Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 417: The Way of Forgetting (Original)

After returning home, Li Huowang used Yingzi's extremely weird method to treat his injuries.

After all, the Jiao Jingjiao only gain strength through self-abuse, which brings extreme pain. Self-abuse is not suicide. The injuries caused by self-abuse are too serious. Without treatment, they may die from their injuries.

But the Nestorian treatment method...

As a people's teacher, Chen Wenrui saw the cartoon in which Yingzi dropped a candle on Li Huowang's body, and then raised the wax book in his hand above his head. Suddenly, the burning wax oil on Li Huowang's body seemed to come alive, and began to spread on Li Huowang's body. It squirmed like a slug on fire.

As the thing crawled over Li Huowang's body, white smoke rose from Li Huowang's body, leaving traces of burnt marks.

Then the bleeding miraculously stopped, and at the same time, the burns where the skin and flesh adhered to each other covered the deep and bone-piercing wounds.

Lying down on his stomach, the thing crawled all over Li Huowang's body, and the injuries on his body seemed to have almost recovered.


"It hurts."

Li Huowang, who was already sweating profusely, couldn't help shouting in his heart.

After all, before this, because of Ba Hui's gaze, his body had intensified his sense of pain.

In this case, Li Huowang's body was suffering double the pain.

Then, in order to heal his throat and esophagus that were injured after swallowing a nail, he ate the firefly and let it heal his throat and esophagus.

As for the black Taisui attached to Danyangzi in his stomach, he asked Yingzi to call out the firefly quickly.

"Dripping wax, swallowing foreign objects, what are the inappropriate letters to teach?"

Chen Wenrui looked at the scenes in the comics with his eyelids twitching and said dumbfounded.

The key is that he can still draw it. Is this something that the network censorship or editor-in-chief doesn’t care about?

The comic industry said that as long as the above network approval does not have any objection, they will not have any objection.

Lin Qingshan, on the other hand, has the ability of [Titanium Alloy Gold Medal (Master)], so there is no need to worry about his comic works being banned.

However, in comics, apart from the issue of three concepts, as long as you don’t encourage certain negative behaviors or thoughts, there is nothing to ban.

I'm worried about children learning bad things... I can only say that if the work itself shows that this is bad behavior, and your children still want to learn it after seeing it, then it can only be a human problem, not a problem with the work.

Your children can learn bad things from anything they watch, it’s not the fault of those works.

After helping Li Huowang heal his injuries, Yingzi also gave him the Nestorian method of treating injuries and the wax book - "The Book of Proverbs on the Fire Jacket".

However, in order to use the treatment method of [Fire Jacket Proverbs], you must understand the strange words in the book, and then you can summon fire spiders composed of wax liquid to heal the wound by crawling hot.

The price, of course, is the pain of the fire, and the scars that will cover your body after healing.

can only say……

Comic fans are also used to it. In Lin Qingshan's comics, there is always such a setting of "powerful power must come at a huge price."

After seeing "The Strange Fairy", everyone knows that the power setting of this comic basically comes with a price.

Danyangzi practices human elixir, the monks of Zhengde Temple practice Happy Zen, Li Zhi, who performs the great dance, wants to become a female member of the Immortal family, and the nuns of Anci'an want to practice in a way similar to the way of Nurgle.

However, some of the above can be said to be not even a price... For example, Zhengde Temple, I guess many people are willing to "pay the price".

But the source of power in the Nestorian religion comes at a huge price - self-abuse.

But from another perspective, in the comics, the Nestorian believers enjoy self-abuse and prohibit self-abuse as punishment. Self-abuse should not be a particularly high price for them, but rather a kind of enjoyment...

Just like those M players who play Alphabet Cult now.

"Does Teacher Qingshan have some misunderstanding about power?"

Li Xi, who was reading the comics, immediately asked Fan Siwei, "Why does gaining power have to be accompanied by huge risks?"

"Maybe it makes it look more real?"

Fan Siwei thought for a while and said, "After all, there is no such thing as a millionaire in reality. It's probably like someone suddenly jumping out and telling you that you can get one million by doing this. Do you think there is any fraud in it?"

"Oh... I seem to understand."

Li Xi also thought for a moment, and then said, "Yes, if this kind of extraordinary power really exists, it would be worth much more than one million in reality, and it would definitely not be pie in the sky."

"Yes, so this is more real, just like the contract with the devil in "Chainsaw Man"."

Fan Siwei said, "The stronger the power, the more it means that the other party is plotting against you and the value of your things is higher."

"But... Teacher Qingshan, isn't it..."

Li Xi blinked, looked at the "Tao Weird Immortal" in his hand, and said with a strange expression, "I like to play with alphabet teaching in private, otherwise why would it be so familiar to me?"

"Ah, that shouldn't be the case."

