiencing the malicious price increase and robbery last time, the trading objects of the den were temporarily changed to villages near the town.

The area they are now in belongs to a baron's territory. The previous town is actually just a larger village, but the baron's residence still has a castle and trenches.

A baron will probably directly govern five or six villages and then enfeoff five or six villages to his knights.

It constitutes a structure such as baron territory-knight territory.

The Kingdom of Lensa attacked, broke through the Baron's castle, and looted it, but only the villages under the jurisdiction of a few knights were looted, and those directly under the Baron were taken over.

But their hideout in the ravine has not been affected much. Now it is probably because of the increased activities that have attracted attention.

Whether it was going to the town to make farm tools and buy seeds, or exchanging materials and buying bread in other villages, traces were left to a certain extent.

It was just strange that this group of cultists could sacrifice people from time to time without being discovered.

It felt like they were being kept hostile.

It could also be that transportation was inconvenient in this era, or that the original baron was incompetent and did not conduct population census, making it difficult to be discovered.

"Let's prepare." Rand sighed. If a tax was collected, life would probably be very difficult.

Although Fugotaner had a lot of money, it was still difficult to maintain the long-term expenses of 29 humans and 8 tauren here. Although Rand also arranged for them to hunt wild animals to supplement food consumption, or plant some short-cycle crops as exchange materials.

But before the first batch of wheat was planted, it was still not enough to make ends meet.

This place belongs to the territory of the Northern Union, but it is at the junction of the north and the south, so it has not yet reached the point where oats and rye, which are more cold-resistant, are needed.

At present, he, a cultist envoy, has no claims, and his combat effectiveness is also very weak. If he conflicts with the human kingdom, he will probably be destroyed soon.

I guess I have to pay taxes.

But this may not be without room for maneuver.

Since taxes have never been paid here, and the army of the Kingdom of Lunsa defeated the original baron, the probability that the nobles who now manage this barony know how many people there are here is very low.

In other words, as long as the village is made to look like a place that is tasteless and a pity to abandon, those nobles will not be able to collect taxes.

Rand walked to a higher place in the village, to be precise, on Taner's shoulders, and looked at the whole picture of the village.

This place has changed from when Rand first came here. At least there is no random pile of feces on the roadside, and the main road is paved with gravel to prevent it from being too muddy and difficult to move on rainy days. Not far away, the original wasteland has been reclaimed.

This is already a high-quality asset, which is definitely not possible.

It seems that we can only build another village somewhere else, so that it can also be used as an outpost to observe the current situation of the human kingdom.

The first North-South conflict will be mediated soon, and when the war subsides, taxes will probably be collected again.

This is completely unacceptable.

Fortunately, now that the minotaurs have joined the production, it is theoretically very fast to quickly build a simple village somewhere else.

I just hope that the noble tax collectors will not come too quickly.

Chapter 8 Minotaur Civil Engineering! You are trustworthy!

In the west of the hideout, relatively close to the nearby village, Rand held a whip in his hand and asked the minotaurs to pile the wood in the designated location.

The minotaurs now can understand simple instructions, and Rand's whip will also make them understand what they don't understand.

The most basic thatched house is very easy to build as long as the bracket is set up.

Tie the tops of three pieces of wood with ropes, and then stretch them out to form a triangle.

Divide the thatch into equal parts and tie them to the grid crossbeams with ropes.

Then just cover the roof on the bracket.

Since the village to be imitated is poor and can't make much money, there is no need to repair the road, and the furniture can be placed casually. There are only two chickens in the corral.

Then drag some livestock manure to the road to imitate the peculiar smell of the primitive village, and it's done.

Rand straightened his back and inspected the newly built small den.

In order to prevent the tax collector from carrying ritual objects to fight against pagans, it is possible that the tax collector brought some ritual objects from the church. If he really brought ritual objects, it is likely that this is a den of cultists.

Therefore, all the robbers who came to disguise as villagers were arranged. They were ordinary villagers. They were not good at being robbers, but they were very skilled at being villagers.

