Is this cartoonist mentally ill?

Chapter 478 Unit-01 goes berserk (original)

"There is a functional problem!"

"How's it going!"

"The synchronization curve is reversed! The pulse is flowing backward!"

Various circumstances indicate that the current situation of Shinji Ikari and EVA Unit 1 is not optimistic at all.

"Cut off the circuit! Intercept the countercurrent pulse!"

Ritsuko immediately ordered.


"No! Signal rejected!"

Signal rejected?

Hearing the word "reject", Lin Shengjie couldn't help but think, "Didn't Shinji Ikari fall into a coma? How could he refuse the signal? Could it be that the signal could not be conveyed?"

"Where's Shinji?"

Misato, however, first paid attention to Ikari Shinji's situation and asked.

"The monitor is not responding! Life or death is unknown!"

This makes people even more worried about Shinji Ikari's safety.

"There is no response from Unit 1!"


Ritsuko turned to look at Misato, waiting for her order.

At this point, Misato no longer gave up hope. She said reluctantly, "Is that the end? Terminate the operation! Protect the pilot first!"

"Force the insertion plug!"

However, the operator suddenly turned around and said, "No! It's out of control!"


Misato said in disbelief.

But at this moment...

The scene cuts back to Unit 1, which has lost all contact.

Shinji not unconscious yet.

Accompanied by a strange sound, Shinji Ikari's face, whose color was reversed in red, gradually expanded on the screen.

Then... Unit No. 1 actually opened its "mouth" and started moving again.

Mecha...does it still have a mouth?

This is something Lin Shengjie and other viewers did not expect.

"Unit No. 1... has restarted!"

In the base, Misato looked at the picture projected on the screen and said in surprise.

"Why? It shouldn't be able to start!"

one operator said in disbelief.

"Could it be..."

At this moment, Misato seemed to realize something and said.

Ritsuko also had a look of disbelief on her face. She slowly added what Misato had not finished and said, " away!"


I saw that Unit 1 was like a wild beast at this moment, opening its big mouth and roaring.

Then it squatted on the ground and made a movement to prepare for ejection.

The next moment, it "flyed" directly.

Then after gliding in the air, his knee landed hard on the opposite apostle!

Unit 1 grabbed the apostle's head tightly, and the apostle seemed to have exhausted all his strength before throwing Unit 1 out.

But after Unit 1 landed beautifully and adjusted its posture, it rushed towards the apostle again like a wild beast!

On the other side, Ikari Yuantang and the sergeant were watching this scene.

They were all quite calm.

The sergeant looked at the rampaging Unit 1 and said calmly, "We won."

It seemed that they had seen all this before and knew how powerful Unit-01 would be when it went berserk like this.

But the next moment, Unit 1 rushed in front of the apostle, and suddenly a wall with an orange halo appeared in front of it.

"A.T force field!"

Ritsuko looked at this scene and said in horror.

"No! As long as the A.T. force field is there, it is absolutely impossible to contact the apostles!"

But then...

I saw a flash of light on the left wrist of Unit No. 1 that was broken by the apostle.

"The left wrist is restored!"

The base operator immediately reported.

"It's amazing!"

Misato said in disbelief.

Then I saw Unit 1 stretching out its hands, grabbing the apostle's A.T. force field as if grabbing a door!

Accompanied by a tearing sound like breaking glass...

"Unit No. 1 has also deployed its A.T. force field! It is neutralizing the phase space!"


"It's eroding!"

Then Unit-01 really tore open the A.T. force field that Misato and Ritsuko said was indestructible!

"It's so simple...just give the A.T. force field..."

Misato couldn't believe it at all. This was something that completely exceeded her knowledge before!


Unit 1 roared loudly after tearing open the A.T. force field.

However, the apostle on the opposite side fires a laser attack from its head.

It traced the shape of a cross on the ground, causing a powerful explosion.

But Unit No. 1 still had no damage. Instead, it grabbed the apostle's "hand", crushed it to pieces, and then kicked it several hundred meters away!

It seems to be taking revenge.

This made the audience even more suspicious.

Such a powerful operation should not have been performed by Shinji Ikari, who just had difficulty maneuvering the No. 1.

So this is the operation of Unit 1 itself?

And what does that rampage mean? Is the AI ​​installed in Unit 1 out of control?

Unit No. 1 continued to go on a rampage, completely suppressing the apostle and beating him.

After knocking it to the ground, Unit 0 even broke off one of the apostle's ribs, and then used it as a dagger to hit the red ball on the apostle's chest.


