Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 408: Cang Xie ascends the stairs, hot discussion and re-ascending to the top (original)

When Fan Siwei went back to read the episode of "The Tao of Strange Immortals", Li Huowang could not get over the hurdle in his heart.

Even if he was trapped in an illusion and killed by Dan Yangzi, it would be better than making his mother suffer so much at this moment.

Fan Siwei was even more silent. He suddenly understood why in many comics, especially in the comics of cultivation, those cultivators who were obviously determined would be so afraid of things like inner demons.

If the so-called inner demons were like what Li Huowang was facing now, who could get over it?

Just like the joke on the Internet, you think the most effective beauty trap is that the other party sends a beautiful woman you have never seen to flirt with you and call you husband.

In fact, the most effective beauty trap is-

your immature first love or someone who looks like her, appears in front of you one day, and says with a smile, "Why are you still so stupid, idiot".

You probably said on the spot, "You all say she is a beauty trap, but she is obviously auspicious."

Li Huowang is in this situation too. Even if it is really an illusion, you can only admit defeat. You really can't get over this level...

This is what happened to Li Huowang in the comics. After he confessed his mistake to his mother Sun Xiaoqin in extreme pain, he finally chose to let go of the girl in his hand.

At the same time, because of such great pain, he had desperate thoughts in his heart.

"If I die... everything will be better, my mother will no longer have a burden, and Danyangzi will not be able to revive with the help of my body..."

Li Huowang suddenly calmed down and thought so in his heart.

Yes, no matter which world is real and which world is illusory, as long as he dies...

then all problems will be solved.

And just as this idea was expanding in his mind, a senior police officer surrounded him.

"That, young man, look, as the saying goes--"

This man seemed to want to negotiate with Li Huowang, but just as Li Huowang looked at him...

The other party's right index finger inexplicably bent slightly... This was a gesture.

The next cartoon showed a long sniper rifle, and a policeman hid in the dark with a gun and pulled the trigger.

Suddenly, in the picture, a high-speed rotating sniper bullet shot out of the barrel from a half-open window in the distance, and flew straight to Li Huowang's brain stem.

Li Huowang also fell down.


He did not die.

In the cartoon, he returned to that strange world again.

"Old bones, as the saying goes, seventy-three or eighty-four, the King of Hell does not call you to go. You are eighty-four this year, why don't you go?"

The little girl who appeared on the 18th of the twelfth lunar month, the people in the Wu family compound, and even the weird Kitchen God, all appeared in front of Li Huowang one by one like phantoms.

But Li Huowang is now alone, surrounded by bamboo, and his lower body is trapped in a pool of muddy rotten bamboo leaves.

There seemed to be a call from Bai Lingmiao and others outside the bamboo forest. He and Bai Lingmiao seemed to be separated by the 18th of the twelfth lunar month.


"You know what? It looks like you've already won..."

Li Huowang was now filled with pain. He looked at Layue Shiba and said, "But you shouldn't have killed me just now. You know what? My heart is really hurting right now!!!"

After all, even Fan Siwei could personally feel the pain of Li Huowang's soul being tortured and burned after seeing the previous comic plot.

It was like being in the copper pillar hell and being branded.

Li Huowang had even been shot just now. Although the physical pain was not as great as the mental torture, it was also very intense.

"It hurts so much that I even want to die!!"

At this moment, he took out... the red bamboo slip he brought with him, the Daqian Lu!

The pain in his heart resonated with the bamboo slip, and the pain in his heart that had just gradually weakened due to his return began to slowly intensify.

Then the red bamboo slip underwent a miraculous change. It began to take root. The roots drilled through the bamboo leaves below, dyeing everything blood red.

Then Li Huowang used the "secret method" in the Daqian Record to hurt his body and used the forbidden technique above!

As his lifelike and rolling intestines were pulled out alive by the barbs, one end of the intestines was connected to Li Huowang's abdomen, and the other end was hung on the barbs, and the "bridge" in the middle was swaying in the air and emitting hot steam.