Fan Siwei suddenly had an image of stationmaster Gu Qianli beating Lin Qingshan with a whip in his mind. He shuddered and quickly dismissed this image from his mind.

That picture was so beautiful... He really didn't dare to think about it.

At the same time, in the comics, Li Huowang continued to be threatened by Shou San, forcing him to use [Cang Fei Climb] again quickly after recovering from his injury.

Li Huowang was forced to do nothing, and he and Yingzi returned to the room first.

But at this moment, his "heart element" ability was activated again!

Li Huowang leaned against the wooden door behind him and slowly slid to the ground, and then his expression was dull for a moment, his eyes staring blankly ahead, "Damn it, it's coming again!"

This scared Yingzi directly.

After she asked several times, Li Huowang finally focused his eyes on her and asked her to help tie him to the bed.

At the same time, he once again traveled back to the real world and looked blankly ahead.

"Mom, thank you, don't feed me, I can drink it myself."

Li Huowang raised his hands in the air and poured it into his mouth.

And at this moment, something unexpected happened!

Yingzi actually took out a ball of iron thorns made of various rusty iron nails from her robe!

But she looked at Li Huowang's dull look, and seemed to be reluctant to take out the iron thorns.

However... she took out the iron thorns and took out another bottle of corrosive medicine, poured it on top, and planned to feed it to Li Huowang.

She kicked Mantou, who came up and said that he was her dog, hard, and Mantou immediately spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

But at this moment... Li Huowang, who seemed to have traveled back, threw away the iron thorns before sending them into the last iron thorn, looked at Yingzi with a cold face, and asked, "Why?"

It turned out that it was Li Huowang pretending to be, the purpose was to test whether Yingzi was the real killer who intended to kill him!

In the comics, Yingzi raised her head, and her light brown pupils were filled with hatred for Li Huowang at this time.

Li Huowang was puzzled, but the battle was about to break out at this moment.

But Yingzi was no match for Li Huowang at all. After summoning Master You to seriously injure Yingzi, he put the long sword on Yingzi's neck.

But he didn't understand, why?

At this moment, all the followers of the Ao Jingjiao sect, including Shou San, appeared.

At this time, under the gaze of Shou San and other followers, Yingzi looked at Li Huowang, showing an extremely hateful expression and telling the reason why she wanted to kill Li Huowang.

It was not because Shou San and others instructed her to do so, but Yingzi herself wanted to kill Li Huowang, and the real reason was——

"You always say that they are evil people, saying that they are beasts without humanity, but in front of you, they can't compare at all!"

"Four years ago, it was you who killed the whole town! There were tens of thousands of people in the town! All of them were killed by you. In front of you, what they did was not considered evil! They don't deserve it!"

Li Huowang couldn't believe Yingzi's hateful words.

It wasn't long since he traveled to this world. He hadn't traveled here four years ago.

And this would never be something he would do. How could his moral values ​​allow him to do such a massacre and murder?

But Yingzi didn't give Li Huowang a chance to continue asking questions, and committed suicide.

At the same time, Shou San and other followers of the Ao Jingjiao also stood up to prove that what Yingzi said was true.

Li Huowang didn't believe it at all. He felt that the Ao Jing Cult was deceiving him.

He was still in the real world four years ago. How could he commit such a heinous crime in this world!

The noble moral sense that he had built in the real world for seventeen years, and the guilt that he began to doubt whether he had really committed a heinous crime in the past, which was intertwined and contradictory, made Li Huowang's inner pain reach the extreme again.

At this moment, a pill with hair that came from nowhere rolled and flew into Li Huowang's mouth.

At the same time, Hand Three appeared and signaled, and the thick flames that suddenly appeared instantly wrapped around his whole body, burning him with crackling sounds, and then fell directly on Li Huowang.

"My friend Xuanyang, it's time."

Hand Three walked over and stretched out his hand to spread the Daqianlu on Li Huowang's waist in front of him.

Li Huowang, who was in great pain, was wailing at this moment, raising his charred hands and gently pressing on the flesh worms engraved with inscriptions.

But... he returned to the real world in this extreme pain.

With the comfort of his mother, his inner pain began to ease.

But the followers of the Zoroastrianism on this side did not let Li Huowang go. The six elders - Elder Seeing Joy, Elder Hearing Wrath, Elder Nose Smell Love, Elder Tasting Thought, Elder Opinion Desire, Elder Body Worry all appeared.

Then they began to use all kinds of means, even implanting the memory of Li Huowang's massacre of the town four years ago into him, making his physical and mental pain reach its peak.

The noble sense of morality, extreme guilt and guilt, suddenly intertwined again, making Li Huowang's inner pain reach its peak.


"Cang Xie...Cheng Cheng!"

Li Huowang finally performed the second Cang Xie Cheng Cheng!

