Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 248 Starting to be afraid (original)

For the individual named Hayakawa Akira, his death is already doomed.

Therefore he is not afraid of his own death, nor does he resist death's embrace of his body.

But he was afraid... that Denci and Pava would die before his eyes.

The last time Santa Claus came, Hayakawa Akira watched as the dark demon used its powerful power to kill everyone instantly.

Although Pava and Denji were not killed like Bim and the violent demon, the appearance of lying on the ground with their arms broken reminded him of Himeno, who he had watched die with his own eyes...

But there was nothing he could do at the time...

That feeling scared him.

So what else is he going to do?

Do you want to kill Denji and Pava like you killed Himeno-senpai?

So Hayakawa Akira doesn't want revenge... he just wants to protect Denji and Pava.

Just like Jiye wanted to protect him back then.

These words are surprising even to Ke Xinjie and other comic fans, let alone Kishi in the comics.

"What a surprise. I thought you would be the most anticipated person among the police."

Kishibe said.

He seemed to think that Hayakawa Akira was thinking of quitting because the members of Section 4 were suffering heavy losses.

So he said, "You will be replaced by the personnel lost in the battle against Santa Claus."

"I know."

"It's not just Class 4 who are going to fight."

Kishibe said immediately, "The elite troops of the public security forces are gathering. This time we should be able to compete with the Gun Demon."

However, Hayakawa Qiu remained silent.

Kishibe still doesn't understand why Hayakawa Akira doesn't want to participate in the Gun Demon Crusade in Section 4 this time.

So he continued to say that if Section 4 did not participate in this event, Hayakawa Akira might not know the location of the Gun Demon in his lifetime.

That is to say, he will never be able to take revenge again.

"I can accept."

But Hayakawa Qiu is still very calm and seems to have been prepared for a long time.

Kishibe finally knew that Hayakawa Akira's current state of mind had completely changed, and it seemed that he had completely let go of his hatred.

So he had no choice but to say, "I will convey the idea of ​​"Section 4 will no longer participate in this operation" to the superiors. Anyway, you are an experimental unit, and the superiors should not have high expectations for you. "

"It's just... Qiu, why has your state of mind changed?"

Recalling the scene in hell, when Denci and Pava fell in a pool of blood.

Hayakawa Akira looked out the window and said, "I'm starting to get scared."

Ke Xinjie felt a little sad. Hayakawa Qiu, who once risked everything for revenge, has now let go of hatred.

This wasn't because he didn't hate the Gun Demon anymore, but because he wanted to protect his new family.

But... Even if Hayakawa Akira doesn't choose revenge, he only has less than two years left to live.

And now according to the plot arrangement of the "Chainsaw Man" manga author Aoyama Laoshi, Hayakawa Akira's next ending will definitely be very tragic.

The future demon’s prophecy for Hayakawa Akira is still vivid in my mind——

"Aki Hayakawa will die in the most miserable way in the future."

With just this sentence, everyone knows that Hayakawa Akira's ending will be very tragic.

"Uuuuuuuuuuah, my Aqiu!"

When Ke Xinjie thought of this and looked at Hayakawa Qiu's gentle appearance now, she couldn't help but feel sad.

However, the next scene in the manga where Denji and Pava prank Hayakawa Akira made her laugh out loud again.

But when she thought that the warm and funny atmosphere of Hayakawa Qiu, Denji and Pava would turn into more swift and fierce knives later, Ke Xinjie smiled and wanted to cry again.

"Teacher Qingshan's knife is really too cruel."

She turned the last page sadly.

But at this moment, Ke Xinjie saw the advertisement page at the back.

"The new comic magazine - Comic Horror Night will be officially released nationwide this Sunday! Mr. Aoyama, the author of "Chainsaw Man", will appear with a new horror work "Whirlpool"! So stay tuned!"

There was a magazine on it, and a picture of a girl with her long red hair curled in swirls.

Three of the vortexes contained the face of a normal boy with glasses, one was a strange blue-haired girl with a vortex pattern on her forehead but no pupils, and the other one was an upside-down wailing... grimace?

Looking at this style of painting, it is similar to Lin Qingshan's always exquisite painting style.

Then Ke Xinjie became curious, "Teacher Qingshan has started a new work? Is it still a thriller comic? Great!"

She was a little happy, mainly because her hobbies had always been different from ordinary girls.

For example, she likes to read "Edge Walker" and "Chainsaw Man", which shows that she prefers comics with a weird and weird style.

Ke Xinjie is also a lover of horror works. When she was in school, she liked to read novels from horror story clubs and watch horror movies.

The main thing is not that she is not afraid, but that she is scared to death after watching horror movies.

But even though Ke Xinjie was scared to death, she liked the feeling of her heart beating faster.

