Eri Sawamura is a book painter, but not all paintings are 18X, and there are some all-ages, just for the white night.

While lamenting that she has the habit of classifying works of all ages and 18X, she opened the folder, the previous paintings.

"That's all. They were all drawn before. Some of them are not good. If the senior dares to make fun of me, you will die!"

Bai Ye nodded hurriedly.

With the devotion that knocked on Sawamura Eri's heart, Bai Ye took the mouse and began to carefully observe her works, trying to penetrate into her heart.

"The paintings are all girls..."

Eri Sawamura folded her arms around her chest, her green fingers grabbed her sleeves in the dark, and turned her head to the side, pretending not to look at the screen while observing Bai Ye's reaction from the corner of her eyes.

Only she knew how uneasy she was now.

"Isn't it normal to draw girls, do you want to draw boys?"

This sentence seems to have no beginning and no end, but Bai Ye agrees very much.

The audience of girls' paintings is much larger than boys' paintings. In a painting communication software, the ratio of male and female paintings reaches 9.5:0.5. After all, who doesn't like cute girls?

Gradually, Bai Ye discovered some unusual places.

These girls seem to be quite astringent. Nearly 1/4 of the dozens of paintings have different degrees of fatness. Although the European style also shows a little bit, they are all poor breasts, and their attractiveness is not as big as fatness.

While Eri Sawamura was not paying attention, Bai Ye sorted the paintings chronologically and discovered something even more incredible.

The level of sophistication of the paintings continues to rise over time, and so does the degree of astringency. The fat times range from an inconspicuous touch at the beginning, to a full exposure later, and gradually become half-covered, and then to cover-to-cover, and the characters’ movements also change. The more attractive, the level of social security has skyrocketed! !


As if it was the sound of a boiling kettle, Sawamura Eri's face was hot and crimson, and she also noticed that these paintings were more and more out of age.

'There's no way, how could the book artist not draw fat times! ’

Bai Ye also noticed that the little golden retriever beside him was about to shut himself off, and slightly retracted the eyes of the gentleman who admired the fat time, and made a fake cough.

He probably understood why Eri Sawamura didn't want others to know.

The delicate blonde girl actually likes to draw fat times, and the paintings are full of astringency. Knowing this matter must affect her image very much.

He still felt that something was wrong, but now there was no time to think about it, and the most important thing was to appease Yingri.

He pretended to be indifferent, and his tone was still a little dissatisfied.

"Sawamura-san doesn't know how to draw European style, why are they all poor breasts?"


Eri Sawamura raised her head and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Bai Ye's expression.

‘Yes, the senior is a gentleman (Hen), a gentleman (tai). How can you be surprised if you grab a lot of paintings of this level on the Internet. ’

Especially when she heard "poor breasts", she immediately exploded her hair, revealing a pair of cold light tiger teeth, showing her teeth and dancing melons in the white night.

"What's wrong with poor breasts? I just like to draw poor breasts. I save fabrics for the country, I am proud!"

white night"……"

"I didn't say that you have poor breasts, I said that the paintings are just poor breasts, um... Is it because there is no reference material, so you can't draw them?"

"God **** it!!"

. . . . . .

After finally surviving from Sawamura Yingri's pursuit, Bai Ye looked at the row of teeth marks on his arms, especially the two deep little tiger teeth marks, and he felt scared for a while.

It turned out that I was in a hurry to Sawamura Eri, she would really bite!

Sure enough, it's a little golden retriever!

I have to be more careful in the future. The arm is resistant to bite, and it is very fragile somewhere. If I am bitten out two holes in the future, will it be okay? !

Knowing the reason for Sawamura Yingri's troubles, Bai Ye felt that the summer comic exhibition was almost certain.

He went back to the computer again, and stroked his angry twin tails, not sitting away because he had just been bitten.

"It's just a painting that's a little astringent, don't be shy~ I've prepared the U disk, let me add to my collection."

"Don't ヽ(≧Д≦)ノ!"

Eri Sawamura snorted and patted Bai Ye's hand away.

She accepted the fact that Bai Ye saw paintings of all ages, some of which she also put on the Internet, within the range of her shame.

"Senior wants to prostitute for nothing, and wants to be beautiful! I can still get a like and a reward when I put it on the Internet!"

Bai Ye was stunned and couldn't help but complain.

"You Aijia's chocolates are not much more valuable than likes and rewards. If you don't want them, spit them out and give them back to me!"

"That's my pay for part-time work. How can I spit out what I eat!"

"During the delivery, did you ignore all the delicious food that I brought you to eat?!"

"I don't care, the chocolate is mine!"

Bai Ye was helpless, but he didn't care about Sawamura Yingri's unruly willfulness, but enjoyed it instead.

This is the proud pear!

As long as she can be happy, what is a piece of chocolate compared to the happy life in the future?

"I have one thing that will definitely make you willing to hand over the painting."

"What's the matter, I still don't believe it!"

