Is President Lu Bankrupt Today?

Chapter 812: This hot search is endless!

After being depressed for a while, looking at Cen Xi in her arms, she had already breathed evenly, and she fell asleep sweetly.

Lu Jingyi smiled helplessly, adjusted his posture of holding Cen Xi, and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

It was still the same as yesterday. When Cen Xi woke up, Lu Jingying had already gone to the company.

When Cen Xi got up, the first thing he was awake was to find a cell phone.

I forgot to charge it last night, so that her mobile phone was out of power after carrying it for a day, so she could only charge the mobile phone with a charger.

Come out after washing, can't wait to turn on the machine, and then open Weibo.

Want to see if hot search is down.

Cen Xi has been praying in his heart. Do n’t go on the hot search again. Do n’t go on the hot search again ...


In the first second of seeing the hot search list, Cen Xi froze.

The second second, thunderstorm!

Lying down?

What happened?

# Belongs to brook's **** fairy love #

#New Year's Eve True Love God Fairy Clips #

# 岑溪 的 cp 体质 #

# Surprisecp 永不 倒 #

# 小 福袋 #

This stepping horse ... is there endless?

Why is it that one day has passed and a new day has been brought about? These hot searches are still there? No!

It's not yesterday's hot search, it has been replaced by a new batch of hot search, but obviously it's yesterday's thing!

Cen Xi opened every hot search and glanced.

She really wanted to kneel to netizens.

Yesterday, the "Yes" blogger wrote two short stories about her and Lin Mushen and Chu Fei. The novel has already read 50w + on Weibo. After the novel was on fire, the video gangsters started to move. They didn't know where they found so many video materials. They cut those materials into a complete video and restored the story of the novel.

Cen Xi opened the video and glanced.

Basically, they are cut out from the dramas, advertisements, and some publicity they have shot, and they are pieced together after being edited by God.


The first video is the story of her and Lin Mushen.

As soon as the video was opened, Cen Xi was kneeling again, and there was still a voice acting?

The voice-over is not necessary. Ta Ma actually sounds like her and Lin Mushen. She almost thought that was what she said!

"Do you believe in love at first sight? After I met you, I knew that it was how I felt for someone!"

"I know I can't give you enough security yet, but I'm willing to climb that peak for you."

"When I reach the top, you will be mine."

Hearing Lin Mushen's voice, Cen Xi felt that his goosebumps were coming out.

The second video is the story between her and Chu Fei, which also completely restored the short story.

Cen Xi opened his eyes and couldn't stand it, it was poisonous!

These two videos were dubbed by the big guys in the dubbing circle, and several big guys also reposted them, so as soon as the video came out, it was turned crazy, immediately went to hot search, and then never went on. Already.

Not only that, but the Weibo with "Yes One Heart" went up by more than 100,000 fans in the evening. The messages below her Weibo were all seeking to write a few more novels to satisfy the humble wish of cp fan.

Then Cen Xi saw the message and someone asked: Is n’t surprise cp without a name? Surprise cp's novels?

The "is one-hearted" replied immediately: Surprise cp don't need to read novels, they already live like the novels. To surprise surprise cp's sugar can be ridden at any time, where can I use to write it? !!

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