The apostle stood up suddenly as if in panic, and then his upper body turned into a ball like liquid and surrounded the head of Unit 1.

"Is it planning to blow itself up?!"

Misato said in horror.

Sure enough, the next moment, the apostle blew himself up.

The flames of the explosion rushed up, forming the cross shape with religious significance.

After the explosion dissipated, everyone looked at the screen in disbelief...dazed.

"That is..."

Ritsuko and Misato looked straight at the screen and said, "The real appearance of EVA..."

Ikari Gendō smiled as he watched all this.

The next moment, Unit-01 appeared in the firelight with its undamaged shadow, and its undamaged left eye emitted a very oppressive light.

"Circuit connection..."

"System recovery, curve returns to normal position..."

"The pilot is safe!"

"Body recovery team! Go!"


The cockpit seemed to be repaired and reconnected, and then Unit-01 was taken out.

Ikari Shinji blinked in confusion as if he didn't know what happened.

He didn't faint, but it shouldn't be Unit-01 that he was operating just now.

At this moment, Ikari Shinji looked to the right side of his body.

I saw the damaged Unit-01 right next to it, but at this moment...


The "head" of Unit-01 fell off.

Ikari Shinji looked at this scene in disbelief, but what he saw was not the "head" of Unit-01 falling off.

What fell off was only the helmet armor of Unit-01?

And inside the helmet was a huge head with flesh and blood.

Unit-01... not a mecha, but some kind of creature?

In Ikari Shinji's shocked eyes, he saw that the damaged eye of Unit-01 suddenly surged, and then a huge eyeball regenerated!

It was green, but it looked like a human eyeball.

This scene was a bit curious.

It was also looking at Ikari Shinji, and then three dots appeared in its eyeball.

But Ikari Shinji seemed to have seen something horrible, and screamed loudly in fear, "Ahhh——!!!"

And this... is why he can't sleep now.

He didn't lose sleep because he lost the battle, but because he saw something that frightened him.

It turns out that this episode is a flashback.

Suddenly, Lin Shengjie and other viewers understood why Shinji Ikari was left at NERV headquarters after losing his first battle.

It turns out that... Shinji Ikari not only did not fail, but succeeded.

However, there are still many doubts.

What exactly is an angel?

What is the Human Completion Project?

What exactly is the EVA Unit-01? Is it also a creature like an angel?

Or are they actually angels, but they were defeated by humans and recycled and transformed into mechas?

At the end of this episode.

Misato, who was worried about Shinji Ikari, finally said to him, "There is one thing I forgot to say..."

"You did something worthy of praise, and you can be proud of it."

"Good night... Shinji."

"Come on."

Then this episode ends here.


After watching this episode, Lin Shengjie couldn't forget it for a long time.

Because there are really too many questions.

What happened in this near future world?

What exactly is an apostle?

What is Unit-01?

Is there a specific condition for driving Unit-01?

Suddenly he remembered the word "artificial human" that Ritsuko had mentioned to Shinji Ikari before.

"Artificial human?"

Lin Shengjie immediately thought curiously, "So it is a humanoid creature created by humans?"

In short, there are too many questions, and the first two episodes of "EVA" are quite exciting.

After all, the battle started directly, and the plot in the middle kept suspense, which made people want to find out and find the answer.

And this is a series written by Lin Qingshan, so after watching the second episode, someone mentioned "EVA" on the Internet.

"I thought this show was a traditional mecha show... I didn't expect it to be anything else."

"This Unit-01 is a biological weapon, and those external armors are to control it."

"I guess Unit-01 is actually an Angel, but it was captured and modified by humans!"

"Classic enemy and friend are from the same source, right? But it's also true, this is very Qingshan the Thief!"

"Growing another eyeball and staring at the protagonist is really scary."

"Speaking of which, Unit-01's rampage is much more powerful than the protagonist's operation, so it would be better to just let Unit-01 move on its own. ”

“Then Unit-01 turned around and destroyed the city with the Angels.”

“It was really good to watch. I strongly recommend you to watch this show.”

“Aren’t you afraid that Aoyama will get angry and give you a big knife?”

“I have watched so many works of Aoyama. I am no longer afraid of knives!”

“That’s right. I am a die-hard fan of Aoyama. I am not afraid of anything! [Expression_Sunglasses]”

“Take off your sunglasses! Unveil… the curtain!”

This season, the highlight of C Station’s new show is still “Fate Stay Night”. After all, it has a previous work and a game, and its popularity is very high.

But after two episodes were aired, “EVA” also received a lot of attention, becoming the second most popular show after “Fate Stay Night”.

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