Is President Lu Bankrupt Today?

Chapter 1079: Don't you want a baby?

The assistant nodded. He also thought that the child was very talented, so he paid attention to it early in the morning.

This little kid was in charge of the show himself, and he came all by himself, not an adult.

Children can endure hardships. The only requirement is that they be paid on the same day and settled in cash.

The assistant always felt that the child was very poor, so he would be paid a little extra. Generally, for such small group performances, the salary is one hundred and fifty days a day, and the one he gives to delusion is one hundred and eighteen days a day.

The filming is over, and there is the next one.

Because we have to set up the scene temporarily, we can have a little break in the middle.

Standing up deliberately, he was going to drink some water, looked back, and found that Xiaofubag was still crying.

Thinking deliberately, he walked back, crouched in front of Xiaofu Bag, looked at her, and said, "What else are you crying for? It's over."

"Doesn't Wangwang brother like little babies?" Xiaofu Bag looked at the delirium aggrievedly.

Delirious: "?????"

"When did I say I don't like you?" Delusion was a little speechless.

"Brother Want Wants Baby."

Xiaofubag's poor little eyes looked very delirious.

Delirious: "..." He was there to hurry up after the filming. Everyone waited for a long time, and then waited for time to be wasted, and everyone would end up late.

"Why doesn't Wangwang brother like little babies?" Xiaofu bag looked at him deliberately. "Isn't babies cute?"

"I don't dislike you," Shen said helplessly. "I apologize to you. I was wrong, I'm sorry."

Xiaofu bag Nunu's mouth, stretched out his deliberate clothes, and said, "Does Wangwang Brother like a baby?"

He deliberately pursed his lips and looked at Xiaofu Bag and said nothing. "Does Wangwang brother like little babies?" Xiaofu bag pulled his deliberate clothes again, although he was no longer crying, but there were still tears in his eyes. Coupled with her aggrieved little eyes, she couldn't ignore her delusion.

I had to say: "I like it, I like you."

"You don't cry any more." After deliberately speaking, he reached out and handed it to Xiaofu Bag, and said, "I'll take you to buy candy to eat. Don't cry."

Xiaofu bag smiled sweetly, nodded, and handed the small hand to delusion, and then the force of delusion stood up.

Shaking his head helplessly, he left Xiaofu Bag.

Cen Xi kept watching and did not step forward, until Xiaofu Bag was taken away by deliberate, Cen Xi was still wondering.

Where did the stinky kid come out, dare to fight her daughter's idea, don't you want to live?

The point is, the stink looks handsome!

Although the smelly boy ’s face is dark, she has seen the essence of his face through the boy ’s facial features. When he grows up, it must be a scourge that is not inferior to Lu Dog.

Cen Xi thought about it and watched it.

Want to see what these two little guys are going to do.

Deliberately brought Xiaofu Bag to a small supermarket, bought two lollipops, and gave both to Xiaofu Bag. "No, here you are."

Xiaofu bag took the lollipop happily. She stopped when she passed the ice cream cabinet, her eyes were eager to look at the ice cream in the ice cream cabinet.

"Want to eat?" Shen asked deliberately.

Xiaofu bag nodded and pointed to the torch-like cone which looks the best. "Little baby wants to eat this."

Deliriously pointing at the cone, the clerk asked, "How much is this?"

The clerk said, "Fifteen dollars."

Fifteen dollars!

The color of his delirious face changed slightly. For him, fifteen yuan for an ice cream was really too expensive.

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