Just like why some people like to ride roller coasters, in addition to showing how brave they are, they also like the feeling of adrenaline!

It’s so… so exciting!

The same goes for people who like to watch horror movies. It’s not that they don’t find horror movies scary.

But the more scared you are, the more you like to watch.

Just like this feeling of rapid heartbeat and cold sweat!

Lin Qingshan’s new work is a thriller comic, although this may be Lin Qingshan’s first time drawing a thriller comic.

But Ke Xinjie has inexplicable confidence in Lin Qingshan.

After all, Lin Qingshan's comic style is full of blood, absurdity and unexpectedness.

And he has a great mind.

It is also very exciting for a cartoonist like this to draw thriller comics.

"It will be released this Sunday? That is tomorrow."

Ke Xinjie looked at the publication time of the magazine and immediately decided to go to the newspaper stand tomorrow to buy a copy and read it in the evening.

the next day.

After Ke Xinjie went out for a long time with her friends, on her way back, she bought the newly released weekly magazine of Manjie Culture Company - Comics Horror Night from the bookstore as she wished.

But considering that I have to go to work the next day.

This time she didn't watch it at night, but opened it immediately after buying it.

This also allowed her to wait until night, enough to relieve her fear and fall asleep peacefully.

Lin Qingshan's new work is well-arranged, and it directly occupied the cover position of the first issue of the comic book Horror Night.

After all, his current reputation is different from what it used to be.

The magazine's first comic is Lin Qingshan's new work - "Whirlpool".

Ke Xinjie turned to the first page, and first saw the title of the work and Lin Qingshan's name, in a background picture that was obviously more gloomy and vaguely densely packed with swirling shapes.

On the contrary, it feels extremely eerie from the very beginning.

Then comes the main film, the first episode - "Whirlpool Madness (Part 1)"

The first cartoon at the beginning shows the character on the cover, who is obviously the heroine, standing on a high mountain overlooking the small mountain village below.

"This is the town of Black Vortex where I grew up."

"What I'm going to talk about next are some wonderful stories that happened in Black Vortex Town..."

In the comic strip, even the weeds on the roadside are in a weird whirlpool shape.

For some reason, Ke Xinjie felt creepy at the beginning.

It was as if she was directly immersed in the cartoon's environment full of swirling weeds.

The beginning is the self-introduction of the heroine Kirie. The middle school she attends is called Kurouzuo Middle School, and her family is engaged in pottery.

On the way to school, the heroine suddenly encountered a strange flat cyclone.

At the same time, she met the father of her childhood sweetheart Shuichi. She saw him in an alley looking obsessively at a perfectly normal snail with a swirling carapace in the corner.

Shuichi's father even ignored the heroine's call to him, which made the heroine think that she had recognized the wrong person.

When they arrived at school, Tonge met Shuichi and mentioned that he had just met someone who missed his father very much.

But Shuichi said with a worried expression, "You read that right, that's my dad. He's been acting weird lately."

" is it weird?"

Kirie asked curiously.

"Well...something happened."

Shuichi said still worried.

The two came to the public playground in the village and sat down.

"Shuichi, you haven't had much energy lately."

Seeing Shuichi's preoccupied look, Tonge couldn't help but say.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you worried?"

Kirie looked at Shuichi and then asked.

However, Shuichi looked at Kirie and suddenly said, "Kirie, do you want to escape from Black Whirlpool Town with me?"


Tonge thought Shuichi was joking with her and said with a smile, "What do you mean? Elope?"

"I'm not kidding you!"

Xiu Dun said seriously, "I am seriously discussing with you about leaving here!"

After that, he continued to tell the reason why he wanted to escape from Black Vortex Town, "I hate this town very much recently. Something will happen if I stay here."

“I’m not in town during the day, so when I come back, it feels so strong.”

Shuichi looked at the station in the village and said, "Every time I get off at this station, I get dizzy... This town is trying to dazzle me!"

"I can't feel anything."

Tonge said a little strangely.

At this moment, the radio at the car show announced the time.

"'s already five o'clock."

Kirie said.

However, Xiuyi covered his ears with his hands and said, "I hate this sound, I hate this sound the most! It keeps lingering in my ears!"

Looking at the plot in the comic, for some reason, Ke Xinjie seemed to feel the same way as the male protagonist Xiu Yi, and also heard the weird voice.

And it seemed that the weird radio sound was really lingering in her ears just like Xiuyi said!

When Ke Xinjie saw this, she felt her breathing became a little heavy.

This is why... there are obviously no scary scenes.

Just the creation of this terrifying atmosphere, as well as this... exquisite and weird comic picture, it feels... so real.

But the scarier it was, the more excited Ke Xinjie felt, so she continued to read.

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