Chapter 99 Fish eats people

 She was held in the arms of her mother and concubine every year, and her eyes were bent into little crescents with joy.

 When he saw Feng Xuanrui and the others, Suisui subconsciously struggled to get off the ground.

Princess Qi felt sad, but she still let go of her hand generously.

 Sui Sui got off the ground and rushed to Feng Xuanrui happily: "Brother!"

The little girl was like a baby swallow in the forest, flying over.

Feng Xuanrui’s resentment and anger that he had been tortured by homework all morning disappeared in this moment.

He thought: It’s just a small piece of homework, how can it be difficult for me?

 With his sister, he can still attend class for one more day!

Feng Xuanrui opened his arms and hugged Suisui generously.

When Feng Xuanbin squeezed over and wanted to hug his sister, Feng Xuanrui rolled his eyes at him, and then kissed Suisui gently on his forehead: "Sister, mine!"

Feng Xuanbin was so angry that he almost burst into tears. He jumped up and hit Feng Xuanrui: "As promised, it belongs to our sister!"

 Feng Xuanbo and Feng Xuancang also cast condemning glances.

Feng Xuanjie cautiously moved closer to the third brother. Although he was not as active as the other brothers, he also proved with his actions that he was on the third brother's side!

Princess Qi was afraid that Feng Xuanrui was young and would not be able to hold the child for long. After she came over, she hurriedly asked Feng Xuanrui to put him down.

Feng Xuanrui was obedient.

After putting it down, he quietly shook his tired arms.

 It’s not that age is too heavy, but because...

 He hasn't had a physical fitness class for more than a month, and now his physical strength is really not that good.

 He thought: For the sake of his sister, he has to practice hard this afternoon!

As soon as there were more children, they started chattering and quarreling.

Princess Qi watched them with a smile, and from time to time she made arrangements for meals and afternoon riding and archery lessons.

At the same time, don’t forget to follow up with Aunt Qiu about choosing a maid for Suisui.

 The child is still young and has such a past, Princess Qi is worried about it, and plans to keep Suisui by her side for a while.

However, when the child grows up, he still has to return to the courtyard of the palace girls, the west courtyard.

 Furthermore, whether she is by her side or becomes independent later, she needs someone to take care of her.

 Aunt Qiu has always been calm and neat in doing things.

 Princess Qi still trusts her very much.

Hearing her question, Aunt Qiu said with a smile: "Don't worry, Princess, I have already selected a few, and I will make arrangements for Sui Sui after the Princess looks at them."

Knowing this matter, there should be no problem. Princess Qi nodded with satisfaction: "I can always rest assured when you do things."

As he was talking, another luxurious carriage passed by on the official road not far away.

Looking at the carriage from a distance, Princess Qi frowned slightly: "There are quite a few people going out today."

In this regard, Aunt Qiu thought for a while and said, "Maybe the weather is getting warmer, so I want to go out for a walk."

 After entering April, the weather is getting warmer and warmer.

There is greenery all over the mountains and plains. Just looking at it makes you feel refreshed and yearning.

Princess Qi also thought that the weather was nice and she wanted to take her children out for a walk.

 She is like this, and others are probably the same.

 The children were playing and did not care about the carriage.

 Those who have exchanges of favors do not need their children to socialize for the time being.

After Feng Xuanrui came over, he told Sui Sui about how he was punished by his master in class in the morning.

After hearing that Feng Xuanrui failed to memorize his homework and was forced to stand by his master, the little girl was quite frightened: "Master is so cruel!"

Feng Xuanrui agreed with this: "That's right, sometimes I even slap my palms!"

After speaking, he acted like a whistleblower, and quickly said loudly: "Xiao Qi and I have both been beaten, and the beatings were terrible!"

Feng Xuanbin was on the side, wanting to deny it, but he couldn't.     Because, they were indeed beaten.

However, who in the small classroom has not been beaten?

Thinking of this, Feng Xuanbin became confident: "Everyone has been beaten, so there is no shame!"

Feng Xuanjie has always been quiet. Seeing that everyone was silent now, he thought for a while and said in a low voice: "I heard that the eldest brother has never been beaten."

 What is an atmosphere terminator?

 Feng Xuanjie proved with facts that he may really not be suitable to speak.

 As soon as he finished speaking, all the brothers fell silent, with subtle expressions on their faces.

Feng Xuanjie realized that he might have said the wrong thing.

He thought aggrievedly: But, what I said is also the truth!

 Brother has never been punished!

 Because the master often praised his eldest brother, they all knew it.

Feng Xuanjie was ashamed and embarrassed, and subconsciously shrank behind Feng Xuancang.

After the brothers were strangely quiet for a long time, Feng Xuancang said in a faint tone: "Yes, the eldest brother has never been punished."

 The entire Prince Qi's Mansion has such a top student.

 Just mentioning it now is enough to make a bunch of scumbags tremble.

Suisui was a little curious and asked Feng Xuanrui in a low voice: "Brother, what is eldest brother?"

 Feng Xuanrui originally wanted to change the topic irritably.

  What do you do to those who are incomparable?

Hearing his sister's question, Feng Xuanrui lost most of his anger and explained with a smile: "Eldest brother means eldest brother. He is studying in the Imperial College and won't be back until the end of the month."

Speaking of the matter of returning at the end of the month, Feng Xuanrui thought for a while and then said: "If you want to see your eldest brother every year, then we can go see him in advance."

Upon hearing this, Feng Xuanbin shook his head: "I don't want to go!"

 He is a scumbag, why should he go to the Imperial College?

 Is it because Master usually doesn’t punish you enough?

Feng Xuanbo also rejected the past.

Feng Xuanrui was initially interested, but when he saw that his brothers were unwilling, he stopped insisting.

Although Suisui is curious, he doesn’t have much curiosity about the unfamiliar elder brother whom he has never met before.

So, Brother Qi said not to go, but Suisui shook his head obediently: "Then let's go see the fish being killed!"

I just caught three very big fish. Before I could finish watching the excitement, I heard that my brother was coming.

I don’t know if I can catch up if I go to the kitchen now.

As soon as the brothers heard that they were killing fish, they all got excited and said, "Let's go, let's go and kill them now."

 “I can do it too, I can do it too!”

 “Are you okay again?”


Brothers, when we are united, we are truly united.

 When they fight, they are really aggressive and no one admits defeat.

 There was a quarrel while talking on the road.

 In the end, he did not move his hands, but Sui Sui was still watching.

 Having a sister makes things different from before.

 They have to take care of their behavior.

 Another point is because...

When they rushed to the kitchen, there was a fish in the basin that was so active that it jumped out of the water and jumped into Feng Xuanbin's arms.

Feng Xuanbin, who had just promised to kill the fish, was so frightened that he screamed and ran around.

Suisui was by his side. He was so scared that he started running and jumping. In the process, he did not forget to hold his brother's hand and run with him: "Run quickly, brother, the fish eats people!"

  Second update

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