After being arranged, they quickly got into the role, feeding chickens and gardening.

It is really not worth the loss to really get a field to grow wheat like the den, but in order to ensure the atmosphere of life, some basic production facilities must be prepared.

These skilled villagers quickly made up for Rand's lack of knowledge in related aspects.

Rand was with Taner at this time. Since that time, although he felt that the elf was weird, it might not really have any malice towards him.

But if he really said frankly that he didn't avoid it because he was not afraid, then he was still afraid.

The ranger who was as powerful as Taner in the first expansion pack should not be an unknown person in theory, but he could only recognize the most famous elves, and the rest were completely unknown.

Now Rand hated why he was a cloud player. If he had studied the game hard, he might have hugged the Holy Lady of the Church on his left and the Elf Queen on his right.

Damn, Rand also read novels before he crossed over. Now he envied those who knew the details of the game and could pass it quickly, instead of waiting for the tax collector to come and collect taxes.

At this time, the elf who had escaped before stood in the bushes and watched Rand from a distance, wearing a green camouflage. No one passing by could find this master of disguise in the bushes.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Rand indignantly.

She would never let this sadist go. Such an evil person would definitely receive her righteous punishment!

But the paladin always stood not far away, so that she could not find a chance to be alone with Rand and criticize him verbally.

But she was very patient, believing that as long as she kept watching, this sadist named Rand would always reveal his flaws.

Naturally, the first target of the noble tax collector was not Rand's lair.

These occupiers could not confirm the location of Rand's hideout. If it were not for the nobles' request, the tax collectors might not be willing to come to their valley to see if it was profitable.

Three days after Rand built the second den, three well-dressed men riding tall horses appeared in the village closest to the den, Takina Village.

This is a large village with a population of thirty households. It is at least much stronger than the den in terms of size. It grows flax and wheat.

Although it is not as tidy as the den, it is still a flat land and the houses look like it.

There are also a lot of normal livestock that are very rare in the den, such as some cows and horses.

Seeing the arrival of the horseman, the village was bustling for a while, and then a relatively respectable elderly man stood out.

To say that he was relatively respectable, in fact, he only had a pair of decent boots, and otherwise he was just like any other villager.

He rubbed his chapped hands with some sadness, bowed his head and made a vague courtesy to the tax collector: "Excuse me, sir, what can I do for you?"

The tax collector sitting on his tall horse dropped a sign to identify himself: "I think you are ready for this quarter's ground rent?"

"But, but." The middle-aged villager lowered his head, "Didn't you collect land rent before?"

The tax collector ignored this. Of course he knew that the original lord here had collected tax once, but that didn't mean they couldn't collect it again.

After all, these villagers did not receive the land rent they paid last time.

It doesn't matter what these villagers think. If the tax is not collected and the lord becomes unhappy, then something will really happen.

Knowing it was inevitable, the villager murmured twice, bent even lower, and tried to fight for it again: "We, we really can't afford to pay another batch of land rent, can we give it a period of grace?"

The tax collector laughed. In his opinion, this village was still far from being squeezed dry. It was not his first year as a tax collector and he had never seen anything. This old guy was pretending to be poor here, and it was completely hidden from his eyes.

"What, you want to disobey the lord's will?" the tax collector said, "The lord has given the order, and there can be no delay."

After saying that, he waved his whip, drove the horses to push past the old villager, and entered the village with his two deputies.

This village does not look very poor, at least the faces of the villagers are much healthier than those of the cultists before they were funded by the Paladin.

But before the war began, their land rent was collected once by the original lord, and there was not much leftover food at this time.

The lord is very free to collect taxes on the village. How much he collects depends on how much he wants to collect.

But generally speaking, the vast majority of lords know not to fish all the water, but at this time, the Lensa nobles who stay here do not need to consider this.

After the war, the territory is really divided, and the probability of giving this place to them is very low.

While the situation is still unclear, it is most profitable to search first. There is no need to think so far ahead about the future.

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