"After that, what An Yi wants to say to you, if it's something that can't be said, Xiaohui doesn't have to force it."

"Not forcibly."

Kato Megumi put down the towel, lay half-ly on the table, her eyes were half-open and half-closed, as if she was drowsy after bathing, and the distance from Bai Ye suddenly drew closer, and she could even count her flawless eyelashes one by one.

However, Bai Ye couldn't ignore the affection in her pale yellow eyes.

"That is to say, I want me to be the heroine, and I need to learn more about otaku and other vague words, so people can't understand."

"Is that so..."

"I don't know why, but the ambiguity of the speech made me suddenly think of the senior."

white night"!!!"


After understanding the cause and effect, Bai Ye couldn't help but sigh at the ingeniousness of fate.

If An Yi Lun didn't find out that he had lunch with Kato Megumi, he would not be depressed and angry, and he would not be able to successfully invite her when he met Bo Island and went to sea.

'I've used a lot of luck recently, so I'm going to be unlucky one day? ’


PS: The reward progress report is 41 (7580/10000), and it owes 6 updates. This is a normal update.

Thank you [Fauns] for the dog food.

I haven't received a big gift for a while, Wuhu~~

Chapter 210 Chapter 208 Happy catharsis under the dull sky

On Wednesday, the weather was sweltering.

When I went out in Baiye, I only heard a muffled sound from the sky, and there was a dark cloud looking up.

"The weather is not very good today. I don't know when it will rain. In summer, the weather is changeable, so it's annoying."

He turned around to make sure that the clothes hanging on the balcony had been put away, and then instructed Xiaomi not to play outside on rainy days. Bai Ye picked up the umbrella next to the shoe cabinet and rode his bicycle out the door.

After passing an intersection, a voice suddenly stopped him.

"This gentleman, the weather is just right, do you want to go to school together under the beautiful scenery?"

Bai Ye braked the car and turned back to give a displeased face.

"I didn't see the weather looking good today in either eye..."

Who can say such a sloppy word, except for a certain black long and straight girl?

Shi Yu walked out of the corner, came to Bai Ye's left side, took his arm naturally, leaned slightly, and looked like a bird.

Bai Ye looked around and saw that there was no one around who could recognize them. He stretched out his right hand to touch her waterfall-like blue silk, and pushed the bicycle to continue walking.

"Why do you have time to accompany me to school today, Shi Yu, didn't you go to school without seconds?"

"Whatever doesn't count will die. I cherish every second of rest time."

"Well, you are very similar to Sawamura-san in this point, and you are indeed an enemy."

"Huh?!" Shi Yu glanced at an extremely menacing look, and giggled, "Xiao Baijun is a lot more courageous~~ Dare to ask another girl in front of one girl, you will die if you don't kill yourself. Skye?"

"I'm wrong!"

Bai Ye immediately made a surrender and read it seriously:

"I will never mention other girls in front of you, Shiyu, just like Kato-san and you are rivals in love, Sawamura-san and you are enemies, not a word!"

"Yin and Yang are weird!"

Shi Yu resorted to squeezing his waist softly, which instantly turned Bai Ye into a grief-stricken face.

"It's too cruel, Shi Yu, woo woo ~~ said that a good gentleman speaks and does not do anything?"

"I'm a girl, if you want to do it, you can do it," Shi Yu poked his face vigorously, "Do you want me to speak out and express the dissatisfaction of Hentai Xiaobaijun's desires?"


Bai Ye couldn't hold back a mouthful of old blood and wiped the corner of his mouth.

"This speed is too fast! Shi Yu, how can you be so proficient at flying Huang Duanzi? How many times have you been racing!"

"Bai Xue is forbidden!!"

Shi Yu subconsciously crossed her hands and looked him up and down.

"It's amazing, Xiao Baijun. He knows how to use Bai Xue to change topics, and he uses it so skillfully. Say! How many times have you used it?"

"Aren't you the same?!"

It was another meaningless but envious show of affection and bickering, which ended with the two of them out of breath.


Bai Ye pushed aside her bangs and gently brushed her delicate and flawless face.

In normal times, Shi Yu would always have looming dark circles under his eyes, which were signs of staying up late even with light makeup, but today the dark circles are much lighter and the bags under the eyes are not swollen.

"I hope that Xiao Baijun will let him know before the sneak attack, otherwise I will call out and I will only see you on the headlines of the newspaper tomorrow."

"It seems that you are indeed quite energetic, Shi Yu, and you have more strength to complain."

"What I complain about is that you keep touching, have you touched enough?"


Seeing that there was no one around, Bai Ye turned around and pulled Shi Yu to the corner, and when he let go, his face suddenly approached, leaving a kiss on the place he touched.

"You got up early to find me, do you want this?"


Shi Yu blushed slightly, but her slightly raised cherry lips revealed her true intentions, and she couldn't hide it.

The person who is liked on the street suddenly kisses the face, even if she is as quiet as her, there will inevitably be waves in her heart.

Last night, she was inspired, and she felt sleepy after finishing the day's tasks, so she went to bed early.

