Is the school doctor free? Have you ever heard of crispy college students!

Chapter 36 Chen Mu: Diabetes is so scary. Order a cup of milk tea to calm down.

Even though Jian Wenxuan thought so in his heart.

But he also knew that he had to listen to Chen Mu's words.

A smile that was even uglier than crying appeared on his face, "Dr. Chen, please continue..."

Chen Mu: "In addition to what I mentioned earlier, you also need to be careful about the complications of diabetes."

"Diabetes is easily complicated by various bacterial and fungal infections. Among them, the ones that are more likely to recur include pyelonephritis, cystitis, skin purulent infections such as boils and carbuncles, and fungal infections such as athlete's foot and tinea corporis."

Jian Wenxuan: "..."

Jian Wenxuan is about to cry!

If it weren't for his grandparents who have diabetes, they would still be alive and well after suffering from the disease for many years.

Based on what Dr. Chen said, he would really doubt whether he would survive tomorrow.

"Doctor Chen..." Jian Wenxuan looked at Chen Mu eagerly, hoping that Chen Mu could make his illness gentler.


As soon as he opened his mouth, Chen Mu glared at him, "Now I know I'm panicking! What were I thinking when I was drinking milk tea before? I remember that not long ago, there was someone telling me that he had a lot of living expenses and that he had a good life in college. Woolen cloth!"

Jian Wenxuan: "..."

"Brothers, I understand! It's not that I don't want to drink twenty or thirty cups of milk tea a week, it's that I can't afford it!"

"I'm crying. My monthly living expenses in college are only 800 yuan. He can drink all my living expenses in just one month by drinking milk tea!"

"Why are you crying? If you couldn't afford milk tea, you would be the one suffering from diabetes now!"

"Hey! Can you still explain it like this, my poverty saved me?"

"Stop talking, I'm Jian Wenxuan's roommate. I drank milk tea with him. Now I'm on my way to the hospital for a blood test. I'm so afraid that my blood will also be the color of milk tea!"


"Dr. Chen, keep talking!"

"I will definitely keep your teachings firmly in mind. After all, I am where I am today because of my own doing..."

"In addition to the terrible complications of this disease, what other risks do I face..."

I was scared by Chen Mu for a long time.

Jian Wenxuan, who was still trembling, suddenly started to act badly.

He has suffered from this disease, and now it is too late to regret that he did not control his diet well before.

In this case.

He might as well listen to Chen Mu's words and hear the dire consequences if he doesn't control his blood sugar properly.

If you know the consequences, you will know how to restrain yourself.

No matter how indulgent contemporary college students are, they will not continue to commit suicide knowing that they will die.

Chen Mu glanced at Jian Wenxuan in surprise, but he didn't expect that this kid had a good attitude.

He actually adjusted so quickly.

"In addition to the possibilities I mentioned to you earlier, if you cannot control your blood sugar, you may also face one of the most common complications of diabetes."


Jian Wenxuan was thirsty for knowledge, "Dr. Chen, what is this polyneuritis? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

Chen Mu held his chin, "How should I explain to you?"

"To put it simply, your limbs are more likely to have allergies, pain, or burning sensations than others. When you feel like this, I suggest you go to the hospital for a check-up."

"This is most likely a complication of diabetes, allergic neuritis."

"Other than that, there are many possibilities, so I won't give you examples one by one, but I personally recommend that you go to a hospital or a large physical examination institution for a full physical examination every six months or so."

"It's about taking responsibility for your own personal safety."

While Chen Mu and Jian Wenxuan were talking, a middle-aged couple suddenly appeared in the camera.

The woman held Jian Wenxuan's hand with a distressed look on her face: "My good son, why are you sent to the hospital? Did something happen?"

"Hello, this is school doctor Chen. My son mentioned you just now when he was on the phone with us."

"I heard that you discovered my son's illness and personally sent him to the hospital. Can I ask first, what is my son's illness?"

Compared with his mother, Jian Wenxuan's father was less emotionally expressive.

But when he mentioned his son, he couldn't hide the worry in his eyes.

"Jian Wenxuan was diagnosed with diabetes. I heard from Jian Wenxuan that your family also has a history of diabetes. I suggest that you parents also take the time to get checked out."

"Try to control your diet and health on weekdays."


Chen Mu raised his hand and looked at the time, "Two parents, there are other students waiting in the hospital of our school. The examination report is in Jian Wenxuan's hands. You can take the examination report and take him to the emergency room to line up for follow-up consultation. .”

"If you have anything else to do tomorrow, you can ask Jian Wenxuan to find me in the school doctor's office."

Jian Wenxuan's parents nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, the school doctor is in trouble. School doctor, please go slowly."

"Oh my God! Jian Wenxuan's parents are the normal parents of students!"

"That's right, the parent of the student who was bitten by the dog in front is so angry that my lungs hurt!"

"The parents originally came to see a doctor for their son, but in the end they had to see a doctor themselves to see if they also had diabetes..."

"People with a history of diabetes in their families are already panicking. I'm registering for tomorrow!"


Follow Chen Mu all the way to the hospital parking lot.

After getting in the car.

The first thing Su Bingbing did was to click on her order for a certain item.

Return all pre-made milk tea sets that have not yet been shipped.

Su Bingbing swore silently in her heart.

With Jian Wenxuan's lesson learned from the past, starting from today...


To be precise, it starts from this moment!

She wants to quit milk tea!

Start controlling sugar!

Su Bingbing is canceling her order.

The tracking camera also faithfully captured this scene.

"Hiss! My wife loves milk tea so much. She can cancel the milk tea order. This time she is really determined!"

"Ugh... I will never see my wife live-streaming homemade milk tea again..."

"Every time my wife cancels an order, she becomes more and more sad. Ugh... Why don't you, my wife, just drink milk tea!"

"Wouldn't drinking milk tea be just like that guy who has diabetes? Now that my wife has set an example, I won't drink milk tea anymore!"

"Milk tea merchant: Dr. Chen, listen to me, thank you for having you, because of you, we are closing down..."


Su Bingbing had almost returned her order for a certain treasure.

When you look up.

But in the driver's seat in front of him, he saw Chen Mu still rumbling on his cell phone with his head down.

No intention of leaving at all.

Su Bingbing raised her hand and gently patted Chen Mu's shoulder in front of her: "Doctor Chen, aren't we leaving?"

"Leave now."

Hearing Su Bingbing's voice, Chen Mu remembered that he was doing a show and there were two people in the car.

Chen Mu naturally handed his mobile page to Su Bingbing, "I'm ordering milk tea. Would you like a cup? The milk tea shop is right in front of the school. Let the milk tea shop prepare it in advance and we can pick it up on the way back."

Su Bingbing: "???"

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