Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 261 Fan Fan’s Thoughts


Seeing this sensational news, Ke Xinjie couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

If this is true...then the old thief Qingshan...ah no, Teacher Qingshan is too miserable...

Suddenly she remembered the Hayakawa Akira family in the comics. Her parents and younger brother were taken away by the Gun Demon...

And it just so happened that in this news, it was also the younger brother who killed his parents with a homemade gun.

So... is Lin Qingshan drawing his own story?

Previous rumors on the Internet also said that Denji was the protagonist character created by Lin Qingshan based on himself.

Because someone has already revealed that Lin Qingshan’s own dog is named Pochita.

In addition, he himself has a somewhat abnormal mental state similar to Denji's.

Moreover, many cartoonists and authors actually create the protagonists on their own behalf.

Therefore, everyone thinks it is reasonable for Lin Qingshan to create the character Denji based on himself.

But now it turns out that he created Hayakawa Akira based on himself...

This is very strange.

"Maybe Denji is him, and Hayakawa Akira is also him."

Ke Xinjie suddenly realized something and said to herself, "He used to be Akira Hayakawa, now he is Denji, and he killed his past self with his own hands and watched his past self die with his own eyes."

"Or maybe he wanted to die and be reunited with his family."

It is precisely because of this that Hayakawa Akira was arranged to die in such a tragic way...

Ke Xinjie couldn't help but sympathize with Lin Qingshan...if this news was true.

The "Chainsaw Man" comic fan group she belonged to immediately exploded, and they all expressed that it was no wonder the old thief Qingshan was so crazy.

It turned out that I was really driven crazy.

Ke Xinjie also expressed her guess.

Brother Jie doesn't want it: "Maybe Hayakawa Qiu is who he used to be. After his parents were taken away by his brother with a gun, his heart was already dead."

Mental Patient No. 007: "It's so pitiful when you think about it... Why did his brother do this, and what happened in the end?"

The dirty god is not the martial god: "I found the court verdict. It was sentenced to death five years ago and was immediately executed. However, the details of the case were not mentioned."

Miss Makima's dog: "Teacher Aoyama, this is so miserable. My brother killed his parents. It's even worse than Akira Hayakawa in the comics."

I will always like Lesse: "At least Hayakawa Qiu will have a revenge target in the future, but as for Teacher Aoyama, I probably wouldn't be able to accept the attack on Zisha on the spot."

Brother Jie doesn't want it: "Oh, that's why the old thief Aoyama was driven crazy, and that's why he arranged for Hayakawa Akira to die like this, and was killed by the current him - Denjisho."

Hell Demon: "It's really miserable... I will never scold Teacher Qingshan again. Reality is even crueler than comics."

After this matter was dug out, it immediately caused an uproar.

It's not just Ke Xinjie's group that's spreading the news. People are spreading the news on forums, official websites, scarves and even site C. They've posted a low-tech picture splicing video, accompanied by their own recordings to express their opinions.

"I really didn't expect that "Chainsaw Man" was actually a real person."

"Teacher Qingshan is so miserable...My younger brother shot his parents to death, and then he was also sentenced to death. The originally happy and beautiful life completely collapsed."

"Hayakawa Akira was the former Aoyama teacher, and Denji was the current Aoyama teacher. He let Hayakawa Akira die, probably because he thought it would be better if he died in the first place..."

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..You say that, I feel so sorry for Teacher Qingshan."

"The key is that in the manga, it was the gun demon who killed Hayakawa Akira's family, but in reality, it was Aoyama-sensei's own brother who killed Aoyama-sensei's family..."

"Well, I am the youngest doctor with a double degree in the Republic, and I have a bright future. But when such bad news suddenly happens, it will really drive people crazy."

"No wonder it's mental illness...If something like this happened, I would probably commit suicide directly."

"It has been two years since Mr. Aoyama first released the comic "Edge Walker". It took Mr. Aoyama two full years to get over this matter..."

"Come out? Do you think Mr. Qingshan's current condition looks like he has come out? He just got a little better."

"It's also...the current mental state does not look like it has come out."

As this matter was dug out, it caused discussions among comic fans and an uproar in the comic industry.

It also made all the relatives and friends around Lin Qingshan nervous after seeing the news.

Youpin Medical Devices Company.

"Dad! Something bad is going on!"

Lin Pinzhang had just finished an internal meeting and was signing various documents in the office when he heard his elder's voice coming from a distance before he arrived.

His face instantly turned cold, and he felt like he hated iron.

This son of my own is really incompetent in both writing and martial arts.

