Is President Lu Bankrupt Today?

Chapter 875: Monk without feelings!

Cen Xi cried with tears and snot, "Woohoo ..."

"Donor, you acknowledged the wrong person." The monk opened his clear eyes and looked at Cen Xi, the expression on his face remained unchanged.

"I didn't admit it." Cen Xi reached out and squeezed the monk's face. "Although you have no hair, your face is still this face. This is in my dream. I must have dreamed of Lu dog. There is something wrong, you are Lu Jingying. You were a prince last time. How did you become a monk this time ... "

This dream is really enough for her taste!

"The poor monk's empty scene." The empty scene said, "the person in the donor's mouth will not be known, the poor monk never knew the donor."

"Empty scene?" Cen Xi looked at the monk in a serious manner, but she was really pretty, she bit her lower lip and said, "Are you really a monk? Do you ... don't you know me?"

"I don't know." Kong Jing said, closed his eyes, and continued to meditate, ignoring Cen Xi directly.

Cen Xi thought, anyway, she didn't know when to wake up, it would be better to follow this dream and see what would happen.

"Hey, monk, my name is Cenxi. I know you?" Cenxi sat down in front of the sky and said, "How old are you? Why are you here in the wilderness? Are you spending the night here today? Oh, By the way, do you have any food? I ran for a day and did n’t eat anything. I was a bit hungry. "

Cen Xi said a lot of things on her own, but Kongjing was totally inaudible and did not respond.

Cen Xi: "..."

This monk is almost more wood than the previous Lu Jingyu, right, it is just a stinky and hard stone!

Cen Xi thought of Shangluo's previous evaluation of Lu Jingyu, a monk without feelings.


Cen Xi couldn't help laughing, now that after encountering the true monk's version of Lu Jingyu, Cen Xi felt that Lu Jingyi was even more adorable than this stinky monk even if he had no love roots.

When Lu Jinglian had no love roots, she would not turn her aside like this, at most it was that the steel was a little straight. Now this empty monk is really ...

This is a robot without emotion ...

Probably this empty scene is really too much like Lu Jingxuan. Cen Xi suddenly became ridiculous and picked up a small branch on the ground to poke the monk's chest.

At first, Kong Jing's brows were still frowning, but soon, he didn't even have the slight reaction of frowning. Even if Cen Xi poked him with a tree branch, he was not moved, and his eyelashes didn't flutter.

Cen Xi was dissatisfied and picked up another straw. After getting closer, he made the monk's nose with straw.

I thought to myself, there must be some reaction now, right?

But in the end the monk was still very calm and had no response at all.


Can this be held back?

The monk Taoxing is very deep!

"Hey! Monk, you ..." When Cen Xi was about to say something, Kong Jing's eyes suddenly opened, and a flash of Lingguang flashed, perhaps too cold, and startled Cen Xi.

Before waiting for Cen Xi to react, the empty scene rose up. He grabbed Cen Xi's waist with one hand, turned around, and threw Cen Xi behind himself. He didn't know when an additional staff was in his hand, and he drove the staff. Blocked the white light that suddenly came in.

Cen Xi was stunned.

Well, this special effect is too real for Nima!

Only then did Cen Xi react, the two old monsters who just chased her came after him.

The monk looked so good. It seemed that she was saved and no longer had to run.


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