

One after another flashes of light, almost every second a contestant is eliminated, and it is extremely miserable.

"Xu Tian, don't think that you won, as long as you are not the first, when you go out, our Ren family can still kill you!" Seeing Xu Tian stepping forward, Ren Qianqian said sharply.

"Huh." Xu Tian's face was expressionless, and he swung down with a sword.

The black flames rose, Ren Qianqian did not hesitate at all, and instantly pulled the bracelet open.

Rao was so, when she appeared outside the tower, her dress was still burning with flames, and there was a scream.

"Ahh Put out the fire! Jia

Xianyue appeared in time, and an ice breath technique extinguished the flames.

However, although the fire was extinguished, Ren Qianqian's skirt was almost burned clean, and a large area of skin and her beautiful body were exposed, attracting countless greedy eyes.

The corners of Jia Xianyue's mouth twitched, and coldness flashed in his eyes, this damn Xu Tian, where did he get such a weapon, ordinary water mages couldn't extinguish his fire.

Moreover, so many people surrounded him, and they couldn't eliminate him, what a terrible strength is this?

If he is really allowed to get the first place, it will inevitably attract the attention of some big people, and the Ren family will not be able to help him at that time.

If he is allowed to grow up, he will probably become a big problem for them!

"Hopefully, they'll stop this kid..."

The scene of Xu Tian frantically eliminating the contestants stunned the rest of the people who didn't dare to do anything to Xu Tian.

One person, all those teams are eliminated!

Among them, there are even many geniuses with excellent results in the college entrance examination!

No wonder the Ren family will spend a lot of money to put a reward, it turns out that this Xu Tian has been so strong!

Fortunately, they didn't deal with Xu Tian together just now, otherwise they would have been eliminated now, and they would have been beaten out so badly...

Such a genius will definitely be able to enter the Huaxia Heavenly List in the future, and they are not a world figure at all!

This kind of role must not be offended.

After the contestants were eliminated, Xu Tian took back Xiaoman and Xiaobai.

At the same time, Wen Wen and several people also came over, Jiang Xiaoyue's beautiful eyes swept Xu Tian up and down, and she was relieved to see that he was fine.

"Tut, I have eliminated many Tianjiao by myself, I am afraid that you are the only one who has Xu Tian throughout the ages." The black dress said softly and playfully.

In fact, she was a little worried just now.

After all, those are the best students in Huaxia's class, and there are not a few mysterious professions, and they are not monotonous creatures like dungeon bosses.

But the final result proved that they were obviously overthinking, and under the crushing of strength, there were no bells and whistles at all.

Those contestants are not opponents of Xiaobai and Xiaoman at all.

Xu Tian chuckled when he heard this: "Even the boss of the sixth layer can't be defeated, and they are not the first echelon of this session, so why is it difficult to eliminate them?" "

First echelon?" Gentle blinked.

The so-called first echelon refers to the team composed of the strongest students in each class, usually the four of them have strong careers, and they can reach the level of killing enemies by complementing each other!

This kind of team is generally concerned by the state, and even personally selected and formed by the state's top leaders.

And this class of students has formed such a team, and there are two!

"By the way, with your strength as the second in the college entrance examination, didn't you receive an invitation to form the first echelon?" Xu Tian seemed to remember something and asked out loud.

The two looked at each other gently, smiled, and said, "Of course I have received it, the twin divisions alone are equivalent to two people, and how many teams are rushing to it."

"However, you called when they invited me."

"Oh? Just because of a phone call, I gave up joining the first echelon? Xu Tian didn't believe it.

"Yo, you don't believe it?" The black dress smiled softly when she heard it, and then attached herself to Xu Tian's ear: "We know the level of those first echelons, and the four of them may not add up to a little white strong, with your thighs not hugging, why should we be stupid enough to go to them?" Hearing

this, Xu Tian smiled slightly: "Congratulations, you have chosen the right one."

After hearing this, the two looked at each other, and they both saw a smile in each other's eyes.

In fact, when the first echelon sent them an invitation, they recommended Xu Tian.

But those people did not recognize Xu Tian's first score in the college entrance examination, and rejected this request on the grounds that the beast master was not suitable for the first echelon.

This is the reason why they really reject the first echelon.

Let's ask, a powerful genius like Xu Tian can't enter the first echelon, so what's the point of this first echelon?

"Let's go, go to the seventh floor." Xu Tian said, and then walked to the sixth layer boss.

"Xiaobai." He called softly, and then Xiaobai walked out of the contract circle.

After a roar, white light instantly condensed in his mouth, and he hit the boss with a bang.

The white light flashed, and the boss let out a whimper, then turned invisible, dropping a piece of equipment.

"Platinum gear? The rewards have been upgraded. Xu Tian raised his eyebrows, picked up the equipment, and then walked into the teleportation passage and entered the seventh layer.

"I'll go, just second?" The participating teams that were still stuck on the sixth floor were stunned.

They tried their best, and not even a squad could defeat this boss!

But what about Xu Tian's team? No one even made a move, and the boss was killed in seconds with just one pet, and the gap between them was too obvious!

"Is this the first place in the college entrance examination? It's terrifying. "

I'll go, who would dare to say that the beast master is the most wasted profession? This meow is simply the god of war! "


The seventh floor of space.

As soon as he entered this layer, Xu Tian felt that the attribute suppression around him had become significantly stronger!

"Do you have any impressions?" Xu Tian turned his head to look at the three girls.

It's okay to say that the two of them are still very relaxed, but Xiao Yue's expression is obviously pale.

"Satsuki, how are you?" Xu Tian hurriedly asked.

"I'm fine, I can hold on." Jiang Xiaoyue shook her head, she didn't expect that the attribute suppression of the seventh layer would suddenly become so strong.

"The attribute suppression in this tower seems to be based on the average level of the team, it's all your fault, the attribute is too high, otherwise how could Xiaoyue suffer like this?" The black dress glared at Xu Tian gently.

"I... What's my problem again? Xu Tian was a little speechless.

But he also found that this is indeed the law.

Although the attribute suppression was rising at every level, he and Gentle didn't feel anything, but Xiao Yue, and the pressure instantly increased.

This is enough to prove that his and gentle high attributes have increased the effect of attribute suppression.

"Why don't you stay here and we move on?" Xu Tian thought about it and said, he still couldn't bear to move forward with Xiao Yue.

"I'm not that weak, if I don't feel well, I'll pull off the bracelet and teleport out as soon as possible." Jiang Xiaoyue shook her head, her beautiful eyes were firm, and she signaled to accompany Xu Tian and them to move on.

She knew that she had dragged her feet, but she really didn't want to quit now, because she wanted to see Xu Tian reach the top and become the first!

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