Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 238 Welcome to Hell (original)

Gu Qianli looked at Pingcui being held hostage by Anbian in the comics, and suddenly laughed out loud.

Sure enough, she underestimated the flag on the shore just now, and was caught by the shore in no time.

"Miscellaneous fish..."

When Gu Qianli thought of Ping Cui's words about "miscellaneous fish" and how they planned to dismantle the shore, it was really funny.

Cut to this scene, and he was caught by the bank like a chicken.

It's so funny.

And back to the plot comics.

Guangxi was also afraid of her female companion in Anbi's hands, so he really let go of Yoshida obediently.

Kishi asked Denci and Pava to look after Guangxi's female companion, but he and Guangxi...

Sitting on a chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

They actually started talking peacefully.

Guangxi seemed to be very familiar with Anbian, after making sure that his other two female companions were fine.

She teased Kishi and said, "Crazy dog ​​Kishi seems to have become a lot smarter. Did he really turn into a dog when he put on the collar?"

"I'm over 50 years old, so of course I won't mess around anymore."

However, at this time, Kishibian took out a small notebook from his arms and said, "All the fangs have been lost a long time ago."

However, what he wrote in his notebook was - "Machima is monitoring our conversation."

Guangxi's eyes became strange after seeing it.

But on the surface she still pretended to be chatting with the shore.

The notebooks on the shore were turned over one after another, and a sentence appeared in front of Guangxi.

"Do as I say and I will let you go and ensure your safety."

"Help me kill Makima, and I will tell you everything."

After Guangxi looked at it, he didn't know whether to agree or not, and continued chatting with Anbian.

But at this moment, Al, the last of the three immortal brothers, suddenly appeared behind Denji. He took a gun and pulled the trigger.

At this moment, Kishibe stepped forward and kicked Denji away, allowing him to dodge the bullet.

However, the female companion of Guang Xi, Dragon Demon, who was held hostage by Denci, broke free from Denci's restraints.


Following her order, Guangxi and Anbian broke the calm and started taking action!

But then a funny episode about Xiaohong and her car lover Xiaohong was serialized.

After Gu Qianli looked at it, he turned to the plot of the next episode.

The battle between Kishibe and Guangxi shows that the two are indeed opponents of the same level.

But Guangxi grabbed An's legs, broke the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window, and threw him from the tall building.


Shore took out a knife and inserted it directly into the wall outside the tall building to act as a buffer.

Finally, it landed on a car below. The roof of the car instantly deformed and the window glass was shattered all over the floor.


Gu Qianli looked at the bright yellow car under Anbian in the comics and felt that it looked very familiar...

"This can't be... Xiaohong's car, Xiao Xiaohong..."

She suddenly thought to herself.

The tense plot in the comic continues, and Al starts shooting at the Dragon Demon with a gun.

The Dragon Demon spit out a lot of flames from his mouth. Fortunately, he reacted in time to dodge, and at the same time shot the Dragon Demon with his gun.

Guangxi was angry because of this, grabbed Al and threw him off the tall building.


Al actually fell into the car just like the shore.

The car suffered a second blow...miserably.

At the same time, the screen suddenly showed the violent demon and Xiao Hong.

"Are you okay over there?! Xiaohong!"

The violent demon asked Xiaohong.

However, Xiaohong was now in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking outside, and kept mumbling, " car!"

"It's really Xiaohong's favorite car, Xiaohong!"

Gu Qianli didn't know why, but he felt Xiaohong was miserable and funny at the same time.

What she didn't know was that there was a survey on popular characters in "Chainsaw Man" the week before Xiaohong's love car Xiaohong appeared.

Xiaohong's car, Xiaohong, also appeared in that popularity survey, ranking as high as...tenth!

This plot arrangement directly made comic fans laugh out loud, and they also made a lot of complaints about it.

"Old thief Qingshan, you are not human! Can Xiaohong be persecuted?!"

"I feel sorry for Xiaohong, but hahahahaha I really can't help but want to laugh!"

"So anyone who is a popular character will be killed by the old thief Qingshan, right?"

"Maybe it's true, even cars will be persecuted!"

"I understand, as long as I don't vote for the character I like, the character I like will not be punished!"

"The persecution was repeated, which made me laugh to death."

In the comic, members of the Public Security Special Operations Division rushed to support him.

Guangxi and his party also continued to fight with Yoshida, Bim and others, but at this time Denji suddenly discovered...