Sleep habits can’t be changed overnight. The result of going to bed early is getting up too early, taking a shower, having breakfast under the concern of family members, “are you staying up all night?”

The feeling of nostalgia was released, and Shi Yu looked up at the sky, slightly dissatisfied with today's weather.

"I'm in a good mood, but God doesn't seem to be in a good mood?"


When there was still a journey to Fengzhizaki, Shi Yu let go of Bai Ye's hand, did not go far, just let go of his hand, his expression and posture were telling others that the relationship between the two was not ordinary.

Since Shi Yu didn't go too far, Bai Ye was naturally not cowardly. He held his head high along the way, but he didn't dare to be too arrogant, for fear of being slapped by angry gentlemen, and then dragged into the small black room and beaten up.

"Shi Yu, have you thought about it?"

"After thinking about it, it's almost summer vacation. I don't want to worry about whether it's some or not. It's the most important thing to be happy, isn't it?"

Bai Ye turned his head, Shi Yu's expression was unchanged and relaxed, but what changed was that he gradually dared to reveal his love for Bai Ye in front of outsiders.

"Yes, being happy is the most important thing."

Bai Ye pinched his brows, he knew that he had a different heart when he said this.

The fact that he and Shi Yu went to school together will definitely spread throughout the school today, and there will be club activities in the afternoon. Bai Ye can imagine that An Yilun's face must be very exciting, and at the same time he is secretly happy.

As long as you use Shiyu to make a fuss, you can gain an advantage in winning Kato Megumi.

'What happened in the morning, hardmode changed to **** mode? ’

. . . . . .

At noon, Bai Ye, who came back from the dining hall, clearly felt that there were more eyes on him than before, and everyone did not hide the envy and hatred in their eyes, as if they wanted to choose someone to devour.

Bai Ye can't do it, Shi Yu suddenly made this out, what can he do?

He also thinks that his feelings with Shi Yu have reached a level that cannot be concealed. After all, he has done things like kissing his face on the street. Even if he is not seen by others, it is enough to show the depth of his feelings.

When he returned to the classroom, he was naturally interrogated by Goda classmates angrily.

"You guy, have you really soaked in Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu?"

"Fake." Bai Ye knew that he would ask, and threw a can of ice Coke.

"What kind of fake, you all went to school together, **** it! I want to burn you to death, but ice cola won't work!"

After all, Goda drank a few sips of Coke.

Bai Ye rolled his eyes and despised his food.

"If we go to school together, it means that we are in it, and there are still so many single dogs in the world?"

"It seems to make sense..." Gang Tian was confused. "Then how do you explain that you go to school together? Don't tell me that you bumped into that kind of vulgar bridge at the corner!"

"It's a friend, is it weird to go to school together?"

It is absolutely impossible for Bai Ye to make his relationship with Shi Yu public now. Presumably the other party thinks so too. It is appropriate to keep it secret and not declare it right. Otherwise, it will be a hassle to respond to the teacher's inquiry.

. . . . . .

The school bell rang, and the cheerful bells in the past felt a little more dull and impurity under the influence of the gloomy sky.

"looks like it's going to rain?"


PS: The reward progress report 41 (7580/10000) owes 6 updates, this is a normal update.

Section 211 Chapter 209 Looking at the rain scene, it can be regarded as the freehand before the outbreak

Bai Ye stepped on the stairs to the 4th floor, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind, like a white horse passing through a gap, and then discarded.

He wants to calculate the current situation clearly, which can be divided into several points in short:

My own purpose, An Yi Lun's purpose, and others' purpose.

From the purpose of each person, I subdivide three Ws: whatwhyhow, and then gradually reproduce everyone's thinking process in their minds, and then build a stage with their own ideas, and stage all possible events in their minds.

As long as you simulate all the situations that happen, and prepare the countermeasures to face all the situations, you can naturally become a general.

Dreams are full, reality is very skinny.

Whether Bai Ye feels that he has the ability to do everything in detail is another matter. The initial "each person's purpose" has stuck himself.

His purpose has always been the grand plan of the harem, and all his actions are to realize the grand plan of the harem.

Yi Lun's purpose is Kato Megumi, and "The Flash Girl" is the only way for him to achieve it.

What about Megumi Kato?

What is the real purpose of this mysterious three-none girl, or does she have more than one purpose?

Bai Ye felt that his head was hot thinking, and it was really difficult to take into account everyone's feelings.

At this moment, it was raining lightly in the sky. Standing in the corridor on the 4th floor, the cool wind mixed with raindrops hit his face, which made him calm down.

"It's useless to think blindly, go to the club activity room first. If you can't plan, you can adapt accordingly. There is always a way to get through it."

"What's going on, senior?"

At this moment, a voice came from beside him.

Even though the tone of the voice did not fluctuate, it still frightened Bai Ye.


The two people who appeared in front of him made Bai Ye stop the "Xiaohui" blurted out, and put on a polite smile instead.

"Kato-kun, An Yi-kun is here too. It's been a long time since it rained and it's cool. I hope you can spend it safely today."

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