When the humans were very surprised by the monsters' blasting action.

The other side.

At the moment, the monsters are still a little sorry.

They communicate in the monster's own language.

"It's a pity... Still didn't blow up. "

"It's okay, let's continue to mend the knife."

Subsequently, they quickly organized several energy explosions again.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!

Blowing up more and more train parts.

But it didn't take long for the teachers to quickly follow, ready to kill these monsters who were planning to explode.


A monster was suddenly pierced by a sharp blade.

But he still laughed a few times.

"Stupidity... Weak humans..."

This monster used all the spiritual power in his body to detonate the relevant reaction energy!

Sensing the rapidly expanding spiritual energy in his body, the teacher who was close at hand immediately retreated in panic.

Unexpectedly, this monster was not afraid of death and continued to explode on the spot.

It can be regarded as using its own body spiritual power as an explosive medium.

Followed by!


At this moment, the monster finally blew up the connection between the two carriages at the cost of his own life.

The last carriage directly creaked and rubbed the ground wildly, and after advancing with inertia for a while, it could not continue to move forward.

He almost rolled over and fell into the cliff on the right.

The teachers barely got rid of this explosion and looked at this group of monsters who were not afraid of death with a serious face.

"Grandma's, is this monster so brave?"

"They have no humanity at all, nor do they have any compassion for their own lives."

"It's over, what can the students do?"

"These guys are just going to drag us here."

"What else can I do? Hurry up and finish them and go save the students. "


Subsequently, these teachers even killed the red eye, desperately trying to kill the monster.


The other side.

After sensing this violent explosion, Lin Feng quickly left the explosion site with more than thirty people, otherwise he would have almost been affected.

The basic situation now is that the last carriage has blown up and is disjointed.

What was originally the penultimate carriage has become the last car.

Su Lingxi asked very worriedly

"Lin Feng, what exactly do you say these monsters are doing?"

Lin Feng explained simply:

"In the past, the overall strength of these monsters may not be able to solve these elite teachers, and can only be dragged down."

"They know that it won't take long, they need to separate the teacher and the student as much as possible, and when the senior monsters drag the teacher behind, other monsters can still slaughter the students."

"After all, at this moment, there is a steady stream of monsters on the mountain rock..."

"The situation is really critical."

An Xiaolan also joined the discussion:

"Then Lin Feng, what should we do?"

"These monsters want to separate the teacher from us so much, they must think that the current monsters are enough to solve us."

"You said we should stop this train and wait for them."

Lin Feng looked at the hideous-looking monsters on the mountain rock and shook his head.

"Our train is still moving at high speed, which is why these monsters can't get up easily!"

"If you stop, then these monsters may have an easier time and directly surround this car."

"Then there may be hundreds of monsters that can be in the car by then!"


Lin Feng poked his head out and looked at the carriage in front of him in the distance.

He saw that some of the students also knew the importance of guarding the windows, holding weapons and constantly slashing to scare these monsters so that they could not come easily.

Next to Lin Feng, the student was also worried.

"If there is a particularly strong fourth-order or fifth-order monster in front of us who suddenly appears, then what should we do?"

The two teachers next to them, Wang Pingfeng and Liu Xinzhi, also reluctantly comforted everyone:

"Don't worry, there are other carriages, there will be one or two teachers, and at the front compartment, there are also several powerful special training camp instructors."

"At present, the scale of this monster invasion is already very outrageous."

"After all, in the usual Donghai City, the appearance of a fourth-order monster may cause the alarm of the detection instrument, making countless night watchmen or high-level abilities vigilant! So quickly rush over and kill it! "

"This time, these monsters are tearing open spatial cracks in remote places, and it is not easy to make up so many monsters above the fourth order, and it is impossible to have more high-level monsters."

"These monsters above the fourth order should basically be in the back, dragging down the teacher's army!"

When the students heard this, they could only grudgingly believe it, hoping that they would be safe and sound in the future.

Subsequently, after analyzing the situation.

Lin Feng immediately led everyone to the other people's carriages.

The first is the penultimate carriage.

For those students who had already died, Lin Feng and the others could only put them in place for the time being, and then have the opportunity to dispose of their bodies later.

In the process of rushing to the other carriages, Lin Feng also asked An Xiaolan some information.

For example, which carriage is she from, and what is the strength of those carriages?

An Xiaolan said one fifty-one-ten.

"I was counting the fourth car forward."

"I wanted to make some friends, so I went to the other carriages to take a look."

"The 2nd and 3rd carriages in front should all be students of the noble school, and they look particularly dragged."

"Their strength should be much stronger than ours, and their survival rate is higher."

"I also learned a lot of information while chatting with them."

"There is a person from another high-level base city, which is considered an exchange student... Let's experience the top student training camp in our small town. "

"Seeing him like that, he is also very spirited, saying that even the S-level ability people we have here are only so in other base cities."

"Speaking of high-level base cities, the machines used are much better than our Donghai City, and they can also detect SS level and SSS level."

"That's right, Lin Feng! I'm also curious about your upper limit of qualifications, if you test in a high-level base city, what level can you reach? "

After all, in An Xiaolan's heart, Lin Feng is definitely more than ordinary S-level ability!

She felt that she and her sister seemed to be far inferior to Lin Feng.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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