Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 413 The Sin of Ignorance The Nestorian Goddess (original)

"Fuck! This Sailu is so disgusting!"

"Wow, my Hill, my Hill, Qingshan old thief is really crazy, he actually stabbed like this!"

"It's only the sixth episode and he's already stabbed? Qingshan old thief, you are really cruel!"

"Such a cute and gentle girl with glasses was killed, and her body was eaten... I feel so uncomfortable."

"In the last episode, I liked the character of Sailu quite a lot, thinking that she was just deceived, but now I feel so disgusted."

"The key point of this Sailu is that she still thinks she is right..."

"She has a false justice in her heart, but she is blinded by this false justice and can't see the real evil."

"It's because of the different growth environment. She was trained by the empire and can't see the purgatory below, so she only fights for the empire."

"This kind of character... makes me understand a truth even more, ignorance is the greatest sin."

"Yes, ignorance... is the greatest sin, ignorant justice, ignorant evil, are all the same, they will only go on the wrong path."

"If she could have met the protagonist earlier and seen the darkness with him, or if she had not grown up in the empire, would she have become a true justice..."

"If she was whitewashed later, it would be acceptable. After all, she was just deceived by ignorance, and she is not really evil by nature."

"I think what makes me feel uncomfortable and disgusted is that she is not a corrupt person like Ouka and the minister who knows that they are doing unjust things but still does it. Instead, she is a "partner of justice" who has been brainwashed and believes that she is executing justice."

"No, I can't accept her whitewashing. Even if she has been deceived all the time and buried with the corrupt empire, I can accept it."

"Wow, my Hill, I really feel sorry for Hill. He died like this. You old thief Qingshan, you are so cruel!"

"After all, it is the old thief Qingshan... To be honest, although I was a little surprised by the plot of this hair knife, I felt that it was expected afterwards."


All night, the plot of "Zhan! Red Eyes" can be said to have exploded.

In addition to feeling sad about Hill's exit, there is also the controversy over the character of Seryu.

An unusual villain, she has a "justice" in her heart, but because of her ignorance, she does not know that her behavior is wrong.


In fact, she did nothing wrong, because she was raised by the empire, and fighting for the empire is the "justice" thing she should do.

But for the "righteous" protagonist of this show, she is an evil act of helping the tyrant and abetting the tiger.

Zhou Wenwei only found this hot search after he went to work.

"Kill! Red Eyes" is the main self-made show promoted by C Station this quarter, and C Station will of course support it with all its strength.

And this time the plot is indeed very popular, so it quickly topped C Station's own hot search terms list.

After Zhou Wenwei clicked in and saw it, he was also stunned for a moment, and then said, "Ah?"

He went to bed after playing games last night. After all, he had to go to work the next day, and he had no time to watch the show and had to go to bed early.

He also took sleeping pills, so he didn't continue to check his phone after lying on the bed, and fell asleep soundly.

It wasn't until he woke up that he knew that the sixth episode of "Kill! Akame ga Mitsukoshi" had started to be released last night.

But he still had to go to work, so he could only catch up until noon.

At noon, after he finished watching the show and took a lunch break for a while, he started to talk to Ke Xinjie about this matter.

However, the popularity of this episode of "Kill! Akame ga Mitsukoshi" did not last long, after all, it was a little lacking in stamina.

Soon, the popularity went down, but the audience knew that "Kill! Akame ga Mitsukoshi" would probably start to be released at any time next.


It was Friday.

"Finally Friday."

After finishing class, Fan Siwei met up with his girlfriend Li Xi, took a long breath, and said.

They walked side by side, and then... went straight to the cafeteria.

For college students, nothing is more important than eating.

"The book signing event for Mr. Aoyama's "The Tao Wei Yi Xian" will be the day after tomorrow. Let's go to the movie tomorrow, and I'll go to the book signing event with you the day after tomorrow."

Li Xi immediately arranged the weekend and said, "I'll go there in cosplay."

She is also a two-dimensional group that likes ACG culture, but she prefers to watch animations and movies, unlike Fan Siwei who reads comics.

This is also a portrayal of most two-dimensional groups. It's a waste of time and energy to chase comics.

It's better to watch animated series and movies directly.

It's because of this that it is said that the real test of whether a comic is successful depends on whether it can be animated and how popular the animation is.