The sky suddenly cracked, and the mysterious and indescribable snake Baqi appeared again!

At this time, the Zoroastrians gathered together, as if they had merged their vision, taste, smell, and hearing into the image of the Gu Shen.

"In this way, they formed a new perception that ordinary people could not understand, so that they could "see" Baqi."

The narration in the comic explained.

"Finally it's done."

Shou San shouted excitedly at this time.

"Hurry up! Everyone get ready!"

The Nestorian believers once again took out various torture instruments, seeming to intend to mutilate themselves in order to "steal" Ba Hui's power.

They all "looked" at Ba Hui in the air, their eyes filled with morbid longing.

Blood-red blood dripped onto the ground along everyone's skin, forming extremely complex hook-shaped blood symbols on the ground.

The blood talisman and the blood talisman cooperate with each other to form a huge talisman circle.

But at this moment...

Li Huowang quit. In the state of [Cangshu Climbing the Steps], he directly destroyed the rituals of the Ao Nestorian believers, and at the same time threatened the Ao Nestorian believers with the power of "pain".

"As long as you me deal with Danyangzi!...I don't care what you do next!"

He now completely distrusts the Jiao Jingjiao people and puts forward conditions directly.

"Stop! We will help you clean up Danyangzi now!"

Under the threat of Ba Hui's powerful power, the Nestorian followers simply had no ability to refuse.

Li Huowang was finally satisfied, and then looked at the six Nestorian elders.

But... a strange picture appeared.

Originally, these six Nestorian elders looked like ordinary Nestorian believers just now, but now...

But it turned into...their facial features were twisted, elongated, and rejoined to form different flesh-and-blood mahjong tiles in a weird way!

"What is this? Mahjong?"

The comic fans looked at the strange faces of the six elders with trepidation, "Is this... Sanjou?"

Although these guys from Ao Jingjiao are not normal to begin with, their fleshy mahjong faces are much weirder than the faces of Jiao Jingjiao who mutilate themselves.

Is it possible that the Nestorians will eventually become like this?

Just thinking about it makes my scalp numb...

But soon, these six elders began to help Li Huowang expel the Danyangzi from his body.

"Xuan Yang, cross your legs! Put your hands on your dantian, pinch Wolong Jue, and guard your heart!"

The elder whose face formed the shape of three mahjong lines said to Li Huowang.

Li Huowang immediately tried his best to do as he was told.

But what happens next is...

"Why sit and forget the way?"

"Lost its limbs, dethroning intelligence, leaving the form to know, the same as Datong, this is called sitting and forgetting!"

This is not some obscure decree or strange spell, but a rhetorical question with many echoes.

With ten or even nine points of weirdness, the six elders of the Nestorian religion continued the strange rituals.

The clothes on the six people began to swell up in the wind and began to float in the air. The colors of all the surrounding people began to appear out of place.

"No!" A voice that didn't know where it came from instantly occupied everyone's hearts, and everything around them was instantly eclipsed.







"Sitting means moving. Forgetting means thinking. If you don't sit, you will stop working. If you don't forget, you will stop thinking. If you don't stop working, your mind will be calm. If you don't stop thinking, your heart will be peaceful!"

"The gathering of three flowers at the top is an illusion, and the clouds flying under your feet are not real. You must wake up from a big dream, and return to the dust without roots."

"Sirnai's mind is confused when the body is in shape, and his thoughts are cute but his emotions are fleeting. The Tao is beyond color and taste, and the true nature is separated from the desire. He can hear the faintest things to suspend his faith, and listen to the images without being confused. This is like a person who has Hear the method of sitting and forgetting..."

"In the ultimate path, there is nothingness, and the gods have no way to use it. The same is true for the mind and body. It originates from the mind and body..."

As the six elders used their magical powers, Danyangzi was summoned, and was actually eliminated by them.

Danyangzi, who was unable to be eliminated by Master Jingxin of Anci'an and others, was eliminated by these six weird elders of Ao Jingjiao!

This is indeed a double-edged sword.

However... after Li Huowang woke up, Danyangzi, who had obviously been eliminated, appeared in front of him again... standing on the rubble of the house opposite him, looking at him with a strange smile.

Not only Danyangzi, but also a woman with severed arms and legs and a bloody mess... Yingzi!

She was still staring at Li Huowang with extremely hateful eyes!

What the hell does this happen?

Fortunately for Danyangzi, Yingzi is an ordinary person, not a semi-immortal like Danyangzi. How could he be resurrected now?

"Explain it to me! What is going on! Why is Danyangzi still here!"

With fear and doubts, Li Huowang approached the six elders of the Ao Nestorian Church who helped him deal with Danyangzi, and asked excitedly, "Also, why is Jiang Yingzi even here! She is by Danyangzi's side now!" !”

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