This scene... is really a sight that makes people's scalps numb!

Along with Li Huowang's extremely bloody and scalp-numbing self-mutilation behavior, the source of power in the Daqian Record that he had once glimpsed, Baqi, appeared in the comics.

It was a black-bodied, green-headed snake, but the snake was covered with scales that were like armor, and the upper body was covered with eyeballs of different sizes.

Since the original description of Baqi's appearance was just an indescribable snake, Lin Qingshan must have some of his own creations when drawing comics.

The character of Bahui itself is derived from the mythology of the Ke system, and is similar to the name of the legendary beast Bashe in "Classic of Mountains and Seas", so Lin Qingshan took the "black body and green head" and some characteristics of the Ke system gods to draw the image of Bahui.

However, when the image of Bahui appeared in the comics, Fan Siwei immediately felt that this big snake... was domineering enough.

Bahui was looking at Li Huowang at this time, and the strange eyes on the snake head seemed to show humanized... joy?

And with the appearance of Ba Hui...

Li Huowang, who was enduring... no, it should be said that he was enjoying the pain of peeling off his internal organs at this moment, shouted, "Cang Fei... climb the steps!!"

Lin Qingshan has made changes here. The fighting method in the comic mainly calls out the names of moves so that comic fans can feel refreshed and not just feel confused.

So here he asked Li Huowang to climb the steps for the first time, and even called out the name of the move.

The next moment, Li Huowang seemed to have gained the power to do whatever he wanted after Cang Fei ascended the steps. He could tear apart the space at will like tearing his own intestines.

Even the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month felt pain and... fear, no, not only the eighteenth lunar month, the surrounding bamboos and stones seemed to have self-awareness and began to tremble.


They began to grow more and more twisted and deformed, becoming more and more terrifying, and they even let out extremely desperate screams because of the pain.

"It hurts!"

On the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, he was overwhelmed by the extremely severe pain and shouted.

Then... it actually rushed towards the sharp bamboo in front of it and killed itself!

The eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month is already dead.

However, in the comics, all the torn intestines fell out, and even Li Huowang, whose other internal organs were about to fall out, seemed to be dying.

It's just that he didn't care. After experiencing that kind of spiritual torture, it seems that it is a good thing that he is dead now.

"It's good to die! It won't hurt anymore. I'm really tired... But why is it me... Actually... I don't want to die... I want to feel... happiness like others... "

Li Huowang sat on the ground, calmly facing death.

The picture seemed to be cut to his first point of view, he was drowsy, and his eyelids seemed to be closing and opening again.

"I'm finally going to die..."

Li Huowang's calm words appeared in the comic, but he subconsciously looked at the big snake in the sky - Ba Hui.

But in the last scene, Ba Hui turned his head and looked at him, seeming to be thinking about something.

"This is the end of this story."

Fan Siwei finally finished reading this chapter, and then he felt...

"These words...really exploded."

He murmured to himself, even now he was still a little immersed in the plot.

I felt Li Huowang’s inner torment and pain.

And you can feel it personally, as if you are completely immersed in it.

After all... what he didn't know was that Lin Qingshan had the ability of [Finishing Touch (Master)].

[Finishing Touch (Master)], improves the ability holder's painting skills by 100%, and pours emotion into the painting. Anyone who sees this emotion-infused painting will be emotionally infected by it. (Infection is not lessened by printing method.)

Therefore, just like when watching "Fist of Fire" before, comic fans can clearly sympathize with Li Huowang's inner pain.


Then there was the subsequent shock when Li Huowang used Daqianlu's Cangshu to climb the steps, tearing his flesh apart and summoning the Bahui, showing his powerful combat power.

These are so wonderful!

After all, this is also the first time that Li Huowang has shown his own extraordinary attack methods.

The previous summons to Master You and Danyangzi felt a little out of their depth.

Even because "The Weird Immortal" has not yet introduced a cultivation system like traditional cultivation comics, comic fans feel that Li Huowang has not yet entered the path of cultivation.

