Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 196 Future Demon (original)

Tendo and Kurose were chatting with Hayakawa Akira while taking Hayakawa Akira to the prison where the devil was imprisoned.

"As a side note, the beautiful woman your girlfriend?"

Kurose asked Hayakawa Akira with a curious look on his face.

"Can you please stop saying things like this whenever you have free time?"

Tendo said with some dissatisfaction.

However, Hayakawa Akira said, "That's my partner's sister."

Suddenly Kurose asked, "Oh my, did she hit you?"

Just like before, Himeno would often encounter family members of his fallen partners coming to cause trouble.

Among police demon hunters, it is normal for family members to come to vent their anger to their still-living partner because of the death of a loved one.

But Hayakawa Akira surprisingly said, "No...she gave me a letter."


Hayakawa Akira's eyes showed memories, and the memories gradually came back.

"This is a letter my sister sent me. I thought you should read it too."

Himeno's sister handed a letter to Hayakawa Akira in the hospital bed.

In addition to Jiye asking about the situation of his family, there is also...

"After all, my partner Qiu Jun is very reliable! I'm not too worried about him..."

"Speaking of Aqiu, I recently drank at home with my colleagues, and then slept together with everyone as usual."

"After he fell asleep, he forcefully punched Aqiu's ears. He was very distressed."

"...If that's the case, you really shouldn't stay here. At least don't be a police officer and be a civilian hunter. How can I get Qiu Jun to resign? After he said that, he was vague and perfunctory. I obviously took him seriously. What you’re talking about——”

Nearly half of the content in the letter that Hime Ye wrote to his family was related to Hayakawa Akira.

Ke Xinjie felt a little sad when she saw this.

Himeno has truly regarded Hayakawa Akira, even if Hayakawa Akira likes Makima.

But Himeno still likes Hayakawa Akira.


She said to herself uncomfortably, "Why doesn't Hayakawa Akira like Himeno, but instead likes Makima?"

Obviously...obviously in the previous memories, Hayakawa Akira seemed to like Himeno too.

Moreover, it was Himeno who taught Hayakawa Akira to smoke, and it was Himeno who had been accompanying Hayakawa Akira since he joined the police and became a demon hunter.

The relationship between the two is so good that they don't shy away from smoking the same cigarette.

But in this case, Hayakawa Qiu still likes Makima.

This made Ke Xinjie a little confused.

But she also guessed that Hayakawa Qiu should have met Makima first, and there was also a story between him and Makima.

That's why he fell in love with Machima.

There is a saying in relationships that relationships are always on a first-come, first-served basis.

If some people come late, it is really late.

She guessed that this was probably how Makima occupied Hayakawa Akira's heart first...


"If the subsequent story of Makima and Akira Hayakawa turns out to be such a bloody routine, I will hate you forever, author!"

Ke Xinjie said fiercely.

She continued to read, and the letter Ji Ye wrote to her sister contained some tedious daily information.

The most important thing is...

Himeno wants Hayakawa Akira to resign from the police and become a private hunter with her.

Hayakawa Akira remembered that Himeno had previously persuaded him to quit his job as a police demon hunter with him and become a private demon hunter.

This way you won't face so many dangers.

But he refused at the time.

After all, if Hayakawa Akira wants to find the Gun Demon to avenge the death of his family, he must possess the Gun Demon's meat pieces.

The only people who can possess the meat pieces of the Gun Demon are official demon hunters affiliated with the police.

So in order to take revenge, even though he knew that becoming a police demon hunter would put his life in danger, he still had no hesitation.

At this moment, Hayakawa Akira's memory scene ended.

They came to a cell.

"Qiu, make a contract with the devil in this cell."

Kurose said to Hayakawa Akira.

"Inside is [Future Demon]."

In Tendo and Kurose's truthful narration, the devil's information was completely exposed, "Two people in the police signed a contract with him, and one of them gave half of his life."

"The other person gave his eyes, his taste and his smell."

Seeing here, there is another city, Lin'an.

Fan Siwei, who was reading the comic, was also very surprised, "Future demon? Will the future also scare people?"

"The most important thing is the price. Even if the two people who signed the contract are completely different, the price is too high, right?"

Beside him, Li Sizhe, a classmate who came to his house to play, also discussed at this time.

"This is how you sign a contract with the devil..."

Fan Siwei said, "Because only in this way can we fight against the devil and protect mankind."

In the manga, Kurose looked at Hayakawa Akira at the end and comforted him, "If it is satisfied with you, maybe the price will not be high..."

"Please come in."

Hayakawa Qiu's face was very calm and he walked directly into the cell.

And in the darkness, a strange demon slowly appeared in front of him.

I saw this demon, which looked like a martyr nailed to the cross, and had six eyes on his head. His body was covered with tree roots. The most amazing thing was that he had a big eyeball in his belly.

"The future...the future is the best!"

The future demon chanted.

Seeing the future demon in front of him repeating these words, Qiu Hayakawa was the first to break the calm.

"I'm here to sign a contract with you, tell me..."

Hayakawa Akira said calmly, "What conditions do you want?"

The future demon complained first, "Your attitude is really unprecedented..."

"But forget it..."

He added, "Let me take a look at your future and decide based on your future."

The future demon then continued, "Put your head into my belly quickly, or I won't be able to see your future."

Hayakawa Akira looked at the eyeball in the belly of the future demon, but finally stuck his head into the belly of the future demon.

He... won't live long anyway, so there's nothing to worry about.

He just wants revenge as soon as possible, and after avenging Himeno-senpai, he will try his best to find the Gun Demon to take revenge.

As for what happens next, he no longer cares.

But when the future demon put his head into Hayakawa Qiu's stomach, he seemed to see something interesting.

He squirmed there excitedly, and then he and Hayakawa Akira reached a contract.


The future demon pinched Hayakawa Akira's chin and said, "Let me live in your right eye! I will lend you my power!"


The comic fans who saw this place were immediately filled with doubts.

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