Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 461 False Proposition Destroying the Holy Grail and Game Promotion (Original)

Although Kiritsugu was extremely sad, he still made his decision.

However, the plot that he strangled his wife "Aili" himself still made the audience feel very heartbroken.

Although we know that this "Aili" is no longer the same Aili, it is too difficult for Kiritsugu to face the pain of killing his relatives with his own hands.

From the perspective of the audience, it is natural to know that this is not Aili.

But from Kiritsugu's perspective, what if this is Aili?

This is like asking Brother Huozi to kill the parents in the modern world. Even if he is told that it is Layue Shiba pretending, Brother Huozi probably can't do it.

Even if he can do it, it is really painful to think about watching that familiar face gradually die.

Gradually, the barrage began to synchronize the barrages just sent by the audience at this time in real time.

"It's all Tokiomi's fault!"

"Kiritsugu: It's not me who's wrong! It's the whole world!"

"It's wrong, it's... It's not me who's wrong, it's the old thief Aoyama!"

"It's so painful!"

"Great! I gradually understand everything!"

"Kiritsugu, you saved the whole world, but who will save you?"

"This Holy Grail is poisoned!"

"The old thief Aoyama is indeed a realist!"

"It's all the fault of the old thief Aoyama!"

"The source of all evil! The evil of this world! The old thief Aoyama!"

"It was destined to be a tragedy from the beginning."

"Think about it carefully, Kiritsugu is really pathetic."

"World peace is an illusion, and even a miracle cannot completely achieve world peace."

"So what Kiritsugu has been fighting for is the pursuit of meaningless illusions."


There is no doubt that the final tragedy of Kiritsugu in "Fate Zero" is due to the fact that world peace is a false proposition.

In fact, even if the Lesser Holy Grail was not contaminated by Angra Mainyu, it was destined to fail to realize Kiritsugu's wish.

Coincidentally, all the works that Lin Qingshan copied in the past actually expressed this view.

There will never be peace in the world. As long as there are desires, inequality, humans, and intelligent creatures, there will never be true world peace.

World peace is like that distant utopia, which is always just out of reach.

We can only strive for it as an ideal, trying to get infinitely close but not completely achieve it.

Kiritsugu was actually pursuing a wish that could never be achieved from the beginning, so that all his current sacrifices are meaningless tragedies.

"The old thief Qingshan is really..."

Zhou Wenwei didn't know what to say, and finally could only say, "He seems crazy and is not a normal person at all, but in fact he is more sober and sees more clearly than normal people..."

"It is said that geniuses are on the left and madmen are on the right."

Ke Xinjie also felt the same way and said, "The essence of a genius is a madman. Teacher Qingshan is just a lot more genius than a genius, and he has experienced those things, so he can see things more openly."

After Kiritsugu killed Black Airi, the scene changed.

Kotomine Kirei woke up from the pool of blood, but he knelt up very honestly and gave a standard French military salute.

Because Kiritsugu was holding a gun behind him.

If he made any movement, he would just shoot him.

However... the audience hoped that Kiritsugu could shoot Kotomine Kirei.

Because Kotomine Kirei had only shown pure beastly behavior at the moment.

He took pleasure in torturing others, backstabbed his teacher, and framed Kariya... It was really too inhuman to watch.

Although Gilgamesh was not a human either, in fact, the mutual respect between him and the emperor plus his extremely powerful strength still won the love of some audiences.

Kotomine Kirei never showed any shining points, but was a pure villain style.

And then, when Kotomine Kirei asked Kiritsugu why he rejected the Holy Grail and prayed that Kiritsugu would not destroy the Holy Grail, but let the existence in the Holy Grail be born...

Kiritsugu pulled the trigger without hesitation, and Kotomine Kirei fell in a pool of blood.

Only then did everyone feel a little relieved.

"Good grief, open the champagne!"

"You'll be allowed to evade taxes! You'll be allowed to evade taxes!"

"This beast is finally dead! So comfortable!"

"Finally, I've avenged Uncle Yan and Tokiomi!"

"Wait! Now only Saber's group is left, after all, Kotomine Kirei is already dead as the Master of Gilgamesh."