It is also because of this that everyone began to wonder whether Qingshan Laothief's "The Tao Weird Immortal" does not have a traditional training system.

And what everyone prefers is to pull the chainsaw and go up and kill yourself like Denji did!

But everyone thought about it and felt relieved. After all, it seems that Lin Qingshan has never done anything like a combat power system since "Edge Walker".

Not to mention the combat power system, there are not even moves.

"Edgewalker" only has prosthetic transformation, but prosthetics are not divided into A-class prosthetics, B-class prosthetics, and S-class prosthetics. Edgewalkers like Mann and Dorio also do not have S-class prosthetics. Class A and Class A are the so-called classification methods.

So the combat power is really a mystery, and it may just be divided into "legendary" and "legendary" characters in Night City.

Although the blessed ability users of "Fire Fist" have abilities, they still have no ability levels and no moves.

This is especially true in "Chainsaw Man". There are various demons, and the demons also have different abilities. There is also a concept of "the more terrifying the concept, the more powerful the power."

But there is still no specific classification of demons.

Demon hunters who have contracted with demons have no tricks at all.

Anyway, here in Lin Qingshan, there has never been a combat power system, and no one seems to care much about the combat power system.

What everyone cares more about is the plot.

In fact, there is no combat power system, which is a good thing, because then there is no such thing as a collapse of combat power.

Like when Li Huowang defeated Li Zhi before, if there was a combat power system here.

For example, Li Zhi is in the foundation-building stage, and Li Huowang is in the Qi-training stage.

When Li Huowang defeated Li Zhi, even if his partners took his "magic weapon" in advance to help him, it seemed that his combat power had collapsed.

Therefore, without a combat power system, there is no such thing as a collapse of combat power!

But this will lead to the work's refreshing feeling not being intuitive enough. However, in the second half of "The Strange Immortal", Li Huowang used the Cangshen to climb the stairs, which made the fans feel the intuitive refreshing feeling of combat power.

Fan Siwei also felt the same way, and now he is more looking forward to the plot of "The Strange Immortal".


With the update of "The Strange Immortal", countless fans have the same feeling as Fan Siwei after watching it.

That is... pain and happiness.

The plot in the previous part where Li Huowang shouted to his mother "Mom, I can't tell" was too shocking and too painful for people to empathize with.

So this week, the topic of "The Strange Immortal" exploded on major comics and ACG forums!

"As expected of you! Qingshan old thief! You are really crazy!"

"Stop talking about the well-known fact that Qingshan old thief is a mental patient. Can you do something useful? Tell the mental hospital to put him back!"

"Great! I gradually understand everything!"

"Wrong, Qingshan old thief is not as simple as a mental patient. It takes ten years of mental illness to draw such a plot."

"It hurts! This is the first time I have been involved in a comic. When I think about my mother becoming so haggard for me and kneeling down in the street, I really want to commit suicide..."

"I am numb... Maybe this is the real perspective of mental patients. In their eyes, they did nothing wrong, but they brought great pain to their families."

"I remembered a video on Station C, where a man with Alzheimer's disease The old man also felt that he did nothing wrong from the first-person perspective. For example, he peed his pants. They didn't know why the smelly liquid appeared where they sat. They didn't know why the sons and daughters who were originally children in front of them all became strangers. "

"I really can't stand this kind of plot. It's too uncomfortable. Now I suddenly understand why the inner demons, mental barriers, and illusions mentioned in the comics before are so scary. If this is the inner demon, I'm afraid I will admit defeat on the spot. "

"Yes, I used to think that the inner demon was nothing, but now I feel so uncomfortable after watching this plot. If this is the inner demon, I really want to commit suicide. "

"But pain can be transformed into power... To be honest, the setting of this Daqianlu reminds me of the fall in Western mythology. Symbolizes that believers of Satan will regard pain as pleasure. "

"Using pain as the main source of power, or even enjoying pain... It is indeed a symbol of the soul's depravity over there, which is why SM has always been regarded as a crooked way."

