Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 470: Pure Heart, Turbid Heart, Pandora's Box (Original)

Li Huowang couldn't figure it out, so he took the black spindle and left.

However, during this period, his mental ability was activated again, and his consciousness returned to the modern world.

At this time, he met a group of people who were monitoring him, and they interrogated him ruthlessly.

Only then did Li Huowang realize that he was targeted by a group of people and brought him out because of his ability to conjure gold.

Then he ended up on the street and became a beggar.

He had just regained a little faith, because this meant that he had not been abandoned by his parents and Yang Na. Their parents and Yang Na might still be looking for him.

But he soon became discouraged.

After all, Li Huowang has decided that this is fake and an illusion.

Although he hopes that this world is real, this warm world is his real home.

However, Li Huowang had already despaired that this was fake.

And if he doesn't solve his own mental problems, even if this is true, he will only be a burden to his parents and Yang Na.

Li Huowang was then forced to kill them without any hesitation by those who held him hostage because of greed.

However, then he found that his mentality seemed to have changed. The mentality of killing without batting an eye and casually wanting to take a life frightened him.

When did he become a person like Danyangzi and Jiantiansi?

So he ran away again, and it was difficult for him to accept it under the condemnation of his conscience.

But then he finally returned to the Nuo world.

After Li Huowang realized the change in his mentality, he began to take the initiative to correct his mistakes and prevent himself from falling further.

At the same time, the comic returned to Niuxin Village.

Bai Lingmiao was working hard to complete the task given by the Xian family, and then Chun Xiaoman told her to work with him as a self-combing girl.

The so-called self-combing women, also called mother sisters or aunts, refer to women who tie their hair up like a married woman to show that they will never marry and remain single until old age. After death, they are called pure women.

Bai Lingmiao didn't agree or refuse, she just started crying.

Then, they returned to Niuxin Village.

Then Bai Lingmiao, Chun Xiaoman and Gao Zhijian accidentally triggered the mechanism of the Bai family ancestral hall, and they entered the secret room behind the ancestral hall.

The secret room behind the secret door of the ancestral hall is full of written records and ancient books of the White Lotus Sect.

"The white lotus comes down to earth! All people will stand up!"

"Old mother without life! Vacuum hometown!"

Gao Zhijian "translated" all the written records above, and Goudan also came in at this time.

They finally came to a large hall.

The entire hall is rectangular in shape, with a height of two feet. The entire hall extends in all directions, and there are many holes around it that lead to unknown places.

It seems that there is another underground village beneath the entire Niuxin Village.

The tops of the walls are painted with various exquisite patterns, most of which are white lotuses, with the lower ends set off by ink black.

Coupled with the three huge ceramic black horses in the center of the hall and the hundreds of unfinished ceramic figures around it, it looks somewhat majestic.

Then Bai Lingmiao also remembered the sins of their family. She dug out the corpses that were used as stakes and sealed in the hall.

After Goudan conspired with Chun Xiaoman and Gao Zhijian to explore the magical powers of the Bai family and the White Lotus Sect.

As the comic strip changed, Li Huowang received a new task this time, which was to catch a man with a bad heart again.

And he is still alive with a dirty heart!

At the same time, the reporter also promised, "I heard from Danqing, haven't you always wanted to read the classics about Zuowangdao in Siku? As long as you can handle this matter beautifully, then our family will risk being I have to go to Siku in person to help you memorize the danger of dismissal from office!"

Therefore, Li Huowang only hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Then he curiously asked about Zhuge Yuan.

The memory reassured him, saying that the heart turbidity was different from the heart quality. One was enough, not more the better.

It is also said that if he gets too much heart essence because of this, and the heart turbidity of life and death is combined, Zhuge Yuan will not be able to bear the consequences.

This made Li Huowang even more curious.

Then, under his curious questions, Ji Xiang, like an NPC who answered all questions, told some information about Zhuge Yuan——

"I originally mentioned that this person is unlucky, but since you insist on listening, I will tell you."

"Do you know Zhuge Yuan's nickname? Others call him Storyteller."

"He is a very strange person. He is obviously dressed as a scholar, but he never seeks fame. Instead, he likes to go to lively places to tell stories."

"The book he is talking about does not talk about the love between men and women, nor does it talk about generals going to war. He only talks about history books."

"Yes, the history books, and the history books he made up, say that nine hundred years ago there was no civil strife in the Qi State, and the Emperor of Da Qi unified the world. Today the new emperor of Da Qi State ascends the throne, with the reign name Yinghui, and a blessing from heaven. Hundreds of birds are coming. The king's young master's room flashed red."