"Don't think about it, Kiritsugu will prepare to destroy this Holy Grail next."

"This is like winning but not actually winning."

"The classic battle royale game ends with a total loss without a single winner, you are worthy of being the old thief Aoyama!"

"Wait... Didn't they say this episode isn't the finale? How come it looks like the finale already!"

"Ah? Isn't this episode the finale?"


However, what the audience didn't know was that Kotomine Kirei... didn't really die.

After all, he was still alive in the fifth war, and the fourth war was actually released later. In order to complete this plot, of course he couldn't just die like this.

So the original work arranged a plot in which the Holy Grail black mud filled his heart and allowed him to survive.

But in this case, Lin Qingshan regarded "Fate Zero" as the first work of the Fate series, which actually seems a bit forced.

It feels like forcing such a supporting character to live forever, which is disgusting.

But he felt that it was best not to change this plot. After all, Kotomine Kirei still had to shine in the fifth battle...

As this episode of animation comes to an end, the scene switches to Saber, who has just finished fighting Lancelot.

She finally made it to the auditorium where the Holy Grail was.


Someone is faster than her.

"It's so slow, Saber."

Jin Shining's arrogant and annoying voice came from outside the screen, "Even if you are just to play with a familiar mad dog, it is really disrespectful to make me wait for so long."


Immediately, Saber stood ready with her holy sword in hand.

"What's that expression of yours?"

Gilgamesh said condescendingly, "It's like a hungry wild dog."

"Get out of my way!"

Saber had just finished the battle with her friend. She was extremely determined to get the Holy Grail and said, "The Holy Grail... is my... thing!"

Then the next moment, a Noble Phantasm was launched from the King's Treasure behind Gilgamesh, injuring Saber and making her fall to her knees.

"Even if you are obsessed with obsession, you will fall to the ground."

Gilgamesh looked even more interested, but surprisingly said, "You are still such a beautiful woman...throw down your sword and become my wife!"

Saber was obviously shocked, mainly confused by Gilgamesh's next move.

However, Gilgamesh still said to Saber, "What is the Holy Grail that can bring miracles? What's the point of being obsessed with something that is inexplicable?"

"Abandon all your boring ideals and those vows. From now on, you only need me! Exist only for me!"

"In this way, in the name of the King of All Things, I will grant you endless happiness and pleasure in this world!"

The audience was stunned. Is this... a proposal?

But is this Gilgamesh's way of proposing?

But some viewers thought about it carefully and shook their heads and concluded...

No, he simply takes pleasure in others.

It was because of Saber's noble morals and her extremely persistent and never-changing ideals that Gilgamesh came up with the idea of ​​conquering Saber and making her surrender to gain greater pleasure.

There are two greatest hobbies for people -

The more noble it is, the more it is humbled; the more arrogant it is, the more it is humbled.

This can better satisfy people's inner desires.

Gilgamesh is obviously like this, he just wants to see the noble and persistent Saber surrender to him.

In this way, his heart, which has become hollow and rotten and cannot feel any happiness because all the treasures in the world have been collected by him, can feel great joy again.

Of course, it was impossible for Saber to surrender, just facing the strength of Gilgamesh.

Even in her prime, it was difficult for her to compete with Gilgamesh who had the [King's Treasure], let alone now.

So while she refused, she was also badly wounded by Gilgamesh.

But at this moment...

Opposite Saber, behind Gilgamesh, Kiritsugu slowly appeared in the darkness.

Also appearing at the same time were the last two Command Seals he showed to Saber on the back of his right hand.

Suddenly, hope rekindled in Saber's eyes.

Gilgamesh thought that Saber had regained her confidence again, and smiled excitedly.

"Order it with a command..."

Under Saber's hopeful gaze, Kiritsugu commanded Saber with the Command Seal.

"Let me get...the Holy Grail."

Saber was suddenly full of hope and confidence. Kiritsugu was definitely here to help her get the Holy Grail!

And with the help of Kiritsugu's Command Seal, she can definitely...defeat Gilgamesh and get the Holy Grail!


"Saber, use the Noble Phantasm to bring the Holy Grail..."


Kiritsugu said ruthlessly.


