Ren Yan relaxed his shoulders. He really wanted to know the expression of the dodo now. It must be very disillusioned.

Ren Yan stopped thinking about it immediately. He was just trying to help Chen Feidu maintain his popularity. It would do Chen Feidu no harm... no harm, maybe it could even bring in some income from Internet celebrities?

After a while, Ren Yan finished reading all the information.

Two blurry videos were eye-catching.

Deng Qijin and Xiao Hui were obviously attacked. Not only the two of them, but also the entire army they were in was attacked.

Attacked at the border between the Ice and Snow Alliance and the Ukrainian Alliance.

Deng Qijin and Xiao Hui also disappeared in that attack.

"Did you find anything?" Shi Ruibo asked.

Ren Yan sighed softly and rolled the mouse.

"Xiao Hui and Deng Qijin were attacked. For some reason, they fled to Ukraine. Their belongings were also left there... So they were picked up by the Ukrainian Alliance Army."

"These two videos, one is the video of the attack at that time, the camera shakes more seriously..."

Ren Yan clicked pause at one place.

A group of blurry figures appeared.

"But the people who attacked the army were not from the Ukrainian Union or the Ice and Snow Union. Judging from their appearance, they were more like mercenaries active in the Mayan Union. They did not attack the Ice and Snow Union army. They surrounded one of them and attacked one of them crazily. Their purpose was very clear, they were going after Xiao Hui..."

Shi Ruibo and Zhang Fa looked at each other. Has Xiao Hui been targeted?

Why? Who else could target Xiao Hui?

Ren Yan immediately opened the next video.

"This video shows a branch of mercenaries from the Mayan Union appearing in the Ukrainian Union. Judging from the army layout, it seems more like they are having talks with other characters in this abandoned factory."

"But look carefully!"

Ren Yan zoomed in on a soldier standing guard.

"This person is one of the mercenaries who participated in the attack on Xiao Hui!"

"What does it mean? It means someone paid to buy Xiao Hui's life!"

Ren Yan pulled the progress bar again, and a blurry back of a person appeared on the scene.

"Here, the person who bought Xiao Hui's life, judging from his body shape, he is a yellow man."

Ren Yan said with a deep sigh.

"Xiao Hui rarely causes trouble abroad. Even if he does, it's all caused by his two live babies, Kamen Rider. Psyduck and Dual Axe War Dragon have become a laughing stock for many people. Xiao Hui doesn't have any enemies, not to mention the Ice and Snow Alliance, which is basically made up of white people!"

Zhang Fa suddenly realized: "But Xiao Hui has never been to other alliances, let alone make enemies!"

Shi Ruibo also suddenly realized: "The people who bought Xiao Hui's life are from China!"

This is also the point that Ren Yan sighed: "Not only are they from China, they not only want Xiao Hui's life, but in order to leave no trace, that's a whole team... and like Xiao Hui, they are all new recruits who are just performing some simple exercises in the Ice and Snow Alliance. They are the young generation of the army, and they are basically gone..."

"Is there no action from the Alliance?" Zhang Fa asked.

"It just happened this morning, and the Alliance also needs time to investigate..." Ren Yan said lightly, "But I did find some clues..."

Ren Yan closed the two videos and opened a schedule.

"It's a war period there, not many people are going to the Ukrainian Union, I have summarized all the yellow people who went to the Ukrainian Union."

"Lock on their superiors or communication people, then lock on their superiors' superiors, and so on, and I really figured it out..."

Ren Yan opened the basic information of a person.

"This yellow person is from Southeast Asia. After ten layers of relationship networks, I locked on a person from the underworld forces in the Northeast..."

Ren Yan opened the basic information of another person.

It looks like a young child, who looks the same age as them, and his name is Sun Manyue.

"Who is this?" Shi Ruibo asked.

Zhang Fa thought this person looked familiar, but he couldn't figure out who it was.

"You don't know him..." Ren Yan called up another person's information, "but you should have read about him on the Internet."

"Sun Manlou! Isn't this the big brother of the Northeast underworld?" Zhang Fa recognized the person in the picture and was surprised.

Zhang Fa had been in the black market in Northeast China, so he had heard of Sun Manlou, a well-known underground leader in Northeast China.

"Yes, Sun Manyue is Sun Manlou's son, and it was he who planned the attack on this team!" Ren Yan said.

Zhang Fa looked puzzled: "Why? Is there any conflict between him and Xiao Hui?"

Ren Yan stopped searching, sighed deeply, and lay on the chair, looking straight at the light on the ceiling.

"Remember when I first met Xiao HuiAt that time, Xiao Hui disliked his Psyduck very much. It was not that he hated Psyduck, nor that he disliked Psyduck's weak strength. Now it seems that his emotion towards Psyduck at that time was more of fear. "

"Why was Dandan not disliked at that time? It was because Dandan was still an egg. If I guessed correctly, Xiao Hui's plan at that time was to wait for Dandan to hatch and then release Dandan..."

Zhang Fa and Shi Ruibo were confused.

Ren Yan continued.

"Psyduck is not Xiao Hui's first Pokémon, and Dandan is not..."

Zhang Fa and Shi Ruibo were stunned at the same time.

"What is Xiao Hui? A son of luck with a bit of luck... How could he only pick up a Psyduck when he reached the age requirement? Or did he pick it up by walking all the way from the northeast to Yanjing?"

Ren Yan smiled helplessly.

"Because his first Pokémon was taken away by Sun Manyue, and in order to silence him, Xiao Hui's whole family was killed, but Xiao Hui was lucky, he escaped..."

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