"That person is actually Xu Tian?"

"He's the beast master with the Divine Beast! Damn, I just mocked him! "

What's wrong with having a divine beast? Come out and go head-to-head!

"You're stupid, aren't you? He defeated the legendary potential boss of the Ninefold Demon Tower! "

What? I'm sorry, I'll admit I just spoke a little loud..."After a

burst of white light.

"Drop, the map information that has not been included has been detected, and the system is expanding the resource pack..."

Resource Pack Expansion Completed! You have reached level 40 dungeon, Silent Ridge!

"Congratulations on getting your first chance to enter the dungeon exploration, congratulations on discovering the black gold resource, please go and get it!"

The moment Xu Tian and the others landed, the voice of the system sounded in his mind.

"Black gold resources?" Xu Tian was slightly stunned, this was the first time he had encountered it.

As a reward under the red resource, I wonder what black gold will burst?

"Xu Tian, which way are we going?" Jiang Xiaoying's cold voice sounded.

"Wait for me to see." Xu Tian sank his mind and looked at the map that the system had just expanded.

I have to say that the function of this universal map is too powerful, and the distribution of various monsters on the map and the distribution of resources are clear at a glance, but he found some problems.

"There are actually 5 bosses on this map, so doesn't that mean that you have to defeat them all to be considered a success?" Xu Tian frowned slightly.

"Host, you can view the monster information after the resource pack is expanded." The sound of the system sounded.

"Oh?" When Xu Tian heard this, he clicked on the information of a boss.

"Target: Black Earth Beast

Potential: Diamond

Level: 49 Life: 46789 Strength: 6795 Defense: 7062 Speed: 4962


: 5789


"I'll go!" Seeing this attribute, Xu Tian was taken aback, how could the attribute of this diamond boss be so high?

It's no wonder that those wasteland squads will lose so badly, this attribute is almost something that only epic bosses can have!

Xu Tian opened the information page of the rest of the bosses again.

Giant Wood Beast, Sky Fire Beast, Water Shock Beast, Vajra Beast.

Without exception, the attributes are outrageously high.

And these bosses have never appeared in the Huaxia Collected Illustrated Book, which makes Xu faintly feel uneasy, will there be any connection between these 5 bosses?

"Xu Tian, how is it?" At this time, Jiang Xiaoying's voice pulled Xu Tian's thoughts back.

"It's okay, let's go this way." Xu Tian pointed in the direction to the left, where was the location of the black earth beast he had just seen.

According to the mirror information he saw in the teleportation center, Xu Tian estimated that the wasteland team should have encountered this black earth beast.

"Okay." Everyone nodded and kept up with Xu Tian's pace.

Compared to other dungeons, the mobs and elite monsters of this level 40 dungeon are also much stronger, even if Jiang Xiaoying is a fourth-turn, it is very difficult to kill an elite monster.

"Wait, something doesn't seem right here." At this moment, Xu Tian suddenly stopped everyone.

Because according to the markers on the map, a red dot appeared here.

The red dot is the logo of the boss! But the problem is that this red dot is not as big as the boss!

"What's wrong?" Everyone was puzzled.

Xu Tian clicked on the information of the red dot.

"Target: Loess Beast [Lord Monster]

Level: 45

Potential: Platinum

Life: 23459 Strength: 3256

Defense: 3479

Speed: 2964

Energy: 3088"

Seeing this description, Xu Tian's whole person was stunned.

Lord, what is this?

At this moment, Xu Tian was finally sure that this level 40 copy was definitely different from an ordinary level 40 copy!

At the same time, Jiang Xiaoying and the others also discovered the loess beast, and seeing the attributes on its body, Jiang Xiaoying frowned slightly.

"Is this the boss?"

"It shouldn't be, although the attributes of this monster are not low, it shouldn't be enough to destroy a team on the ground list." Bai Yun'er hugged Xiaobai and said softly.

"It's a lord monster." Xu Tian said.

"Lord monsters?" The three girls looked at Xu Tian at the same time, and a trace of confusion appeared in their eyes.

"You can understand it as a kind of monster that is stronger than the elite monsters, but weaker than the boss, and they have the ability to dominate the surrounding monsters and elite monsters, and unite to defend against the enemy." When Xu Tian explained, there were already a lot of small monsters and elite monsters gathered around.

They were organized in formation, with the loess beast in the rear, like a general.

Jiang Xiaoying and the others looked at this scene in shock, they had never seen this situation before, the monsters of the Apocalypse World actually seemed to have wisdom!

"We're pressed for time, Xiaobai, to solve them." Xu Tian whispered.


Xiao Bai jumped out of Bai Yun'er's arms, and the next moment he transformed into a battle form, the king-shaped markings on his forehead were particularly eye-catching, his limbs were strong, and his thick tiger tail swayed behind him like a steel whip, and his breathtaking low roar seemed to penetrate people's souls!

Divine beast White Tiger!

Seeing Xiao Bai Fawei, Bai Yun'er was the first to cheer: "Come on, Xiao Bai!" "


As if in response, Xiaobai rushed out like electricity, and the tiger's claws slapped on the mobs.

Tons of damage rise, mobs turn into drops, and even elite monsters are vulnerable.

In just a few dozen seconds, only the lord monster was left in the field.

"Grunt!" The loess beast roared, not knowing which language it was.

After hearing this, Xiaobai rewarded it with a white tiger roaring light wave without any fancy feelings.

In an instant, the loess beast turned to ashes.

"That's it." Xu Tian yawned and stepped forward to pick up the drop.

"That's it?" Bai Yun'er was stunned for a while, she thought that at least a fight was needed, but Xiao Bai went over directly...


"Wait, these guys seem to have a much higher experience drop rate?" Xu Tian suddenly frowned.

Compared to an ordinary level 40 dungeon, the experience of the mobs in this dungeon is about twice as high!

Everyone glanced at each other, and they couldn't hide the shock in their hearts.

I am afraid that this discovery will change the existing copy system in Huaxia!

"Let's go, go find this boss." Xu Tian took a deep breath and led everyone forward.

Now there are less than 20 hours left before the 72-hour deadline, and there are 5 bosses to be attacked in this dungeon, so there is no time to delay.


Half an hour later, Xu Tian's team appeared outside the boss territory, and after clearing the surrounding monsters, they finally saw the boss.

A huge monster made of black soil, but at the moment it was blooming with several brilliant rays of brilliance.

There's a team up to challenge it!

Finally, harassed by these attacks, the Black Earth Beast launched a counterattack and smashed down on the crowd of figures on the ground!

The team hurriedly dodged, but in the pit smashed open by the black earth beast, there was a piece of shredding that flew straight towards a girl in a black dress!

In the wilderness development team, a girl in a white dress saw this scene and immediately exclaimed: "Be careful!!" "

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