Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 251 The Art of Painting (4k)

Ke Xinjie clicked on the horror movie fan hobby group and typed a question——

Brother Jie doesn’t want it: “How do you feel?”

Suxiao Jiuxin Pills: "How about what? Who is Brother Jie asking?"

This group member did not participate in the discussion in the morning, so he expressed such doubts.

Sadako, my wife: "Brother Jie...don't tell me, this comic you quite evil."

Sadako my wife: "[Picture][Picture]"

The two pictures he sent are the two most evil pictures in the first chapter of "Whirlpool". Shuichi's father is spinning his eyeballs strangely, and Shuichi's father is twisted like a snail.

If they are beautiful, ghosts can do it too: "Huh? What is this? The people in this comic were made like this by ghosts?"

Li Gui Massage 300 person: "No... this guy made it like this by himself, and then died of broken bones all over his body... It's scary."

Celestial Master Caught by a Ghost: "Oh my god, it really scared me to death. This comic is so evil. After I finished reading it, I felt like the guy in the comic ran away..."

So handsome that he was chased by ghosts: "Brother Jie, you didn't tell me that the author of this comic is Old Thief Qingshan. The comic I drew with Old Thief Qingshan is really weird."

Li Gui Massage 300 person: "I'll go!! I was just scared out of my wits. I seemed to see people in the comics moving! It scared me!"

Ke Xinjie's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw this speech from the group of friends.

It seems... It is indeed not that I encountered evil things alone, but that the comic "Whirlpool" is so terrifying that people who read it will have hallucinations.

In other words, it’s not that “Whirlpool” is too scary.

Rather, it makes the ordinary swirling patterns in daily life look a little scary.

Once comic fans read this comic, they will naturally have some fear when faced with such common things that can be seen everywhere.

That's what Ke Xinjie thought, but she was completely wrong.

The reason is that after they read the first episode of "Whirlpool", they will have the effect of visual and auditory hallucinations.

It's purely because of Lin Qingshan's master-level ability that he redeemed from the system - Rusu Huazhong.

After obtaining the ability [Rusu Huazhong (Master)], Lin Qingshan understood the principle of this ability.

It's not a supernatural ability. After all, it's impossible for the system to produce supernatural abilities.

It's just powerful and special painting skills, as well as some psychological suggestion skills.

Just like Leonardo da Vinci's most famous painting, the world-famous painting "Mona Lisa Smile".

Viewing this painting from any direction, you will feel as if the woman named Mona Lisa in the painting is looking at you and smiling.

This is the skill and art of painting.

[Rusu Huazhong (Master)] The reason why this ability can give people a great sense of reality, and give people the feeling that things in the painting are looking at you at any time, or even jumping out, lies in skill and psychological suggestion.

If the psychological suggestion is further deepened, visual hallucinations and auditory hallucinations will occur.

Although this sounds a bit fantasy, it is indeed a very scientific method.

In fact, just think of it as something like hypnosis.

That's why Ke Xinjie and the others only felt that way after reading the comics.

But they didn't know it, they just thought they were too scared.

Soon, "Vortex", a comic written by Lin Qingshan, not only scared Ke Xinjie and her friends in the group.

Other comic fans who saw the "Whirlpool" comic were also frightened.

Mainly because there are some comic fans of "Chainsaw Man", "Edgewalker" and "Fire Fist" just because they saw Lin Qingshan's new work.

That's why they came here to read the comic "Whirlpool".

As for some of these comic fans, they definitely don’t like to watch thrillers and horror works.

So, they were all frightened.

Especially because of Lin Qingshan’s ability [Rusu Huazhong (Master)], they all thought for the next few days that the weird Shuichi’s father in the comics would run out or be able to talk.

That kind of psychological suggestion directly makes them sleepless and sleepless.

[Rusu Huazhong (Master)] The continuous effect of this ability is completely different from person to person.

These comic fans who usually do not like to watch thrillers and horror works have the weakest psychological defense resistance to the effects of psychological suggestion.

So they continued to be suspicious for three whole days.

And even those comic fans who usually like to watch thrillers and horror works and have extremely strong psychological defenses are not completely immune to the influence of [Rusu Huazhong (Master)].