Denci stepped on a nail, and the nail pierced the sole of Denci's foot, "I stepped on a nail."

Not far behind him, Torik was lying on the ground disguised as a knocked-out puppet.

It was he who put the nails under Denci's feet, causing Denci's feet to be pierced.

And that nail is exactly...

His master has completed the third stab with a weapon possessing the power of the cursed demon Kas!


Denci suddenly became suspended in the air.

"Brother Saw?!"

Bim looked at him puzzled.

With the appearance of the cursed demon Cass, Denji hung in the air and formed a cross. A large amount of blood spattered directly from his body, and then he fell to the ground unconscious.

Torik also kicked Bim unconscious.

At this time, Torik's master came out and was still clapping his hands.

"Well done, Torik."

The woman said with a smile.


Thorik looked at the woman and shouted.

"Toric did my job for me."

The woman continued to smile and said, "You are already a great demon hunter."

"Master... we will talk about these words later. Let's take him away quickly."

Torik squatted in front of Denji and said.

However, the woman remained silent and did not respond.


"We don't have to take the body away."

The woman said suddenly.

Torik looked at her strangely.

The woman continued, "You have always listened to me. Although I am very strict with you, it is all for my own good."

"What are you talking about..."

Torik was a little confused.

But when Gu Qianli looked at the woman's words, he thought of something.

"Probably...she regards Toric as a family member and wants him to give up this dangerous job and run away..."

Gu Qianli said, thinking about the comic routines he had read before.

Usually at this time, Torik's master suddenly wakes up and feels that Torik cannot continue to engage in this dangerous job.

After all, they carry power and cannot escape within the territory of the Republic.


Next the woman said to Torik, "From now on, you are family too."

The memory killing scene also appears in the comics.

The picture of the woman watching Torik fall asleep, the scene of the woman taking Torik to search for prey tracks, and the last scene of the woman playing with the fox that Torik hunted...

All this seems to be drawn in the direction of a warm master-disciple relationship.

But what happens next is...

"Toric, let me tell you the secret to making an exquisite doll."

The woman approached Torik with a smile and said.

"In the person who is going to be a doll, add the emotions that only humans can have..."




"There is also a special seasoning, which is..."


Then she reached out her hand and pressed it on Torik's shoulder.

Torik wailed instantly!


Gu Qianli obviously didn't understand what was going on, and looked at everything in disbelief.

In the picture, Torik, who had been touched by a woman, looked up and howled, just like the previous dolls that had been touched by Santa Claus...


The woman said with a smile.

Then Torik lowered his head, his face returned to calmness, and at the same time Santa Claus's old face appeared on the side of the screen.

The expressions of the two of them were exactly the same... calm!

Then, Santa Claus walked into the mall.

Guangxi was still fighting with Yoshida. At the same time, Hayakawa Qiu and others also woke up and were planning to continue fighting with Guangxi.

But at this time, the picture turned to the pictures of Torik, Santa Claus and the woman.

The three of them are obviously different ages and genders, but they seem to give people the feeling that they are the same person.

"Goodbye, grandpa."

The woman said outside the mall.

But Santa Claus in the mall turned his arm into a bayonet and pierced his chest directly.

At the same time, he was shouting, "Give me my heart... and my beloved children."

"In exchange..."

The picture directly uses a clever camera move to combine half of Santa Claus and the woman's face, which seems to imply that they are actually the same person.

"Demons of hell, drag all the lives in this building into hell!"

The next picture suddenly showed a scene of four children enjoying a meal at the dining table, but the next moment, a finger suddenly appeared outside the comic, covering the faces of three of the children.

Santa Claus fell into a pool of blood.

But Guangxi and Hayakawa Qiu's side suddenly became dark.

"Too dark……"

"What's wrong?"

"What happened?"

And Torik was also in the darkness, standing there still expressionless.

Although he didn't look like a doll at this moment, it gave Gu Qianli the feeling that he had become a doll.

At this time, Anbi, Yoshida and Al, who were thrown out of the mall by Guangxi, seemed to have seen something, and their faces were horrified.

The woman was sitting on a doll, facing the mall in front of her, and said, "Have a good trip, Toric."

And above the shopping mall, a big hand with six fingers fell from the sky!

Grab the mall directly!

The place where Xiaohong and the violent demon were located turned into a grassland with countless doors above the sky.

There is also a line of words next to it, explaining where this is -

"This is... hell?!"

"This woman is the big boss?!"

Gu Qianli never thought about it and said in extreme shock.

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