He can't compare with his eldest nephew Lin Qingshan at all, his academic performance can't be compared with him, and his degree can't be compared with him.

Even in terms of career, Lin Qingshan gave up his degree and major, switched careers to draw comics, and became a leader in the industry.

You really have to compare things with others, compare people with's really annoying!

Lin Youan gasped and ran into Lin Pinzhang's office.

People in Lin Pinzhang's company obviously knew the prince of his own chairman, so they didn't stop him at all.

"Look at you, what does this look like?"

Lin Pinzhang first stamped the document in his hand and scolded, "Can't we learn from your cousin?"

"Dad... what I want to say is about cousin Qingshan."

Lin Youan said anxiously, "Now...the Internet...the Internet is discussing the matter of cousin Qingshan. I don't know who dug it up...the matter of the second uncle, second aunt and brother Si Zhi."


Hearing Lin Youan's words, Lin Pinzhang's eyes widened and he said in shock.

"Dad, look."

Lin Youan took out his mobile phone and showed Lin Pinzhang the crazy news posted on the Internet.

Seeing that the netizen above had found out the news that his second nephew had killed his brother-in-law and Lin Qingshan's past, he couldn't help but feel heavier.

The most important thing is not that this matter is found out, the most important thing is whether this matter will be spread to Lin Qingshan, and Lin Qingshan will learn about it and remember those things in the past.

According to the psychiatrist he arranged to see Lin Qingshan, the current Lin Qingshan probably lost his past memory because the former person fell on his head, so he could not remember the past.

But this is actually a good thing, because Lin Qingshan's current mental state is extremely stable.

Even though he had been stimulated before, his personality and outlook now seem strange.

But as long as Lin Qingshan's mental state is stable, then everything will be fine.

The most fearful thing is the kind of people who have great psychological ups and downs. They might look fine today, but end up committing suicide at night.

This situation is the most worrying.

But Lin Qingshan's mental state is weird but stable, which is very helpful for the subsequent psychological treatment.

But now that something like this has been revealed on the Internet, if Lin Qingshan sees it...

Then it's all over.

"Why didn't you call me earlier!"

Lin Pinzhang stood up in a panic and scolded his eldest son Lin Youan.

"Dad, your phone can't be reached."

Lin Youan smiled bitterly and said, "For now, let's make sure Brother Qingshan doesn't see such news... I've already called my sister-in-law to ask her to pay attention to this matter."

After hearing the second half of Lin Youan's words, Lin Pinzhang felt a little relieved.

It seems that... my son is not that unbearable, at least he didn't slip up at the critical moment.

But he was still very nervous and said, "Now we still have to watch Qingshan and stabilize him from being stimulated... I will go there now!"

"Okay, Dad, let's go together."

Lin Youan and Lin Pinzhang immediately went downstairs and took the car to Lin Qingshan's apartment.

On the other side, Gu Qianli only saw the news on the Internet after getting Lin Youan's phone number.

She immediately panicked.

She was the first person to know about this besides Lin Pinzhang and other relatives of Lin Qingshan who had already known about it.

It was precisely because she knew Lin Qingshan's painful past that she was determined not to let Lin Qingshan recall the past.

But now this matter has been dug up by comic fans on the Internet...

Gu Qianli was stunned.

But she quickly said, "No, Qingshan may not have seen the news on the Internet now. I will call Shiqing and others to help watch Qingshan and prevent him from seeing the news first."

After saying that, Gu Qianli immediately called... Ito Ayumi.

Because even she didn't know the phone numbers of Wu Shiqing and Lin Qingshan's assistants.

"Hey, Ayumi."

Before Ito Ayumi could answer, Gu Qianli said directly.


Ayumi Ito was also very confused as to why Gu Qianli called her at this time and asked curiously.

"Ayumi, something serious has happened."

Gu Qianli said anxiously, "Qingshan's past was exposed by people on the Internet."

"Teacher Aoyama?"

However, Ito Ayumi didn't know about Lin Qingshan's past before. Now she was full of doubts and asked, "What happened to Teacher Qingshan's past?"

But she noticed the anxiety in Gu Qianli's tone and immediately felt that this matter was not simple.

Now Gu Qianli has no need to hide anyone else except Lin Qingshan.

She immediately said, "Qingshan... a very tragic thing happened to him before. His younger brother killed his parents with a gun and was sentenced to death."

"After this incident happened, Qingshan was stimulated, and later changed his name. He was injured and couldn't remember what happened before, and that's why he became like this."

"So... we can't let Qingshan know about this, so as to stimulate him and remind him of the past!"

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