Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 265 Contract Heroes and Disappearance (Original)

Machima even revealed the secret that Denji had been hiding in her heart...

Denci's father did not die of suicide, but Denci killed him with his own hands.

Denci's blurry dream reappeared, and young Denci stood in front of the door, which was slowly opened.

Behind the door in the heart that Denci had never opened was Denci's father's...


"He was drunk and wanted to beat you to death, so I had no choice but to kill him...right?"

Makima squatted next to the young Denji and said the cruelest words, "But other people thought that if this was the case, the money owed to them would not be collected, so they called him a suicide."

She smiled and said to Denji, "The closed door has finally opened..."

"You helped me kill Pava, and killed Aqiu who might still have a chance to be saved..."

"And he killed his own father..."

"Such a person has no right to expect to live an ordinary life, right?"

Seeing Machima's face that needs a beating, comic fans really feel more and more angry, so angry that their hearts are about to explode.


Ke Xinjie shouted at the comic, "Dianci! Don't believe her! Go to hell! Makima!"

That's not the case at's obviously not Denji's fault.

It’s all this bad woman…

Denji just wanted to live, so he killed his scumbag father.

And Hayakawa Akira was also transformed into the Demon of the Gun by Machima, and was manipulated to find Denji.

Pava was also killed by Machima...

All of this is obviously the fault of this bad woman, Machima!

Comic fans are really angry and anxious, and their hatred for Makima is so full that it overflows.

How could there be such a hateful and bastard character!

Ah ah ah ah ah! This kind of bad woman should be shot with a gun a thousand and ten thousand times!

However, Denji in the manga became more and more disappointed at Makima's words, and finally slowly lowered his head...


In the end, Denci seemed to have become Machima's puppet, lying on the sofa without moving.

Machima, on the other hand, was eating breakfast surrounded by her family's pet dogs as if nothing had happened.

Denji...has completely collapsed, and his contract with Pochita has also collapsed.

But then, Makima came to a building with Denji, who had completely turned into a puppet.

In the building, Machima introduced Denji's past and present family members, including Bim, violent demons, Pava, and even angels and demons who had already left the scene.

However, they did not come to life, but were placed squatting on the ground, as if they were meeting their master.

"These people are your dependents."

Makima pulled Denji as if walking a dog and said, "Although they have different beliefs from mine, they all risked their own lives to protect you."

Finally she said with a smile, "They are all waiting for today, the day of resurrection——"

But at this moment, rockets bombed directly on the building, interrupting Makima's words.

It’s the shore and police demon hunters!

This time, it's the Republic's turn to take action against Machima!

After the huge explosion, the shore led the soldiers to catch Makima who was hit by the rocket.

Then, with an order from the shore, he shot Makima directly!

In an instant, there were countless bullet holes in Makima's body.


All the comic fans who saw this applauded and praised.

Machima, this bad woman... must have such a sudden burst!

An hour of shooting is definitely not an exaggeration!

Everyone was so happy that they said, "That's great! Pop the champagne!"

However, some people still remember that Machima was shot before but was resurrected.

Can this... really kill Makima?

But right now.

"Anti-Machima forces prepare."

The shore gave an order, and then six people from the police demon hunter appeared.


Under the apologetic words from the shore, the six people held daggers in their hands and cut their own necks in unison.

"Demons of hell, help us kill Machima and take her to hell!"

It turned out to be... sacrificing his own life and summoning demons from hell to deal with Machima!

It's really... brings tears to my eyes.

This is how human beings are, there will never be a shortage of heroes who dare to sacrifice themselves to save the world!

However, at this time, Machima really came to life again under the continuous gunfire.

"Help me, Chainsaw Man."

She shouted like this.

Comic fans are shouting "No, don't save her".

However, Denji did not pull the engine by himself, but...

Erupting from the belly button... intestines?

Or the umbilical cord?

The umbilical cord was wrapped around Denji's neck like a scarf.

On Machima's side, as the six people sacrificed their lives, a hell demon resembling a centaur appeared behind them.

But Denji also pulled the engine and transformed into a chainsaw man.

It's just that this time Denji transformed into a chainsaw man, but it was completely different from before.

Like...more complete.

It was more like the true form of the chainsaw demon, and then Denji instantly killed the hell demon summoned by the police demon hunter at the expense of six people's lives!