Seeing her full of arrogance, Bai Ye was looking forward to seeing her face changed.

He took out the application form for the Summer Comic Con from his schoolbag and handed it to Sawamura Eiri.

"It's a loss for gentlemen to not see Sawamura-san's masterpiece in the summer comics."

The blond girl shivered all over, she didn't expect that this was what Bai Ye handed over.

With the last expectation, she opened her mouth carefully:

"Senior, what do you want..."

"The application form for participating in the Summer Comic Con, I have already selected some options for you, except for the details of the works. After hearing you mention it that day, I couldn't help but read it."

Sawamura Sayuri asked not to tell Eiri about her commission, and Bai Ye made up an excuse.

As for the application fee, it is still from Sayuri Sawamura.

As he thought, Sawamura Eiri's face did change, but the direction of the change was beyond his expectations.

It was a kind of hesitant melancholy, like struggling to survive in the cracks, forced to choose between sensibility and rationality.

"Senior, this...this..."

Bai Ye also noticed her strangeness, and the other party seemed to be dodging the application form.

According to what he thought, Sawamura Eiri might be arrogant, and if he approached step by step, the other party would admit that the matter of the Summer Comic Con was satisfactorily resolved.

Is there something wrong?

One of the options on the application form is indeed very special.


PS: Progress report 29 (6328/10000), owed 1 update, this is a normal update.

I have to go out early tomorrow, update it early today, prime time!

Chapter 166 Chapter 164 Bai Ye: It's you, Mr. Kashiwagi Eri!

On the application form for Summer Comic Con, there is a special required option.

Your works: for all ages or not for all ages.

The all-age orientation is easy to understand, while the non-all-age orientation is an implicit expression, which means 18X.

This is related to the choice of venue. All ages are present, and non-all ages are in the field. There is a checkpoint between the inside and outside. Except for adults or authors, no one is allowed to enter.

Of course, there is a question mark on how strict this inspection level is.

Bai Ye thought he had thought of all the elements.

The money was paid by Sayuri Sawamura, and there was no money owed; the scene, at Sawamura Yingri's house, was the most reassuring place for her; the atmosphere was just right and would not feel awkward.

All of this he arranged with all his might was to make Sawamura Eiri calmly accept the feeling of telling the secret.

It's been going well from now on, why did everything change when she saw the application form for the Summer Comic Con?

No, there is one more element!

Bai Ye suddenly came to his senses, looked at the time of the painting, and then looked at Sawamura Yingri's refusal to return, a crazy idea quickly sprouted and grew in his mind!

The closer the time is to the present, the more astringent the painting becomes. At a certain moment, when the astringency reaches its peak, it is likely to cause qualitative changes due to mass production.

Eri Sawamura, shouldn't he be an 18X artist?

Thinking of this, Bai Ye's mentality changed.

I didn't look down on Ying Lili, nor did I despise her identity, there was just a kind of ecstasy that came from the bottom of my heart called "surprise"!

The girl you like is actually an 18X artist?

Is there anything better than this? !

I TM social security!

Knowing that his conjectures are inseparable, but Bai Ye did not dare to show any strangeness on his face.

How to make Ying Lili willingly admit that she is an 18X artist?

This is the last step, the most troublesome, the most critical, and the most tense moment.

If it is dealt with, the relationship between him and Ying Lili will grow by leaps and bounds, perhaps faster than Shi Yu or Kato Megumi.

If it is not handled well and makes Yingri shy, evasive, and autistic, the relationship between them will plummet, and the "18X artist" will become an insurmountable gap.

Bai Ye temporarily pretended not to know that Eiri was an "18X artist", and said in a soothing tone:

"Sawamura-san, can you show me your manga? There's a rare manga I've been looking for. I don't know if you have it here."

This sentence made Eri Sawamura catch a straw when she was drowning.

She couldn't control that much anymore, she just wanted to avoid the embarrassing topic, but at the same time there was a sense of loss in her heart that couldn't be ignored.

"There are many rare books on the bookshelf on the left. I will take you to find them."

Before Bai Ye came to the bookshelf, he pretended to look left and right, and then pointed to the top shelf.

"There seems to be a very familiar book there, I don't know if it is?"

"I'm going to move the stool."

She and Bai Ye couldn't reach the top shelf, so they had to use a stool.

After moving the stool, she immediately stood up to prevent Bai Ye from touching the top shelf.

Because there are dark compartments on the top two shelves, there are many 18X comics.

But in the next second, Bai Ye also stood on the stool and squeezed next to her, and the two were almost leaning against their chests.

"What are you doing, senior?!"

"I'll help you, you may not have seen which one I want."

"No, I see it clearly, is it this one?"


The nervousness and blush on Eri Sawamura's face, Bai Ye had a panoramic view, thinking that there really is a secret on the top shelf of the bookshelf.

This is his plan.

The best way to get Ying Lili to admit her identity willingly is to "take both the stolen goods".

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