Sure enough, in the push notification on the homepage of the website, there was the video with Himeno holding a flower as the cover.

It's still an official one.

Everyone has felt it before. It seems that this official station C has some kind of deal with the comic industry.

Or maybe there is some ulterior deal with Lin Qingshan.

After all, all ten episodes of "Edge Walker" were immediately posted on Station C as soon as it aired. Later, Lin Qingshan also opened an account on Station C and uploaded a useless teaching video.

After Ah B became popular in his previous life, it indeed attracted many cartoonists, actors, voice actors and other practitioners in the ACG industry to open personal official accounts.

But the current station C is not at the same level as Ah B in the previous life.

So Lin Qingshan is currently the only well-known cartoonist who has opened a personal account at Station C. Isn’t this enough to show that the relationship between him and the official website of Station C is unusual?

Zhou Wenwei directly clicked on the "Deep Down" video on station C.

Sure enough, the opening was filled with a dense barrage that made people feel comfortable.

"In memory of Himeno-senpai - that undying love!"

"Himeno-senpai! I like you!"

"Oooh! Himeno-senpai!"

"Old thief Qingshan! Stop the knife, stop the knife, the child will be stunned by the knife!"

"Easy Revenge!"


"After I read the comic, I saw this video immediately! Snap! It's so fast!"

"Send one for Himeno-senpai!"

Everyone came here to interact with the barrages, and I have to say that Zhou Wenwei felt an inexplicable sense of pleasure when he saw the barrages all commemorating Ji Ye.

In fact, he didn't really like this so-called barrage at first.

At first, he just felt that the barrage hindered him from watching the video. Many places were blocked by the barrage and he couldn't see carefully at all.

But after a while, he suddenly felt that the barrage was quite interesting?

Especially for some videos, watching the video content may not be very interesting, but watching the comments on the video is full of fun.

So now he has also become a True Fragrance Party member.

Zhou Wenwei really hopes to see more of his favorite animations, movies, and TV series on Station C!

He watched it again in conjunction with the barrage, and it was definitely a lot of fun.

But it is a pity that now Station C can only watch animated dramas.

Moreover, many animated dramas are from a few years ago - after all, the republic's copyright laws in this world are very serious, and piracy is also severely cracked down on.

Although piracy will not become extinct, at least if there are pirated uploads on regular websites like Station C...

Then just wait to be banned.

Lin Qingshan feels that there is no need to worry about the current C station. When it becomes wealthy through listing and financing later, it will not be too late to try its best to cause trouble.

In the previous life, my uncle took the money from financing and spread money around after it went public.

Highlight a person who has a lot of money and no place to spend it.

Although Ah B soon ran out of money because of this.

Anyway, Station C is not in a hurry right now, it just needs to develop its own basic base.

So let’s just say it’s an old show, it’s not like you can’t watch it.

And many people like to watch old shows.

No, Zhou Wenwei still found a few old shows he liked very much on Station C.

Then he watched these old shows in conjunction with the barrage, and it was indeed a novel experience.

And now Zhou Wenwei watched "Deep Down" in conjunction with the barrage, and sure enough, the barrage was full of great people.

Everyone commented word by word and analyzed the obscure lyrics.

This is the benefit of barrage. Watching it in conjunction with barrage can save you a lot of video content that is difficult to understand.

After listening to "Deep Down", Zhou Wenwei automatically played the video according to the collection below and saw the video of the second song.

The second song is called..."Lonely Baby".

Click to open the video, and the same picture will continue until the end of the video.

But it was a different painting, not a picture taken from a comic, but a painting that Zhou Wenwei saw for the first time.

Hayakawa Akira and Himeno were wearing suits and wedding dresses respectively, holding flowers and lying in the cemetery.

Seeing this painting, Zhou Wenwei couldn't help but feel a little sad.

But... this can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of these comic fans.

When this painting was drawn at the beginning of the video, people on the barrage were crying.

"This painting is so good...Wow! I'm crying so loud now."

"In the face of death, they mocked its powerlessness with love."

"With tears in my eyes, Akiya Hayakawa only has two years to live."

"I hope Hayakawa Akira and Himeno-senpai can meet again in hell in the future!"

"Is this painting an official painting? Was it painted by the old thief Qingshan himself? How cruel!"

"That's fine...seeing this painting makes me satisfied..."

The barrage on the video was bustling, and then the singing sounded after the accompaniment.

This time the song is much softer and gentler than "Deep Down".

There is no heavy, depressing atmosphere at the beginning of "Deep Down".

"My sadness contrasts with your sadness...

I would like to express my condolences to you due to my embarrassing identity...

It’s okay to be a lovelorn person at the same time…

You and I finally get along..."

"A ruthless man makes love to an orphan~~

Getting through the rough patches for now…

You can’t be alone in a sea of ​​suffering…

At least we relied on each other..."

“Don’t pay attention to family or distance when there is no one around…

The two of them borrowed Spark for a while...

Feeling like partners this minute...

At least I wasn’t alone..."

"When you fall in love with Keren'er...

Let’s delete my location for now…

Jealous kindness…

I really want you to know the meaning behind my words..."

"It's hard to stay in your heart...

Make a trip back to the orphaned chick...

Although I know that this life will make you happy...

Or maybe it’s not me…

You can talk to yourself...

Self-pity and self-love are okay…

You laugh, you don’t need me~~”

The lyrics of this song "Orphan" are more straightforward and clear than those of "Deep Down".

And isn't this what Ji Ye thinks?

Knowing that Hayakawa Qiu likes Machima, she always stays by his side.

In this way... they are all lovelorn, so let's accompany each other and rely on each other...

And in the comics, aren't Hayakawa Akira and Himeno just... no matter how close they are, the two of them borrow the spark for a while, and they feel like companions at this moment?

In the end, Jiye didn't ask for anything in return, but was still willing to give.

Even if she knows that Hayakawa Qiu likes Makima, it is difficult for her to stay in Hayakawa Qiu's heart, and Hayakawa Qiu's happiness does not need her.

Although the singing voice is much gentler than that of "Deep Down", it makes Himeno feel even more miserable.

After listening to this song, Zhou Wenwei felt depressed again.

The sad and sad emotions once again surged into my heart along with the beautiful singing and melody, as if they were continuous as the rising tide of the sea.

At this time, his previous desire to smoke came to his mind again.


He picked up the Feizhai water next to him and took a big gulp!

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