Is President Lu Bankrupt Today?

Chapter 1011: This kid is too cute!

Cen Xi looked at Shangluo busyly: "Is what he said true?" The Love of Allure "is" The Great Monk "? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Did I not say it?" Shangluo looked at Cen Xi with a pretense of "confusing", "Should I say that? I'm sure I won't forget to say such an important thing. I must have said it because you don't remember it." "

Cen Xi: "You never said that!"

This is Lu's film, how could she pick it up!

Does n’t the next film mean to have contact with Lu Jingye again?

No, no, no!

Cen Xi turned around and was ready to leave, being pulled by Shangluo: "Everyone is here, the director is inside, the contract is signed, where else can you run? The breach of contract is to lose money!"

"Contract? When did I sign the contract?" Cen Xi blinked his eyes, looking puzzled.

Shangluo said: "Yesterday, I gave it to you. You signed it without saying anything."

Cen Xi: "???"

It seems that this is the case.

However, she thought it was a studio file. After all, she was the studio's owner, and she had a lot of documents to approve every day.

When he learned that the breach of contract amounted to 50 million yuan, Cen Xi's enthusiasm for seeing the director immediately rose.

It's just a film of Lu's film industry, and it's not acting with Lu Jingying. Don't worry, don't suggest it!

After seeing the director and talking about the script, the director expressed his satisfaction with Cen Xi, thinking that Cen Xi's understanding of the script and the angle "color" is very deep, and he must be able to complete the script very well.

The chat lasted for two hours, and then Cen Xi heard someone tell the director that in the evening, investor Lu always had dinner with the director and brought two starring actors together.

Cen Xi originally wanted to find an excuse, but the director did not give her the opportunity.

The director has other actors to meet, so let Cen Xi take a rest in the next room and go to dinner together in the evening. When Cen Xi arrived in the next room, there was no one else in the room. There was only a child about two or three years old sitting on the sofa, eating a lollipop in his hand. Qiankun Listening Book Network> Cen Xi approached, sat down on the sofa, glanced at the little doll, wearing a pink "color" dress, with two small crickets tied on his head, "milk" cute "milk" Cute, eyes are like black grapes, glittering wafers are slippery, anyway, they look great.

Is this the cast member?

This is too cute, right?

Seems to pinch her little face!

The child "licked" the lollipop twice, and looked over at Cenxi, smiling at Cingxi Yingying.

Ahhhh, so cute, so cute!

"Children, how old are you?" Cen Xi looked at the little girl with a smile and asked.

Seeing this little child, Cen Xi thought of a little lucky bag, and mother love suddenly flooded.

The child blinked his big eyes and thought about crooked his head. A "1" came out of Cenxi, which means one year old.

Cen Xi: "???"

One year old?

Afraid children are not a bit silly!

Is this at least three years old?

A one-year-old child has just learned to walk. He can't talk much, and it won't be that big!

Her little lucky bag is one year old. She hasn't seen it in three months, and I don't know if she has learned to walk now!

Damn the elder, she was not allowed to see the little lucky bag for three months!


"Why are you here alone? Where is your grown-up?" Cen Xi looked at the child and asked again.

"You have so many questions!" Said the child, looking at Cen Xi. "It doesn't look smart."

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