Saber couldn't believe it. Kiritsugu was using a Command Seal to order her to... destroy the Holy Grail?

But why?

Moreover, the Holy Grail was her only chance to save the Kingdom of Camelot and her friends. When she was about to get the Holy Grail, Kiritsugu actually asked her to destroy the Holy Grail? !

Saber didn't understand and didn't want to do it.

However, the function of the command spell is to force the heroic spirits to obey orders!

In an instant, the Noble Phantasm [Sword of Oath to Victory] in her hand burst out with powerful pressure and released a dazzling light at the same time.

The command spell can replenish the magic power supply of the heroic spirit, and can even support the magic power consumption of its Noble Phantasm.

"What are you doing? Saber!"

Gilgamesh said in confusion when he saw the Noble Phantasm that Saber suddenly released.


Saber wanted to explain something.


"Use the third command incantation to give the last command..."

Kiritsugu's firm voice came again and said.

"Why? Kiritsugu? Why!"

Saber obviously resisted the order to destroy the Holy Grail, but she uncontrollably raised the holy sword in her hand and shouted.

"Asshole! Do you want to hinder our wedding?!"

Gilgamesh also looked at Kiritsugu angrily at this time and said, "...bastard!"

"Saber...take the Holy Grail..."

Kiritsugu ignored Gilgamesh and continued to give orders to Saber.

"don't want!!!"

Saber's eyes were full of despair and she wanted to resist Kiritsugu's order.

However, in Kiritsugu's indifferent but determined eyes, he still ordered ruthlessly, "...Destroy!"

Saber finally...swung the [Sword of Oath to Victory] that was completely released in her hand.

However... the plot of this episode ends here!

On the spot, Zhou Wenwei and Ke Xinjie were looking at Fan with fascination, but they immediately raised their heads.

The same is true for many viewers who follow the show on time late at night.

"Ah ah ah... why is it stopped here!"

"Ah? Is the Holy Grail destroyed or not?"

"Destroy it! The ending must be destroyed. I just want to know what the ending is!!!"

"No wonder this episode is not the finale, it ends here, right?"

"Old thief Qingshan!!! You really deserve to die!!"

"Everything is the fault of the old thief Qingshan!"

"Just thinking that I have to wait a week to see the ending makes me... go numb!"

"One week! Do you know how I spend the next week?!"

"Ahhhhh, I can't stand it anymore!!"

This key plot point ends at the end, which can be described as very painful.

But for Lin Qingshan, "Fate Zero" actually ended well.

At least it's much better than one of his past life's gourmet masterpieces, which was famous for sticking to the end of the movie every time it got to a key plot point.

On the front foot, Reiner, you do it, then reveal his identity and transform into a giant, and he is about to fight fiercely, but on the back foot, I will give you the ending.

It really tortured the audience who followed the show at that time.

"Fate Zero" as a whole only failed to sell out in episode 24 and the finale in episode 25, so it's not bad.

But the audience must have been extremely uncomfortable.

In fact, everyone knows how the ending will be. In Lin Qingshan's works, whether they are comics, animations, or special effects films, everyone generally knows how the ending will go.

But these works by Lin Qingshan have a unique charm.

Even though people know the general direction of the plot, they still want to see the development of the plot later.

Although they know that Hayakawa Akira will be stabbed in the end, comic fans still want to see how Hayakawa Akira is stabbed.

They knew that Kiritsugu would force Saber to destroy the Holy Grail with the Sword of Victory, but they just wanted to see what would happen after the Holy Grail was destroyed by Saber.

But there is no way...

They really have to wait a week to see the finale of "Fate Zero."

However, just after this episode aired, Station C had already appeared... a pre-download push advertisement and numerous promotional videos for the "Fate Zero" spin-off related game "Fate Grand Order"!

"The related game "Fate Grand Order" derived from "Fate Zero" will be available for download next Saturday night!"

"Become a master and collect your favorite heroic spirits to save human history!"

"The plot is good, the painting style is excellent, and it's double the fun!"

"Excuse me...are you my master?"

Station C and Lightspeed Game Development Company have long been prepared to launch the game after the finale of "Fate Zero" next week, and...

"Fate Grand Order" PV drama of the same name!

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