If the animation is very popular, it can also turn the audience who chases the series into comic fans to increase the popularity and sales of the comics.

"Okay, okay, by the way, what are we going to eat later?"

Fan Siwei agreed and asked.

"Let's eat... pickled fish noodles."

Li Xi thought about it and said.

"By the way, what character do you want to cosplay?"

Fan Siwei ordered the food and asked.

"Cosplaying Ji Ye."

Li Xi said, "I ordered a small uniform suit, which cost me a lot of money."

Fan Siwei knew that his girlfriend's family was only well-off, but she worked part-time at school, and with her living expenses, she was usually a wealthy woman.

"Ji Ye?"

Fan Siwei subconsciously looked under Li Xi's neck.

Li Xi also noticed his eyes at this time, and immediately showed his little tiger teeth, and asked maliciously, "What? Can't I do it? I still have a cushion if I can't do it!"

"That's fine."

Fan Siwei quickly retracted his gaze and said, "But the book signing event of "The Strange Immortal"... Is it really okay for you to cosplay Ji Ye?"

He also knew that Li Xi didn't watch "The Strange Immortal", and Li Xi liked Lin Qingshan's other works such as "Chainsaw Man".

"Don't you have it? If I get beaten, you can protect me."

Li Xi said jokingly.


Fan Siwei was a little helpless, but at this time he suddenly thought of something and took out his mobile phone.

"Huh? What are you doing?"

Li Xi asked curiously.

"The Strange Immortal" will be updated soon, I'm going to read it."

Fan Siwei said.

After the Odin Abyss chapter of "The Protoss" ended, its author Itchy Mouse announced that it would be suspended.

After all, according to past practice, "The Protoss" will announce a break for a period of time after completing a chapter.

It's just...

Usually, they only take a break for two or three weeks, and they will announce in advance when they will resume serialization.

But this time, it's very rare that after announcing the break, Yanyangshu did not announce when serialization will resume.

So this week, Fan Siwei can only read other comics such as "Dao Wei Yi Xian" and "Zhen Long Shen Xuan".

In addition, he found a good new comic, which is "Jujutsu Kaisen".

I heard that the author of "Jujutsu Kaisen" is also Lin Qingshan's comic assistant, so he also likes it more.

"Is "Dao Wei Yi Xian" good?"

Li Xi asked curiously.

In fact, because of Lin Qingshan's name, plus the overwhelming publicity in the comics before it was serialized, she went to read it for a while.

The style of painting is really quite good, but after seeing the extremely impactful pictures in the back... she didn't want to read it anymore.

"Really... it's super good."

Fan Siwei immediately cheered up and talked to his girlfriend about the good points of "Dao Wei Yi Xian", saying, "... especially the last few chapters, it's really a blast."

After he and Li Xi chatted excitedly for a few minutes, his mobile phone sent a reminder--

"The latest chapters of "Dao Wei Yi Xian", "True Dragon God Selection" and other comics that you subscribed to have been updated."

However, Fan Siwei took a look at the delicious food in front of him, and remembered the picture of the Fly Buddha in Anci Temple that he had seen before, so he didn't think of reading the comics immediately.

When he returned to the dormitory, he clicked on the latest chapter of the comics to read.

At the suggestion of Master Jingxin, Li Huowang planned to go to the so-called Ao Jingjiao.

The Cross Temple where Ao Jingjiao was located was in the mountains to the west, and Anci Temple also gave him a map.

But Li Huowang was still very curious about who the Ao Jingjiao was.

The nun Miaoxin of Anci Temple immediately told Li Huowang, saying, "To put it simply, they are a group of weirdos."


Li Huowang was even more puzzled. He mainly felt that… the people in this world were very strange.

Fan Siwei also felt so. The cultivators in this world were weirder than each other.

On the contrary, Dan Yangzi of Qingfeng Temple seemed normal at the beginning.

The rest, the happy monk of Zhengde Temple, Li Zhi who performed the shaman dance, and the group of nuns in Anci Temple…

They were weirder than each other.

Under Li Huowang's doubts, Nun Miaoxin continued, "The main reason is that these guys don't meditate or chant, and they don't practice like other people. They like to torture themselves, saying that this can please their Gu Shen."

However, what Li Huowang saw through Daqianlu was Baqi.

Isn't it said that Zoroastrianism is related to Daqianlu? What is this Gu Shen?