"That's sheer nonsense. If there was no chaos in Daqi, where did the current Daliang Kingdom come from? Then where did Si Qi come from?"

In addition to these crazy behaviors like Zhuge Yuan getting Li Huowang, the memory also said what Zhuge Yuan's magical power was.

"This person doesn't know how to change his life."

"It's not about changing human life, it's destiny. He has an old imperial calendar. If he says something is appropriate, it will definitely happen. If he says something is taboo, it will definitely be unlucky."

Li Huowang was shocked on the spot, and said with a shocked face, "What you said is true?!"

However, Ji Xiang did not continue to talk, so Li Huowang had to withdraw and prepare for the subsequent task of capturing Xin Zhuo alive.

The next day, there were six people on this mission.

In addition to Li Huowang himself, there were Ji Xiang, Tuoba Danqing and Hong Da, the knife seller he was familiar with, and there were two newcomers.

But one of them happened to be Liu Zongyuan, who claimed to be the descendant of the Moon Gate and Li Huowang had met once.

The other one turned out to be a disciple of the immortal who danced like Bai Lingmiao, but he seemed to have great ability.

Because Ji Xiang seemed to be afraid of this disciple of the immortal named Shentu Gang, he was asked to show up this time.

Then, after a little disturbance, Li Huowang followed Ji Xiang and his group to capture the so-called Xin Zhuo alive.

But this time on the way, Ji Xiang told Li Huowang something about Xin Zhuo unexpectedly.

"The so-called turbid heart is just like the pure heart and the heart coiled, which are all living people with karma in their hearts. The word turbid, as the name suggests, actually means that the human heart is turbid."

"This turbid heart is not only impure, but also can taint everything around with the karma in the heart."

When Li Huowang was wondering what the heart coiled was, Shen Tu, who was dancing the shaman, stood up and directly spoke to Ji Xiang.

Ji Xiang just responded with a mouthful and continued to talk about the turbid heart.

"This Xinzhu is the exact opposite of Xinsu. If Xinsu is like a bright spot in the night, visible from a long distance, then Xinzhu is like a piece of black cloth in the night. It is harder for ordinary people to find it than to climb to the sky."

"Moreover, this Xinzhu can not only use its own karma to hide itself, but also use its own karma to hide other things, whether they are living or dead."

"Let's put it this way, when fighting with Xinzhu, you may forget where the weapon in your hand is, and then find that Xinzhu is nowhere to be found."

"Be careful!"

"Don't think that Xinzhu is only capable of this, otherwise I wouldn't have called you all here and mobilized so many people. In terms of ability, among the great evils of the Heart Sutra, it and Xinsu are the most difficult to deal with. "

"Don't stare at the eyes of the heart turbidity for too long. If its karma taints your souls, she will hide you. "

"But remember, when I say hide, I mean the kind of hide that no one can find, the kind that can never come back in a lifetime!"

"Also, many of the powerful heart turbidities have different variables. You have to adapt to them when you encounter them, but generally speaking, this heart turbidity still uses the karma in his heart, so if it wants to change, it will also go around in circles. "


These words make people understand a little bit, but also a little confused.

"Karma? Where do you forget to put your weapon? Hide it? Dirty?"

Feng Yiyuan was stunned. He had never seen such a setting before. He said, "Is this a magical power like illusion? And it is related to karma. Is it something similar to the magical power of Buddhism? Is it a reverse magical power that causes others to suffer from the five declines of heaven and man?"

This is really a setting he has never seen before.

The comics on the theme of cultivation have been developed for nearly 30 years since he founded it.

There are countless copycat works, but the settings are constantly updated.

Especially the major Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian classics and even classical novels, which have really been read through by cartoonists just to find new settings.

But there will be a time when the classics and classical novels are exhausted, and then everyone will inevitably repeat the settings.

Repeated over and over again until the comic fans are tired of it.

At this moment, Lin Qingshan's "Tao Wei Yi Xian" is not following the usual path. Not only does it have "new interpretations" of allusions such as "Three Flowers Gathering at the Top of the Head" and "Immortality", it also integrates folk traditional culture to create various strange monks and evil spirits.

And he also threw out a brand new setting that seems to be completely created by him - Xin Su, Xin Zhuo and a heart pan whose name is still unknown!

Feng Yiyuan thought about it and was immediately relieved. He said, "Sure enough... Qingshan is a young man who likes innovation and is talented. Only by continuous innovation... can comics continue to develop..."

