Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 198 Necessary Evil (original)

The conversation between Makima and Kishibian was very meaningful, but no one could analyze it yet.

The next scene changed, and Katana and Snake, who seemed to have recovered, set up an ambush in a building.

Here they plan to stop the new police anti-demon special operations section 4 from launching an action against them.

Under the building is an army of zombie puppets transformed from zombie demons left by Katana's grandfather.

This is what they rely on.

The zombie puppets transformed by ordinary people who cannot repay their debts will also be transformed into zombie puppets if bitten by them.

They can only choose to fight against the odds.

Because Katana and Snake Girl knew very well that as long as Makima was still alive, they would not be able to escape safely.

The plot of the next chapter follows one after another. Hayakawa Akira, who seems to have completed the contract transaction, came to the battle site under the escort of Tendo and Kurose.

At the same time, Kurose left him a message:

"There are no normal people in the Special Operations Class! Be careful!"

Then the screen turned to Machima's side.

I saw Makima sitting among a group of vicious gangsters.

"He's a guest from the police. Prepare some high-end tea."

The gang boss looked at Machima in front of him and said.

"thanks for your cooperation."

Machima seemed not to notice the evil aura of the gangsters behind her and said politely.

In other words, she didn't pay attention to the gangsters around her at all.

After all, before this, Machima had shown her powerful unarmed fighting ability.

She was a ruthless person who directly killed all the enemies with firearms!

Under Machima's questioning, the gang boss also told what happened.

He claimed that Akane Sawatari had deceived their companions and that they could obtain firearms and ammunition for only 20,000 yuan.

Machima immediately understood and made a request, saying, "Then please write down the names of those who made deals with the devil."

"Okay, no problem."

The gang boss seemed to be very polite and said, "Lock them up and reflect on them for a few days."

However, Machima said at this time, "Not only the members of your group, but also the names of other group members, please write down."

At this time, the gang boss stopped working.

"Miss, I'm talking about you..."

He lit his cigar and said with some contempt, "I really don't know anything..."

He seemed to think that Machima was just some aristocratic lady who had been living in an ivory tower.

"Even if I know about this kind of thing, I can't say it. If others find out, it will cause a war between factions... It's really stupid."

However, Machima still said, "For the safety of the people... please cooperate."

The gang boss took a puff of his cigar and said seriously, "Miss...necessary evil, have you ever heard of this term?"

He continued, "If our gangs start fighting among themselves, foreign gangs will invade."

"Although we have done a lot of bad things, those gangs abroad are much worse than us, right?"

"It's us who are fighting against them."

"Just like demon hunters protect humans from demons, we gangsters are also protecting our countrymen from foreigners."

The contemptuous smile in his eyes became more and more obvious, "I heard that there are many idiots among demon hunters who have never gone to school. It's normal that they can't understand..."

His words were obviously mocking Machima as a fool who had never gone to school and could not understand what he meant.

This taunt immediately caused the surrounding boys to burst into laughter.

"What a necessary evil."

Seeing this, Zhou Wenwei couldn't help but complain, "The so-called gangsters no matter where they are, they are all born in the world. They protect the people of the country and don't force the common people to have their families destroyed."

In fact, this is indeed the case. Generally speaking, it is the people of the country who bully the people of the country the most.

Whether it is gangsters lending usury, collecting debts, or engaging in fraud, they are all trying to trick their own people into death.

After all, from the perspective of trust, everyone trusts "one of their own" more who speaks the same language as themselves.

Therefore, it is easier for one's own people to deceive one's own people.

In the comics, Makima is quite calm.

Neither annoyed nor embarrassed.

Instead, it was like...ignoring.

Ignore these gang members who are taunting you.

Just like humans don't care about the ridicule of ants, Makima doesn't seem to care about the ridicule of gang members at all.

She took out a paper bag and placed it directly in front of the gang boss.

"You want me to betray your friends for such a small amount of money?"

The gang boss misunderstood and said sarcastically.

“It’s not money in this.”

With a calm expression, Makima said words that made people think deeply, and said, "But the fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, lovers, wives, brothers, sisters of all of you here..."



The gang boss was a little confused.

Machima's face remained calm as she watched the gang boss open the paper bag.

Sure enough, what was inside the paper bag was a bag full of eyeballs!

This immediately startled the gang boss, "Ahhhhhh!"

Not to mention the gang boss, even the comic fans who saw this felt that Machima...

Cruel enough.

Picking out people's eyes without saying a word is really a cruel person.

No, it should be said that the wolf was killed!

"Do not worry."

Machima still said calmly, "There is someone in the police who can put the eyeball back on. As long as you cooperate, I will introduce him to you."


A younger brother behind Makima couldn't help it and punched Makima.

However, Makima just looked back...

The boy's nose immediately leaked a lot of blood, and he knelt on the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"A necessary evil from your mouth."

Machima stood up and said calmly, "It's just an excuse to justify your actions."

"This society doesn't need your excuses."

“If there is a necessary evil, it must be under the jurisdiction of the state and controlled by the state.”

After these words, coupled with Machima's heroic behavior, he is simply so handsome!

But when the scene at the end of this chapter changed, it was the police demon hunters who had surrounded the building where Katana and Snake were.

Under the carefully designed storyboard of the comic, it is divided into the opposing forces of Katana and Denji, Snake Girl and Hayakawa Akira.

Obviously, their next opponent has been determined.

And the understatement declared from the shore, "No tactics."

"All members of the Special Operations Division enter the building."

The first battle of the new 4th class of the Anti-Demon Special Operations Class has begun!

"This is the end of this story."

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