"The Pain Cult is indeed evil, but I think the even more evil one is the old thief Aoyama!"

"It's too painful... I would like to call Brother Huozi the most painful protagonist in all comics after Agni!"

"Pain! It hurts so much! The old thief Aoyama is really sick, and the protagonists are really more painful than each other."

"Don't say it, I'm reminded of the extreme psychological pain I felt when I watched "Flame Fist" at the beginning."

"It's exactly the same feeling as "Flame Fist", the kind of miserable feeling that it's better to die than to live."

"It's bad, I won't do it next. It will be the same as "Flame Fist", where the protagonist can't die even if he does this, and even like Agni, his body can be constantly regenerated, and he can't die even if he uses the Great Thousand Records. "

"Damn, after hearing what you said, I'm also scared. Brother Huozi is going to follow Agni's old path!"

"Oh no, Brother Huozi is going to be on fire next?"

"Agni's kind of fire, right?"

"Just tell me if it's on fire or not!"

"By the way...what is "Flame Fist" you're talking about?"

"Ah... "Flame Fist" is a very good-looking comic work, and it was also drawn by Qingshan Laozei. It's very good-looking. It's an immature work when Qingshan Laozei just started drawing comics. It's just because this is the comic that Qingshan Laozei just started drawing, so it's not as cruel as the later comics. Instead, it's to read!"

"Okay, okay, you said that, right?"

"Just ask you if "Flame Fist" is good-looking!"

"Ah, yes, yes, it's good-looking! Very good-looking! Highly recommended! "

"So... I'll go take a look..."

Needless to say, the deceived comic fan immediately returned after reading the comic and said angrily, "You call this cool? ! ”

This episode of “The Dao of Strange Immortals” is really a hit, and its popularity is rising rapidly…

Then its popularity this week directly surpassed “The Gods” and “The True Dragon God’s Selection”, and topped the list!

After all, the plot of this episode is really explosive, and the powerful strength displayed by Cang Xie when he ascends the stairs in the second half is also refreshing enough.

This made many people shout…

The old thief Qingshan is back!

After experiencing the low popularity of “Parasyte”, which was well-received but not popular, Lin Qingshan came back with the new comic “The Dao of Strange Immortals”.

It was still the end of “Purple Air Coming from the East”, but the popularity of “The Gods” and “The True Dragon God’s Selection” did not drop much, and it surpassed the two popular masterpieces to top the list…

The first person who was most happy to hear the news was not Lin Qingshan, but…

Yang Dahai, the editor-in-chief of Manjie Comics.

“Teacher Qingshan…Sure enough, as long as Teacher Qingshan doesn’t do those fancy things and lets go of painting, he is invincible! "

Yang Dahai said happily.

He said that Mr. Aoyama was too restrained when making Parasyte.

Geniuses don't need to be restrained. As long as Mr. Aoyama gives full play to his "neurotic" talents, all comic fans will be fascinated by him!

This is the case now. The plot of "The Strange Fairy" suddenly exploded on the Internet. Even among comic fans, there were praises and jokes about its "unable to distinguish" famous scenes, which made "The Strange Fairy" even more popular. It has the potential to become a new super popular comic.

Manjie Software's revenue this week has also increased a lot as a result.

Just like after the famous scene of "Indistinguishable" in the previous life became popular, countless fans turned to Amway's "The Strange Fairy", making "The Strange Fairy" explode into a phenomenal and super popular work.

The same is true for "The Strange Fairy" in this world at this stage. Countless fans act as taps to recommend "The Strange Fairy", which then attracts more curious passers-by.

Now the subscription volume of "Tao Wei Xian" is rising sharply.

This is exactly what Yang Dahai would like to see.

"As long as Teacher Aoyama keeps up this momentum..."

Sitting in the office, Yang Dahai thought about the future with joy and said, "Then I can feel relieved..."

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