
A sharp whistle came from the depths of the dense forest, and before Xu Tian could get closer, he saw that the branches in front of him were constantly collapsing.

He was shocked, and he only hoped that Jiang Xiaoyue had already opened the bracelet and that nothing would happen.

In the class, because of his poor family, he was ridiculed by his classmates, and even sometimes the tuition and miscellaneous fees were not enough, Jiang Xiaoyue helped him pay them.

"But nothing can happen!" Xu Tian rushed to the boss quickly, only to see a huge giant spider waving its spider legs in the forest, and thick green spider silk continued to spew out from its mouth.

And there was a small golden shield underneath it, Jiang Xiaoyue was staying in it with a pale face, and a slight crack had already appeared on the shield, and it was about to crumble.

And the rescue bracelet on her wrist has long been missing, probably falling off before it was torn off in the scuffle.

There is no doubt that when this spider boss shatters the shield, she will die!

"Eyes of Insight!"

"Target: Poisonous Mother

Spider Potential: Silver

Level: 7

Strength: 42

Speed: 37

Defense: 50

Energy: 40

Skill: Silk Bondage, Appetite for Biting, Spider Swarm Gathering

" Description: A highly poisonous spider mother beast hidden in the dark forest, with the ability to produce young spiders, and the toxins contained in her body are 30% stronger than ordinary poisonous spiders.

[Spider Silk Restraint: Spits out multiple poisonous spider silks to bind enemies, dealing 5% physical damage per second.] [

Biting: Bite by holding an enemy, dealing 100% physical damage and increasing damage by an additional 20% to targets within the Silk Bondage. [

Spider Swarm Gathering: Summons nearby poisonous spiders to join forces.

On the other side, Xu Tian saw the attributes of this highly poisonous spider mother, but he was slightly relieved.

With this level, Xiaobai can pass in seconds.

"Xiaobai, transfiguration." Xu Tian put down Xiaobai and snorted coldly.

Xiao Bai jumped out with a tiger, and then his body changed rapidly, and his transfiguration body size was twice as large as when he was level 1!

"Roar!" The ferocious roar made the poisonous spider mother instantly notice their existence.

It looked down at the golden light shield under it, and then at Xu Tian and them, and suddenly let out a sharp whistle, dancing its spider legs and rushing over.

Obviously, compared to Jiang Xiaoyue, it is still Xiaobai who has transformed to satisfy its appetite more.

However, for this spider mother with silver potential, Xiao Bai obviously didn't pay attention to it, and directly waved his claws to hit it with an ordinary wind blade, and he didn't even bother to put his skills.


The wind blade landed on the spider mother's body, and instantly cut a hole more than a meter long, and black blood gushed out, looking a little disgusting.

However, what surprised Xu Tian even more was that with Xiaobai's current attributes, he didn't kill this spider mother with one blow.

Xu Tian couldn't help but look at the remaining blood bar of the spider mother, and immediately smiled, there was still one percent left.

The spider mother was directly beaten and bloodied, and she also realized Xiaobai's horror, and immediately let out a sharp whistle.

Click, click!

Suddenly, there was a strange sound all around, and I saw more than a dozen highly poisonous spiders smaller than the spider mother appear, surrounding Xu Tian and Xiaobai.

Most of these poisonous spiders are level 5, and they all have bronze potential, and each of them is equivalent to a mini-boss.

Jiang Xiaoyue's face turned pale with fright when she saw this, there were so many highly poisonous spiders, could he deal with it?

The sudden appearance of the highly poisonous spider did not surprise Xu Tian too much, but showed a smile.

It's no wonder that Xiaobai didn't kill the spider mother in seconds, it turned out that she was waiting for her to summon these companions, so that she could gain more experience.

"Not bad." Xu Tian showed an appreciative look, Xiao Bai was even more happy when he was praised, and looked at those poisonous spiders with disdain.

A few monsters with silver and bronze potential are still so ugly that they don't even deserve to lift their shoes!

It could feel the suppression of the blood in the depths of its body, and immediately let out a roar.

This is one of its abilities, Tiger Might, which deals damage to enemies within range while weakening their defenses.

However, just these low-level monsters were killed in seconds before they could weaken their defenses.

Looking at the poisonous spiders lying on the ground and dying, Jiang Xiaoyue on the side was dumbfounded, just dead?

These spiders crawled out of the forest, and before they even had time to make a move, they were promised by the sky... Pet?

All of them were shocked to death, what level of pet is this so terrifying!

"Satsuki, are you alright?" Seeing the swarm of dead spiders, Xu Tian suddenly walked towards Jiang Xiaoyue, looked at the girl who was still a little surprised, and showed a smile.

Jiang Xiaoyue removed the light mask that was about to break, and a little ruddy appeared on her pale little face: "I'm fine, Xu Tian, thank you for saving me!"

Seeing Jiang Xiaoyue's grateful gaze, Xu Tian shook his head: "It's okay, haven't you helped me a lot?" "

By the way, you just was—"

He wanted to ask, it was the shield just now.

"That was a gold-level defense scroll that my dad gave me just in case I needed it, and if it weren't for it, I might have really died." Jiang Xiaoyue said with some embarrassment.

"It turned out to be a gold-level defense scroll, no wonder the spider mother didn't break it after spending a long time trying to break it." Xu Tian was suddenly, and he couldn't help but feel a little envious in his heart.

Gold-level scrolls, at least need a copy above level 35 to burst out, and the price is more than 100,000 gold coins, I can give a scroll like this casually, I am afraid that Jiang Xiaoyue's family background is very good, no wonder I can often help myself when I go to school.

However, he wasn't too envious, after all, now that he had a super exploration system, any rare treasure might be able to dig up this kind of treasure.

"Xu Tian, look, this spider mother has dropped a baby!" At this moment, a blue light suddenly erupted from the dead poisonous spider mother, and a bunch of things appeared on the ground.

"It's actually a blue resource?" Xu Tian was thoughtful, because he only saw green resources here on the map before, could it be that after killing the entire spider group, the reward was upgraded?

Xu Tian didn't think about it, and directly stepped forward to check the things that fell, a bronze suit, some silver materials, but what caught Xu Tian's attention was a scroll-like thing.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaoyue also saw this scroll, and her beautiful eyes lit up slightly: "Could it be a prop scroll?" "

Prop scrolls are divided into four categories: attack, defense, healing, and concealment, which are subdivided into many subcategories, such as the stealth charm that Xu Tian used last time, which is a kind of concealment scroll, which can avoid monster attacks, of course, this is ineffective for monsters above the elite.

Xu Tian's face was also a little happy, if it was a prop scroll, even if it was the worst bronze scroll, it was worth tens of thousands of gold coins, which could share a lot of family expenses.

He immediately picked up the scroll from the prop pile, but the next second he was stunned, because the back of the scroll was a scroll pattern!

This means that this scroll is a skill book!

Xu Tian's heart pounded, it was actually a skill book, you know, even the most ordinary bronze skill book can be sold for more than 100,000 yuan in the market.

If it's a silver skill book, then the price will be at least five times doubled!

Jiang Xiaoyue on the side also discovered the identity of this scroll, and opened her mouth wide in surprise, she didn't expect her luck to be so good, and she could also see the skill book in the novice dungeon!

Looking at the scroll, a line of words was clearly printed on it, and after reading it, Xu Tian suddenly smiled brightly.

"Silver Skill: Slash upwards, unleash all of your strength attributes, use your weapon to strike at the enemy with all your might, dealing 150% physical damage and tripling the attack attribute of the weapon.

[Class Limited: Warrior]".

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