However, there was only one sentence unexpectedly.

【Pay attention to safety~~】

"What the **** is paying attention to safety? If you want me to pay attention to safety, why don't you send a car to pick me up!"

She didn't have the heart to understand what Sayuri Sawamura said, so she hurriedly stuffed the tablet into her bag and patted Bai Ye on the shoulder.

"Senior, take me home?"


PS: Progress report 28 (1312/10000), owe 0 updates.

Hearthstone was on the legend in the early morning, and it was the first time in my life that I was on the legend, happy! Decided to add one more!

Squint for a while, and woke up Jiageng.

Chapter 157 Chapter 155 Send Yingli Li home, what should I receive as a reward?

Bai Ye will hardly refuse a girl's request, of course, the reward is essential.

Talking about the price now feels like taking advantage of others' danger. Bai Ye will not do anything that will damage his own image, and the reward he wants is not money.

When the other party gets into the car and is in a dilemma, it is the king to negotiate the price!

Bai Ye turned the key ring, and Asazawa Eri Li shook her head.

"Let's go."

At 10 o'clock at night, it is the continuation point of the ups and downs of nightlife, and it has a different charm. The neon lights in the distance are still brightly lit and the voices are full of people. Although the nearby residential areas are also brightly lit, the voices are silent.

Bai Ye seldom goes out after 10 o'clock, except to go to the convenience store in the street, it is common to get home after 10 o'clock on weekends, and I have a deep feeling for the change from dynamic to quiet.

"I want to eat and wait to die with the girl I like..."

"What is the senior saying?"

"It's okay, get in the car."

Eri Sawamura put on his helmet and stepped on the motorcycle. After using one hand to stabilize Bai Ye's shoulder, he grabbed the handrail of the motorcycle with the other hand.

Bai Ye drives a small motorcycle slowly out of the block. The 600cc displacement speed is limited, and it will make a noisy sound when the speed is increased.

It is one thing to affect everyone's rest, and Bai Ye is even more reluctant to destroy the atmosphere that is just right now.


Eri Sawamura is telling her mother that she is safe.

"Is something wrong, senpai?"

"Does Sawamura-san know what happened this afternoon?"

The blond girl's hand on the phone suddenly stopped, and her eyes in the rear mirror showed mixed feelings such as doubt, confusion, and helplessness.

After returning from shopping in the afternoon, she instinctively felt that the reason Shi Yu gave was wrong, so she asked Kato Megumi privately to find out the real situation, and the latter explained the situation at the time.

Although Kato Megumi's description is bland, she is not a fool. If there is a small conflict, An Yilun will not leave the scene, and the messages on the phone that have not been replied to yet also verify her conjecture.

"I know."

An Yi Lun's departure was unexpected, and it also ruined the plan she had negotiated with Bai Ye afternoon.

"Sawamura-san, I don't seem to have been paid for dinner yet."

Eri Sawamura woke up like a dream and fiddled with her cell phone.

"I forgot, sorry, I'll give it now."

Bai Ye stopped her.

"I don't want money, but there is one thing I want Sawamura-san to agree to."

"what's up?"

For the complicated relationship in the society today, Bai Ye thinks he has a responsibility.

"Student An Yi's departure today is a part of the responsibility of classmate Kasugaoka and I. The situation in the future may be worse and more unexpected than today."

There was a bit of confusion in Sawamura Eri's azure blue eyes.

She is very happy to join the club and get to know Bai Ye. This is the only place where she can show the essence of otaku except at home.

Lun was there, and so was the senior.

The two joys are intertwined, it should be a dream-like happiness, but why does it become like this?

Bai Ye put himself in his shoes and felt sorry for what happened to Sawamura Yingri.

People have joys and sorrows, and the moon is cloudy and sunny. This is difficult to complete.

The conflict with Yi Lun Ya has intensified, and all Bai Ye can do is to try to ease the pain of Sawamura Eri in the vortex.

"If one day I get into trouble with An Yi, I hope Sawamura can follow her heart and not let herself fall into pain."

Eri Sawamura bit her cherry lips lightly, clenching her fists in a hurry, and the hand that grabbed the railing was now on Bai Ye's shoulder.

She knew what she was about to say was selfish, but she couldn't help it.

"Is it for Kasumigaoka..."

"It's not just for Kasugaoka-san."

Bai Ye's voice raised an octave, breaking the dullness in her tone, "Katsunogaoka-san has put it down, but that doesn't mean it's over."

"Will be willing, willing to give up, only to have the willingness, if An Yi can't let go, this matter will not be over."

"What I want to say is..." Eri Sawamura opened her mouth, but found that she couldn't utter a word.

Bai Ye looked at the rear mirror and continued:

"Xia Zhiqiu has put her hope on me, and I can't let her down. If it's necessary, I will choose to say it clearly, which means it's time for me to be willing."