However, Nun Miaoxin did not explain it clearly, but said impatiently, "Whatever they are called, they like to wear tall hats and robes to cover their wounds. Last time I saw someone who had no skin left."

At the same time, the comic also showed the appearance of the followers of the Ao Jingjiao in Nun Miaoxin's memories.

And Li Huowang learned another piece of news, that is, in fact, Anci Temple and the Ao Jingjiao did not have a good relationship, and they regarded each other as enemies.

The reason was that the Ao Jingjiao was trying to capture Xinsu, and at that time they wanted to capture Master Jingxin's son, so they became enemies.

But at this time, the picture cut to the other side.

It turned out to be...the family of Lu Xiucai, a member of the opera troupe that Li Huowang and his party had just met not long after leaving Qingfeng Temple.

It was just that Lu Xiucai was cursing, and his family also looked injured. Through their conversation in the comic, Fan Siwei knew that they were robbed of their money and supplies by soldiers and bandits.

As for Lü Xiucai, after his belongings were robbed, he thought of Li Huowang again and planned to go and seek refuge with him.

Coincidentally... they met the nuns of Anci Temple and Zhao Wu, who originally belonged to Li Huowang's group, and found the cart of gold, silver and jewelry that Li Huowang left for Anci Temple.

But at this time...

A well-trained cavalry suddenly appeared, and a general who called himself You Zixiong appeared, claiming to have requisitioned the silver from Anci Temple with a black-tasseled long sword.

As for Li Huowang, an interesting thing happened when he was on his way to find the Zoroastrianism.

Because he accidentally saw a wild dog, but because he had encountered too many things in this world, he was extremely vigilant even when facing a dog.

The local dog stared at the cold steamed bun in Li Huowang's hand, licked it again and again, and even started to wag its tail at him.

However, Li Huowang, who had experienced so many things, would worry if any passing dog was some kind of evil thing.

"I don't care what you are, get out of here!"

Li Huowang, with a frown on his face, patted his hand on the Daqianlu and warned a dog.

After warning the dog not to get close to him, he planned to return to the real world.

But this time, the comic did not show the situation in the real world, but drew what Li Huowang was like in this world when he returned to the real world from the dog's perspective.

Sitting under the tree, Li Huowang had a friendly smile on his face, but he looked up and talked to the bright full moon in the sky.

Dad, you are here too? Well, I know, I'm fine, I'm fine. "

"Yes, I know, you two are not hallucinations, you are not, I was a little confused before, but now... I can tell them apart. "

The dog was so frightened that Fan Siwei laughed out loud.

"So this is what happens when a mental patient gets sick."

He laughed happily and said, "It turns out that mental patients are happier. ”

After that, Li Huowang returned to this world again, but saw Gouzi again.

He found that Gouzi was really just a dog, and he also realized that when he traveled back to the real world, he couldn't be without "people" standing guard around him.

So he took Gouzi in and named him "Mantou" because this dog liked to eat mantou.

Well... he had the demeanor of a super-hero Emperor Zhangzong in a certain TV series.

After experiencing this little interesting plot, Li Huowang continued on his way, and soon he found it according to the map...



In front of him and Mantou was a town, but it was a town that had already died.

The collapsed houses, many bones split in two, and everything covered by gray spider webs, all showed that this town had experienced a massacre and a disaster!

But Li Huowang continued to cross the town and finally found the collapsed temple with a cross logo.

There is a cross logo on it, but this It was not the cross of the Western religion as imagined. This cross was more like a thin black lucky leaf. And the lucky leaf that looked thirsty in the comics was shriveled and twisted like a mummy.

Then, Li Huowang continued to search in the comics and found another Cross Temple stronghold. This time, he saw the god worshiped by the Nestorian Church.

But it was not the indescribable big snake Baqi that he had seen through the Daqianlu.

On the tribute platform, a large black cross was sitting cross-legged on a charred sculpture wrapped in flames.

The sculpture was very detailed, whether it was the shaking of the flames, the skin and flesh that were baked and sticky, or the hair that was burned and curled, they were all carved lifelike with stone.

There was no doubt that this was the Gu Shen that Nun Miaoxin said.

However, the stone sculpture of the Gu Shen was completely broken from the neck up...

It seemed that it had fought with an equally powerful force and was destroyed.

Even the statues of the gods worshipped by the Nestorian Church were partially destroyed in the battle.

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