When the comic fans saw this, in addition to feeling that Lin Qingshan really has new things to do all the time, they also started new speculations.

"Xinsu, Xinzhu, Xinpan, I haven't figured out what Xinsu is, and there's a new setting?!"

"Xinsu means confusion, Xinzhu means karma, what is Xinpan? And then there are other Xins, Xins, and Xins?"

"Xinsu and Xinzhu are the most difficult to deal with? Brother Huozi's Xinsu's ability currently only has side effects, how can it be difficult to deal with."

"I understand, is there a possibility that these Xinsu, Xinzhu, Xinpan are actually symptoms of mental illness!"

"Xinsu means schizophrenia, what is Xinzhu? And Karmic obstacles Related?"

"Wrong, I think Xinsu is a cognitive disorder, so he is confused and doesn't know which world he is from."

"According to Xinzhuo's ability, this guy can make people forget where the weapon in their hands is, and then they find that Xinzhuo has gone somewhere during the fight. Is this some kind of hypnotic ability?"

"Maybe Xinzhuo is schizophrenic, and then he bewitches the other party with words."

"Great! I gradually understand everything!"


Feng Yiyuan continued to immerse himself in the weird and mysterious world of "Dao Weiyixian".

Li Huowang and his party arrived at a village in a blink of an eye, but this village surprised him a little, because it was actually very close to Niuxin Village.

And then he found out... Bai Lingmiao's second god came to find him.

After explaining the situation, everyone did not attack the second god.

After letting the second god leave, Li Huowang continued to look for the so-called heart turbidity with everyone.

But he didn't expect that he really accidentally got the strange ability of heart turbidity.

Li Huowang clearly remembered that after Hong Da asked him to borrow the knife, he noticed that there was something strange on the well. When he just got to the well, he saw a person standing in the mud in the well.

Then when he wanted to notify others, he forgot what he was going to say.

Others were also puzzled as to why he stood on the well, and even he himself looked at the rusty borrowed knife from Hong Da in his hand and forgot where the knife came from.

Not only did he forget how the borrowed knife came from, but Hong Da also disappeared at this moment.

It is very likely... that he fell into the ability of heart turbidity and disappeared.

So Li Huowang even forgot about Hong Da and Hong Da's knife.

Faced with this ghostly magical power and means.

Shentu Gang immediately ordered everyone to get together, and at the same time he, Ji Xiang and Tuoba Danqing each used their own means.

Finally forced Xin Zhuo out.

Li Huowang saw a figure suddenly appear.

Her body was blurry and appeared, like a ghost in a horror movie, looking very awkward.

The person was wearing a dark blue gown, and the black lumps of dirt covered the whole face of the person, and the pants were covered with sticky mud.

"Er Jiu! Hurry up! This person is Xin Zhuo!"

Just as Ji Xiang, who was extremely nervous, blurted out subconsciously, he said.

"Da Qian Lu magical power... Sacrifice finger dart!"

Li Huowang directly cut off his eight fingers this time, which can be said to be not holding back at all.

But what's more cruel is that as his fingers grow out again, he cut off eight of his fingers again.

Sixteen fingers flew towards Xinzhuo in the air like bullets.

But the sixteen fingers suddenly disappeared in the middle of the flight.

This was naturally the ability of Xinzhuo.

"Daqianlu Magical Power... Renmu Xinzhai!"

Li Huowang tore the flesh and skin again, and the flesh and skin turned into a big net to cover it.

But it was still the same. The blood and flesh net slowly disappeared as it approached Xinzhuo.


But he took this opportunity to use the magic of Luojiao and drove the Seven-Star Copper Coin Sword towards Xinzhuo.

A man dressed as a beggar suddenly appeared next to Xinzhuo, blocking the copper coin sword for him like a shield.

That was the disappeared Hong Da, he was thrown out!

"You can hide it, right? Let me see how you hide it!!"

Li Huowang, with an extremely ferocious expression, crossed his hands and stretched them into the wound on his chest and pulled them hard, and two ribs were forcibly broken off.

"Da Qian Lu's magical power... the power of the heart of evil!"

After cutting open his abdomen and breaking his bones, he could use himself as a doll of evil and curse the enemy to have the same injuries.

It could be said that Xiao Cang was climbing the stairs, and for Li Huowang, this move was nothing but a small matter of exchanging injuries for injuries.

Sure enough, Xin Zhuo immediately had the same injuries on his body, screamed in pain, and bent his waist with Li Huowang.

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