Is President Lu Bankrupt Today?

Chapter 764: This Yao Wei is mentally handicapped!

"What do you mean you can't see?" Chen Hong said, "It's your own reluctance to record. I can't stop broadcasting this program for you, right? Of course, find someone to come and save the scene. Is there any problem?"

"Is there anything wrong?" Yao Wei angered. "Have I ever stopped recording? We signed the contract. Are you not afraid that I will sue you for breach of contract?"

"Yao Wei, did you read the terms of the contract carefully when you signed the contract?" Chen Hong was about to be laughed at by Yao Wei. "Now you are going to pray that our show team will not sue you for breach of contract. Let you compensate for liquidated damages. "

Chen Hong was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yao Wei and said directly to a staff member: "Now Weibo announces that Yao Wei will withdraw from the" Performer "program recording."

"You!" Yao Wei was so angry that she turned pale. "Chen Hong, this is the communique's personal revenge."

After hearing Yao Wei's words, everyone looked at each other. If you look at me, I look at you, and you dare not speak.

Because of this reminder, everyone remembers, isn't Yao Wei's current husband Chen Hong's ex-boyfriend?

Seems like Chen Yidong, chairman of the Chen An Group.

And I heard a lot of entertainment gossips. At the time, Chen Hong and Chen Yidong were going to get married. Even the wedding day was set, but one month before the wedding, the two suddenly announced a breakup. Not long after, Chen Yidong and Yao Wei got married, and soon Yao Wei gave birth to a child.

In countless days, Yao Wei should have been pregnant before Chen Yidong and Chen Hong broke up.

So even if this matter is not exposed, anyone who knows it understands what is going on.

It was nothing more than three interventions, driving away his ex and becoming the story of the current incumbent.

This matter has passed two or three years, and everyone has slowly forgotten it, but now it is mentioned by Yao Wei, everyone remembers the previous things, and each Rao expression has become a little weird.

Looking at Yao Wei's eyes was more like looking at an intellectual disability.

I've seen Dang San so arrogant.

This incident was because she was wrong, and she didn't make sense at all, so why bother talking about Chen Hong and Chen Yidong?

It is enough to be shameless.

Chen Hong originally did not intend to compare with Yao Wei, but Yao Wei was so excited that she was shaking with anger.

"Yao Wei, this is my place. Who do you think you are?" Chen Hong said, "I didn't want to get into trouble this time, but if you have to mess around here, don't blame me."

"I am just posting a Weibo to save your face and tell everyone that you just quit the show because of the problem you announced and you could n’t arrange it." Chen Hong looked at Yao Wei. "But if you do n’t see it, take it, I Tell everyone what you have done well, and let everyone comment to see who is responsible for this matter. "

"You!" Yao Wei nodded, pointing at Chen Hong, saying, "Okay, good. I don't want to show whoever participates in this show. As long as it's your show, you're asking me to come and I won't come." . "

Chen Hong gave a cold cry: "Well, don't send it."

The audience in front of the stage did not know what happened in the background. They only saw Yao Wei coming in and leaving, and the final performer became Cen Xi, and they were guessing what happened.

However, the performance of Cen Xi was very amazing in the end, so the audience quickly forgot that part, and the final recording of the show was smooth.

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