It's just that they only last for half a day at most, and the psychological implications disappear.

Curiosity really killed the cat.

However, comic fans have started a heated discussion on the Internet about "Whirlpool", a comic full of evil.

"I declare that from now on, the old thief Qingshan who I recommend to others will have to recommend, in addition to "Fist of Fire", this "Whirlpool" in his works!"

"Be a human being upstairs. Aren't you afraid of being used by others with your flaming fist?"

"Don't be afraid. After all, my heart has been taken away by the old thief Qingshan. There may be no more joy or sorrow in this life."


"It's forbidden!"

"It's scary... the comic "Whirlpool" is really scary. I was someone who dared to watch ghost movies alone in the middle of the night. I was also frightened after watching "Whirlpool"."

"Stop talking, I feel goosebumps when I see the whirlpool now. How did the old thief Qingshan think of using this setting to draw a thriller comic?"

"I can only say that we can't understand the thoughts of mental patients. Oh my god, the old thief Qingshan is really a bastard!"

"That picture is really scary. The whole person is stuffed into a barrel and turned into a whirlpool... It's really evil."

"The key is that I feel traumatic stress. The night I read the comics, I don't know why I always felt like something unclean was following me."

"Wow, me too. It's really weird. Although I thought it was scary when I was reading it, the more I thought about it after reading it, the scarier it became. It felt like things in the comics had come out of nowhere."

"But this comic is scary and evil, but it is really good-looking."

"Yeah, I just love this kind of scary comics. Sure enough, Old Thief Qingshan should bring his talent to horror comics."

"Indeed, it is a cyberpsychosis after all. I can't imagine what kind of setting he would have... "Vortex" is completely unimaginable that it can be drawn like this."

"Speaking of which, Qingshan Old Thief is a new serialized short comic? He is still serializing "Chainsaw Man", right? Is it so powerful to just double it?"

"It's because the old thief Qingshan has hired assistants. It's mentioned on the last page of the comic that the old thief Qingshan has hired three assistants, so he shouldn't be so busy now."

"Old thief Qingshan has become a great cartoonist. He just hired three assistants... Gui Gui."

"You think... just the work "Edge Walker", the game copyright, film and television copyright, and the share of the single book are enough to make the old thief Qingshan rich and free."

"'Fist of Fire' and 'Chainsaw Man' are also very popular. The single volume of 'Fist of Fire' has exceeded 10 million, and 'Chainsaw Man' is also a single volume and its sales are extremely good."

"Old thief Qingshan is indeed a genius in the comics industry. He has only debuted for more than two years..."

"Genius? Mental illness! I have no idea what the plot of his comics will be next!"

"The plot of "Chainsaw Man" scared me to death some time ago. It was just a batch of knives. Even Bim and the violent demon were directly knifed."

"Stop talking woo woo woo, my Bim, my Mr. Violence."

The first episode of "Whirlpool" attracted traffic to the first issue of the new comic book magazine "Comic Horror Night" and brought huge sales.

It is true that Lin Qingshan is very famous now.

For example, some comic fans who don't read horror comics ran to buy a copy of "Comic Horror Night" magazine to see what Lin Qingshan's new work was like.

Therefore, the first issue of "Comic Horror Night" achieved very good sales results.

This made Yang Dahai somewhat gratified. It was no wonder that he was so scared that he couldn't fall asleep after reading the comic "Whirlpool" that night.

At the same time, he also paid more attention to Lin Qingshan.

After all, the strength and powerful appeal displayed by Lin Qingshan already have the demeanor of those top cartoonists.

Next, as time goes by, his appeal will only grow, and he may eventually become a top cartoonist like the Phoenix Academy teacher who created the super popular comic "Purple Energy from the East".

Such potential stocks that have already realized their potential seem to still have a lot of untapped potential.

Yang Dahai had a hunch, whether it was "Edge Walker" or the current "Chainsaw Man".

These currently extremely popular works are still not Lin Qingshan's pinnacle works.

Lin Qingshan's most peak work is still on the way to the future!

And the other side.

Yang Shuzhun took another look at "Whirlpool" with lingering fear. After reading it yesterday, he basically couldn't sleep well last night.

