Is President Lu Bankrupt Today?

Chapter 856: Cen Xi is gone!

As soon as I arrived at the hotel and checked in, Qin Beizhou received a call from Lu Jingying telling him that Cen Xi was gone.

"Gone? What does it mean?" Qin Beizhou asked on the phone. "Aren't you always with her?"

"I went to the study to pick up a work phone call, and she never disappeared," Lu Jingxi said. "I called her and found that she didn't take her cell phone out."

Lu Jingying's tone was a little anxious: "I watched the surveillance video at the door. She went out half an hour ago and never returned after going out."

"Are you looking for Qin Xiyuan?" Qin Beizhou asked, frowning.

Lu Jingying glanced at Qin Xiyuan sitting on the sofa with a slight annoyance and said, "I'm here with Qin Xiyuan now, and he said that he hadn't seen Cen Xi."

Qin Beizhou took a deep breath and said; "You wait, I'm here now."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Jingdi glanced at Qin Xiyuan again.

"Don't look at me," Qin Xiyuan said slightly, "This time it really has nothing to do with me."

"I swear, I haven't gone out since two o'clock." Qin Xiyuan gestured with a swear, and said, "I don't believe you go to monitor and see if I can go out."

"You Qin Xiyuan want to kidnap someone, don't you need to do it by yourself?" Lu Jingying was dark and looked at Qin Xiyuan. "Where is Cenxi in the end? Qin Xiyuan, don't play tricks with me."

"No, Mr. Lu, I know that my credibility with you may not be good here, but, no matter whether you believe it or not, I don't bother to lie and lie to you." Qin Xiyuan stood up, looking at Lu Jingying, saying, "I said, I haven't seen Cen Xi again, and the disappearance of Cen Xi has nothing to do with me. If you are free, you can talk to me here. It is better to find a way to find someone, so as not to delay time."

After speaking, Qin Xiyuan paused, and said, "Maybe you might look back next door now, Cen Xi is back."

Lu Jingying raised his hand and ordered Qin Xiyuan, "You better tell me the truth."

Then turned away. Qin Xiyuan thought about it, took the phone, and followed it up.

Back at the villa, Lu Jingyi looked up and down again, no one.

Cen Xi did not return.

Where can she go ...

It's been over an hour.

Lu Jingying could not describe how anxious he is now.

Qin Xiyuan's eyebrows also frowned. Is something really wrong?

"I'll ask you again, what exactly did you do?" Lu Jingxuan was out of control, grabbing Qin Xiyuan's collar directly, and pinned him to the wall.

"I said that it wasn't me. How many times do you have to let me say?" Qin Xiyuan grabbed Lu Jingying's hand and said, "The most important thing now is to find someone quickly. It doesn't make sense for you to entangle with me here. "

When the two confronted each other, Qin Beizhou came over.

The Venus Hotel is right next to the Beichen Villa District. He asked the hotel to drive him over and arrived soon.

The door was open, and at a glance he saw two people entangled in the porch, almost hitting each other.

Qin Beizhou stepped forward and separated the two.

"Come calm down for me!" Qin Beizhou sighed, looked at Qin Xiyuan, and asked in cold voice, "I'll ask you if this matter has anything to do with you."

Qin Xiyuan sorted out his suit and replied coldly: "No! Believe it or not!"

After looking at Qin Xiyuan, Qin Beizhou said to Lu Jing: "He said no, it should not be him."

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