"Black Moon Bracer

Level: Epic

Limit: Beast Rider

Attack: 739

Defense: 876


Skill: [Moonlight: Active Skill, a moonlight appears after urging, continuously restores the blue amount of the beast, and generates a moonlight shield for it at the same time.

"Exclusive equipment for the Beast Master?" Seeing this equipment, Xiao Ya was also stunned.

Because of this kind of equipment, they have never heard of it, even if the Xiao family has the largest trading house in Huaxia, they have never heard of it.

Moreover, this kind of equipment has not appeared in Shenzhou in the past.

"Interesting." Xu Tian yawned, no matter why he had this kind of equipment, it was exclusive to him anyway, how could it not be used?

After all, this is still my first epic equipment, and it would be great if I could collect a set of exclusive equipment for the Beast Rider in Shenzhou.

"Keep looking for resources." Xu Tian's eyes flashed, and he continued to check the location of the resources on the map.

Without too much hesitation, a few minutes later, Xu Tian took Xiao Ya to another golden resource.

There are a lot of monsters around, and they are also cleared by Xiaobai, and the resources dropped by the monsters are all in Xu Tian's pocket.

As the eldest lady of the Xiao family, Xiao Ya naturally would not grab these things from Xu Tian, she came here to quickly upgrade her experience, and secondly, she had another important matter.

It's just that now, it's not time yet.

Three days later.

"This is it! Redeem the charm, collect it to go to Shenzhou City to exchange for the location of the advanced resource point! Xiao Ya excitedly pointed to a talisman in Xu Tian's arms.

This talisman has a peculiar shape, and a pair of lifelike black wings are painted on it, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

"This is the Redemption Charm?" Xu Tian raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect the drop rate of this talisman to be so low, and it took three days to brush one.

And this speed, still in the case that he can find ordinary resource points.

Those who still need to farm mobs to find ordinary resource points, wouldn't it be difficult to farm such an exchange charm?

"Normally, one exchange charm can only be exchanged for black gold resources, three can be exchanged for purple gold resources, and five can be exchanged for red resources!" Xiao Ya said.

"Five cards to exchange for red resources? Doesn't that mean that it will take 15 days to get enough? Xu Tian frowned, this efficiency is a bit low, you must know that the total time for the opening of this Shenzhou is only one month.

Ordinary people want to farm enough five exchange charms, it will only take a longer time, no wonder few people have collected five exchange charms to open the final red resource!

"It's pretty fast, if you're unlucky, you may not be able to get an exchange charm in a month." Xiao Ya said: "By the way, do you plan to use this exchange charm?"

"Exchange for a black gold resource?" Xu Tian shook his head: "It's not cost-effective."

Xiao Ya also smiled when she heard this, she knew that Xu Tian would say this, after all, he had the advantage of being able to view ordinary resource points, maybe he had the opportunity to gather five exchange charms in a month, and it would be a pity if he used one now.

"Let's brush up some more resources, see if we can get together the five exchange charms as soon as possible, and find out the whereabouts of Teacher Chu by the way." Xu Tian said softly.

In the past three days, he has been very lazy every day, Xiaobai and they are responsible for farming monsters, and he can share experience as the master.

In other words, the experience acquisition rate of this Shenzhou deer is indeed very high, and in just three days, it is equivalent to ten days of his work in a level 60 dungeon.

Four more days passed.

Seven days have passed since Xu Tian entered Shenzhou to chase deer, during which Xu Tian swiped two more exchange charms, and also met some other entrants, but the level of those people was not low, plus Xu Tian had several fierce and vicious beasts beside him, so he didn't dare to offend.

This time, however, they were in trouble.

"It's a Chinese person, and there's a flower girl." A team from the Neon Nation and Xu Tian meet in front of a resource point.

These people were obviously not interested in Xu Tian, but when they saw Xiao Ya beside him, they showed a somewhat obsessed expression.

Xiao Ya can be deservedly called a stunning beauty, with a tall figure, a beautiful face, and a mature charm on her body, any man will be moved.

At this time, Xiao Ya was wearing a mage slim robe that was easy to move, and her plump and perfect figure was even more revealed, which was coveted.

And these neon people are obviously attracted by Xiao Ya's beauty.

However, Xu Tian couldn't understand the words they were talking to, and he didn't understand Japanese.

But Xiao Ya's jade face was as cold as an iceberg, and even her little fists were clenched, so you can imagine what vulgar words those neon people said.

"Ugh." Xu Tian sighed, he didn't cause trouble, but he wasn't afraid of it.

What's more, it's still a few neon people.

"Give you three seconds to apologize." Xu Tian looked at these neon people and said lightly.


"Curry Chicken Baby!!"

"Luki Wow!" Neon Man said.

"Two." Xu Tian said calmly.


"Arsenal love wow!" Neon man screamed.

"One." The countdown to Xu Tian is over.

"Good, you guys missed the opportunity." Before the neon people could react, Xu Tian suddenly had a black heavy sword in his hand and slashed at several people!

"Horthy Wow!"

"Yaga is dead!"

Before a few neon people even figured out the situation, one of their companions was cut into a falling object by Xu Tian, and he immediately screamed in fright.

"Fuck off, this Huaxia man actually did it directly!"

"Dare to kill Kuwatian-kun! We killed him! "

Watch me ninjutsu earth escape sneak attack him!"

A few neon people shouted, Xu Tian frowned again and again when he heard it, what were they talking about?

Can you speak human words?

"Xu Tian be careful, that person will escape!" Xiao Ya hurriedly reminded.

Soil escape?

Xu Tian was stunned, these neon people actually know ninjutsu, could it be that they are awakening ninja professions?


Facing the neon man who escaped into the land and disappeared, Xu Tian drank lightly.

The next moment, a contract circle appeared behind him, and the small and sturdy figure walked out, and then stepped heavily on the ground!


The neon man who had burrowed into the land came out in embarrassment, looking at Xiao Man with an angry face, but after seeing his giant tower-like figure, the whole person was stunned.

"This Huaxia can actually summon a giant beast? Could it be that like Shenmu-kun, he is also a summoner?

"So what? Shenmu-kun is the greatest summoner in the world, he can summon our demon god, and he will definitely be able to defeat this guy! Neon

Man commented.

Xu Tian looked at this group of guys, I don't know if they have something wrong with their brains or what, they are dying and don't know what mess they are talking about?

"I'm still worried about my life." Xu Tian waved his hand expressionlessly, Xiao Man looked at those neon people ferociously, and sat down in the next second!

"Huaxia people, you..." Before a few neon people finished speaking, they were sat down by Xiao Man, and they didn't make a sound anymore.

After Xiao Man left, there was no blurred picture of flesh and blood, only to see a few drops produced in place, emitting a faint light.

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