This is also because he is very curious that Lin Qingshan has released a new work.

And he was very curious about what Lin Qingshan's new work was.

So, again, the saying goes – curiosity killed the cat.

[Rusu Huazhong (Master)] is so powerful that even a big-hearted player who is used to watching horror movies will be scared to the point of being unable to sleep all night long.

Not to mention people like Yang Shuzhun who don't like to watch horror works.


"No matter how good this kind of horror comic is, you can't escape those routines."

Yang Shuzhun shook his head and said, "No matter how terrifying it is, if you can't avoid these routines, you are just letting yourself fall into vulgarity."

"Teacher, I think this "Whirlpool" is pretty good..."

Tang Wei on the side said loudly.

"It's not bad."

Yang Shuzhun said with a smile, "But again, it is inevitable to fall into the vulgar tricks of those gods and ghosts. In this case, no matter how terrifying it is, it is nothing more than this."

"I see."

Tang Wei suddenly understood and said.

But Yang Shuzhun still smiled happily.

He didn't really care about the "Whirlpool" comic, and at the same time he was a little happy.

Lin Qingshan has actually started a new work. Does this mean that he is no longer able to compete with him?

This means that he admits that "Chainsaw Man" has lost in competition with his "Protoss".

To be honest, the plot of the previous chapter of "Chainsaw Man" was indeed quite good. The plot was unexpected but very compact and exciting.

Especially the reversal of Santa Claus' true identity made him learn a lot.

But he still didn't lose in "Gods". The character Chu Zihan's popularity had soared before, and the popularity of "Gods" also skyrocketed.

Especially the next plot...

The identity of the new and deeply portrayed female supporting character Xia Mi was about to be reversed, but she still died at the hands of Chu Zihan.

Lovers turned against each other, the two sides fought fiercely, and a popular supporting character died violently...

How pleasant it sounds!

And what follows is Shai Zai’s real first shining moment!

Yang Shuzhun was extremely excited, and next came the scene that he had been preparing for a long time.

In the end, Chu Zihan took the key given by Xia Mi and went to look for traces of the real life of Xia Mi.

And at that time, it will be the final and most perfect shaping for Xia Mi.

By then, his comic fans will surely be extremely moved!

Yang Shuzhun and Tang Wei immediately continued to work on the drawings of the "Gods" comic.

And then, for Lin Qingshan, work and life continue.

It's just that this time there is another serialization work of the comic "Whirlpool".

In this regard, he is not the biggest victim.

But Lin Qingshan’s assistants.

Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Yuta Akumi were the first victims to see the manga "Whirlpool" in the true sense. Even Yang Dahai saw it after "Whirlpool" was drawn.

And they saw it while "Vortex" was still being painted.

They even helped complete a series of tasks such as coloring and sticking bubbles.

But after returning, Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Akumi Yuta couldn't sleep for several days.

It wasn't until the effect of Lin Qingshan's [Rusu Huazhong (Master)] ability faded that they calmed down a little.

But when it was time to start working as an assistant again, I was faced with the basic sketches of the second episode of "Whirlpool" drawn by Lin Qingshan.

Wu Shiqing, Chen Chunqiang and Akumi Yuta all turned pale.

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Lin Qingshan looked at the three people with pale faces curiously and asked.

Because "Chainsaw Man" serialized "Comic World Gogo" was released on Friday.

"Comics Horror Night" was released on Sunday, so the two were directly staggered.

Therefore, the delivery dates of the two comics are not consistent.

It just so happened that Lin Qingshan could arrange to finish painting "Chainsaw Man" first, and then finish painting "Vortex" now.


Akumi Yuta gritted his teeth, then stepped forward and took the drawing in his hand, "Teacher, I'm going to work!"

Seeing this, Wu Shiqing and Chen Chunqiang had no choice but to finish the work.

After all, Lin Qingshan paid them wages and treated them so well.

Of course they have to work hard!

So...even if you are afraid, you must complete your work for the teacher!

With desperate thoughts, the three of them started working on the draft of "Vortex" again.

Then they saw the cartoon with psychological implications in Lin Qingshan's hand, and then... they were afraid that it would be another sleepless night...

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