So strong!

Is this a power issue?

No, this is the Chainsaw Demon!

But even though the hell demon was killed instantly, a police demon hunter unknown to comic fans still supported his seriously injured body and put the blood in his body into the hell demon's mouth to let it recover.

"After completing the mission... then die..."

This kind of courage and responsibility is really admirable.

The next moment, the door to hell opened, and a hand stretched out, pulling Denci into hell.

On the other side, Kuanbian held a pistol and pointed it at Machima, who seemed to be fine now.

"There's no point in shooting me."

Machima said calmly.

After all, she was fine after so many bullets were fired at her.

How could this small pistol on the shore kill her?

And why?

Machima gave the answer at this time and said, "According to the contract between me and the leader of the remnants of the previous dynasty that you hate, any attack on me will turn into diseases and accidents for some of the citizens of your country." ①

Suddenly, comic fans suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Machima kept being resurrected as if she had an immortal body.

It turns out that this contract exists.

They also probably know that if they are the head of a country, they can sign a contract with the devil on behalf of the entire country's citizens.

This is the contract between the President of the United States and the Demon of the Gun. He sacrificed one year of his life to summon the Demon of the Gun.

But unfortunately, the Gun Demon was directly defeated by Machima.

Although the current leader of the remnants of the former dynasty is from the former dynasty, he seems to have the ability to represent the citizens of the Republic. He also made a contract transaction with Machima, giving her the ability to be almost immortal.

It is precisely because of this that the police demon hunters even know that Makima is the dominant demon.

But he didn't dare to attack her easily.

He even recruited Anma Qima to join the police demon hunter and became a high-level police demon hunter directly subordinate to him.

It’s really… tricky.

Faced with such a demon who has the potential to turn attacks into diseases and accidents for the citizens of his own country, who dares to take action regardless of risk?

So the best way is to recruit people. As long as Makima is on the side of humans and on their side, then just pretend that nothing happened.

Only this time...

Machima was clearly out of control and created a series of chaos, leading to tragedy and extremely tragic casualties.

This is no longer tolerated by the higher authorities.

If Makima is allowed to continue like this, she may become a powerful demon that dominates all humans!

It will be all over then!

"That's really enviable."

But Kuanbian hadn't put down the gun in his hand yet and said.

"Why don't you put down the gun if you know it?"

"I would like to ask why you are still so calm and composed? The chainsaw demon has already gone to hell."

Kishibe asked rhetorically.

"I asked him for help."

Makima said with a smile, "So I believe he will come back."

"Who are you...?"

Kishibe couldn't help but ask at this time.


Machima was confused for a moment, but she said, "Well... I'm a big fan of his."


Kishibian asked even more confused.

"Hell's hero, Chainsaw Man..."

In hell, Denji, who transformed into a chainsaw demon, was constantly fighting with all kinds of demons.

"As long as you shout for help, he will appear."

"The demon in front of him was cut into pieces by a chainsaw, and the demon he called would be shattered into pieces. Therefore, he was regarded as a thorn in the side of many demons and was hunted by them."

"But he always revved up the engine and rose from the ashes."

Faced with the siege of countless demons in hell, the chainsaw demon easily killed these demons.

"Some people hate him with all their heart, and some people are afraid of him and stay away from him."

"There are also people who admire him."

Machima talked about everything about the chainsaw demon, "But there is another reason why the demons are so afraid of him..."

"The demon that is swallowed by the chainsaw demon will disappear from this world even its name."

After Machima revealed this horrifying ability of the Chainsaw Demon, Kishibe and the comic fans couldn't help but be shocked.

"How is it possible to have such ability?"

Kishibe said, obviously in disbelief.

However, Machima said, "It's normal that you can't imagine it. After all, the names of the demons he ate have disappeared from the past and present and from people's memories."

"Even though I have the ability to master everything, I'm starting to lose track of their names."

She also gave an example to the shore, "Do you remember what Nazi did to the squid?"


Kishibe had apparently completely forgotten what the name meant.

"Nazi, World War II, AIDS, nuclear weapons..."

Machima named names that were terrifying in the real world, but these were nouns that had been swallowed up by the chainsaw demon and completely disappeared from the past and present.

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