Eri Sawamura's face became even more embarrassing.

She has a deep understanding of the bad parts of Lun Yee's character.

She is also a girl who is caught in the emotional vortex. She knows the inner feelings of Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu. The feeling that she can't break free and can only get deeper and deeper is an unbearable pain and happiness.

Shiyu of Kasumigaoka can get out of the vortex, no matter if she is on the side of a friend or a rival, she should be happy.

'Why do you feel so distressed? Than a week... no! It's hard not to eat sweets for a month...'

"Senior and Lun Ye, do you have to make a mess..."

"It's not up to me to decide."

Feeling the catkins on his shoulders trembling uneasily, Bai Ye's tone lightened.

"That's the worst situation. It's far from that level now. I'll do my best to avoid that kind of thing. I'm a gentleman. Making girls miserable is not a qualified gentleman."

Eri Sawamura stopped shaking.

She raised her head, and for the first time felt that Bai Ye's back was so broad and reliable, as if it was behind him, and there was no need to be afraid.

Once the senior and Lun also fell out, this kind of life would be impossible to continue...

"Can I ask the senior, Lun Ye's character is a bit bad... I don't want to feel wronged, nor do I want to be able to meet at the senior's house all the time, just thinking..."

She wants to gather with everyone at the senior's house as before, chat with the senior, enjoy the senior's cooking, and play with the senior, she just needs to laugh and it's enough.

"Senior is a gentleman, you can do what you promise a girl, right?"


Bai Ye's answer was concise and powerful.

As long as Eri Sawamura honestly faces his inner desires and is not bound by his past with Ahn Yee Lun, his goal will be achieved.

Feelings are like melons, melons can be twisted, but they can't stand strong twists. Not only are they not sweet, but the stems will also break.

What An Yi Lun has done has undoubtedly been reducing his inherent good impression in Sawamura Yingri's heart. As long as a certain amount is accumulated, Sawamura Yingri will re-examine their relationship.

Humans are emotional and rational animals.

At that time, what choice will Eri Sawamura make?

Bai Ye was looking forward to that day.

But until that day, let yourself take good care of this sensual, fragile, arrogant and cute snack.

"We're home, Sawamura-san."

Eri Sawamura hid the confusion in her eyes, raised her head, and her mother was standing at the door of the house waving at her.

"Thank you senior for taking me home, see you next week."

"Goodbye, message me if you have anything."

Saying goodbye to her mother, Eri Sawamura walked into the house quickly.

Bai Ye Asazawa Village Sayuri nodded hello, and after getting the other's nod, she turned the car and prepared to leave.

Just then, the voice behind him stopped him.

"Xiao Jun, please wait."


PS: Progress report 28 (3864/10000), owe 0 update, this is a plus update.

There will be another update later, so I won't be squinting for a while!

Chapter 158 Chapter 156 If you want to soak in Ying Pear, you must first pass the level of Sayuri

Hearing Sawamura Sayuri call him to a halt, Bai Ye turned around again and pushed the small motorcycle to her.

He guessed that Sawamura Sayuri wanted to ask her daughter the reason for coming home late. After all, she used to arrive home around 8:00, but now it is almost 10:30. Normal parents would worry that their daughter would be taken away by a wolf.

"Auntie, Sawamura-san has been busy painting since dinner. I was so fascinated by it that I forgot to call her home early."

Sawamura Sayuri smiled and shook her head.

"Eri has already explained it to me just now, but that's not what I want to ask."

"Then what's the matter?"

Sawamura Sayuri hugged her face and smiled with trouble.

"Xiao Jun, please come in and sit for a while. When neighbors see me chatting with Xiao Jun at the door at 10 at night, it will cause misunderstanding."

white night"……"

Naturally, he would not believe what Sayuri Sawamura said.

Even if she was unfortunately seen by the neighbors, in this dim light, she would probably recognize her as Eri Sawamura, a young couple who were reluctant to part with each other at the door.

"Auntie please don't say anything misleading, Mr. Spencer will cry."

"Hmm~" Sawamura Sayuri covered her slightly warped mouth with a small fan, turned and pushed open the door, "Please come in, Xiao Jun, just leave the motorcycle outside. The security here is very good, please don't worry."

Bai Ye followed in, only to find that Sawamura Sayuri did not lead herself to the living room, but to a seat under the cherry tree.

"Yingli Li should be taking a shower now, but she is not allowed to go to the living room. I don't want her to hear what she says later, so I can only wrong you, Xiao Jun."

Bai Ye nodded and sat down immediately.

The yard is brightly lit, and it doesn't feel gloomy even at night.

"Xiao Jun, please have some tea."

"Thank you auntie."

Bai Ye took the teacup and was surprised to find that the tea was hot.

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