According to the rules of the competition, Ren Yan can get an S-level evolution stone and any permanent item.

The permanent items are provided by the Sakura Alliance, and the S-level evolution stones are provided by the Huaxia Alliance.

Only the Huaxia Alliance is rich enough to provide various S-level evolution stones.

Ren Yan chose the S-level awakening stone and the permanent item metronome.

The S-level awakening stone was left to Xiao Ailu, and the metronome was given to Quack (Quack-headed frog).

And, the beautiful scales shed by the champion-level Milotica given by Bai Yuna...

According to the agreement between the two parties, the away trainers will visit the best local scenic spots in the home court the day after the game.

On this day, Ren Yan and his friends took a bus to visit the scenic spots at the foot of Mount Fuji.

Ren Yan lay comfortably on his seat, the flower sea lion fell asleep in his arms, and Kirlia squeezed in the same seat with Ren Yan, quietly eating delicious energy cubes.

Xiaoxi and Xiao Shana have been exposed, and Ren Yan doesn't need to hide it anymore.

Chu Mingyao was not in the car. I don't know if he didn't come because of shame or something.

Ren Yan didn't care about these, but took out the beautiful scales given by Bai Yuna, which sparkled in the sunlight coming in from the car window.

Ren Yan kept looking at it, while thinking about the hint given by Bai Yuna.

Was it just a reward, or was it meant to be?

Bai Yuna didn't get in the car, so there was no way to ask.

After a while, everyone successfully arrived at the scenic area at the foot of Mount Fuji.

As the most famous mountain in the entire Sakura Alliance, Mount Fuji is different from other places in the Sakura Alliance. It has a huge size, beautiful scenery and pleasant environment, unless Mount Fuji erupts...

After the guidance of the instructor, everyone had free time after visiting the scenic area.

Bai Xuerong went shopping with other girls, while Qin Ze went to find a nearby training ground.

Ren Yan refused Qin Ze, saying that he had something else to do, and then took out Tolom's mobile phone to find a nearby lake.

The nearest... Kawaguchiko...

Ren Yan left silently and went to Kawaguchiko.

There is no horizon in the distant place, and the towering Mount Fuji has become the best scenery that can be seen by looking up.

Tourists are bustling around the lakeside of Kawaguchiko, and scenic towns are located on the lakeside.

Ren Yan took a cruise ship and drifted aimlessly on the lake. The wave power kept spreading, but he could not detect the Pokémon Uchiha.

There are Mienshao, but there is no Uchiha...

"Are all the Mienshao here wild?" Ren Yan asked the boatman.

"How is it possible? They all have owners, and the scenic area specially raises them!" The boatman explained.

Ren Yan was thoughtful.

After getting off the boat, Ren Yan asked the local residents.

The answer they gave was: "How could this beautiful lake have ugly Pokémon like Uchiha!"

Kawaguchiko turned out to be the lake with the best ecology near Mount Fuji, and wild Mienshao has always been the master of the lake.

Hundreds of years ago, the Industrial Revolution Poké Ball was produced, and trainers were born. Mienshao became a Pokémon that water trainers captured in large numbers.

So all the Milotica in all the lakes in the Sakura Alliance were fished out.

For an alliance that is so selfish that it can discharge nuclear waste water into the sea, any action it takes is not surprising.

After several years, the mistakes will become the subjective consciousness of their ancestors and have nothing to do with the descendants...

The Mimic needs the beautiful scales shed by adult Milotic to evolve. A Mimic without Milotic will be wrapped in ugly appearance for the rest of its life.

The Sakura Alliance deprived the Mimic of its right to be beautiful while blaming the Mimic for being so ugly.

On the one hand, they were greedy for beautiful Milotic and on the other hand, they disliked the ugly Mimic.

Then they killed all the Mimic.

If a trainer's Milotic is particularly close to him, then this Milotic was raised by this trainer from Mimic. The owner gave it a beautiful appearance, so it naturally became closer to the owner.

On the contrary, if a Milotic is noble and cold, and will not get close to the trainer except to obey orders, then this Milotic was directly captured.

Kawaguchiko is an important scenic spot, but there are no more chouchou fishes...

After understanding all the situations, Ren Yan went to the next lake, Yamanakako, in silence.

Yamanakako is not as pleasant as Kawaguchiko. It only has a huge lake and bare land around it. The only bright spot is the unobstructed Mount Fuji that can be seen when you look up.

There are very few tourists around, and most of them take a photo of Mount Fuji and leave in a hurry.

"Xiao Xi!" Ren Yan released the flower sea lion.

There are no boats in this place, so Ren Yan can only go into the water himself.

Ren Yan held the flower sea lion like holding a swimming ring, floating on the water and slowly drifting towards the center of the lake.

I don't know how long it took before Ren Yan came to the center of the lake. After all, this is the richThe largest lake near Shishan, and not as narrow and long as Kawaguchiko, so it took a lot of time.

"Chouchou!" Ren Yan sensed the existence of Chouchou, "Why is there only one?"

Ren Yan was puzzled, Chouchou usually live in groups, it is unlikely that there is only one.

The reason is that Chouchou are too ugly, and they will be disliked or even attacked by other Pokémon if they swim alone.

In addition, Ren Yan also sensed a lot of Magikarp.

There is also a Gyarados...

They swam around Chouchou, and Chouchou was trapped in place.

"Xiaoxi! Let's go down!"

Ren Yan took a deep breath and swam quickly to the bottom of the lake with the Flower Sea Lion.

As he got closer and closer to the Magikarp group, Ren Yan also understood the Magikarp group's thoughts through the power of Changpan.

There are two major groups in this lake - Magikarp and Chouchou.

A long time ago, the ruler of this lake was still Milotic. As long as they had beautiful scales, the clowns could evolve, while Magikarp needed to be one in a million.

Therefore, Gyarados could not compete with the Milotic tribe in terms of tribe strength.

But suddenly one day, a group of humans appeared and took away all Milotic and Gyarados, leaving only the despised clowns and Magikarp.

If the clowns lost Milotic, they would lose their beautiful scales and the ability to evolve, while Magikarp could evolve with high qualifications and crush the clown tribe.

So the living space of the clown tribe became increasingly narrow.

Another day, a group of humans appeared and took away all the clowns, leaving only one clown.

It was the one they were beating up now...

"Xiao Shana! Xiao Ailu!" Ren Yan quickly released two Kirliao, releasing both the power of wave and the power of Changpan, communicating silently, "Use your telekinesis together and try to send the air down from above!"

"Lu~" The two Kirliao nodded at the same time, and then the psychic energy overflowed.

The turbulent whirlpool on the lake surface compressed a large bubble downward and was transported to Ren Yan.

Ren Yan took a breath and then took out a bottle of mineral water.

"Compress the air and put it all in this bottle!"

The two Kirliao continued to maintain their telekinesis and tried to stuff the air into the bottle.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Ren Yan took back Xiao Shana and Xiao Ailu, released the frog, looked at the still deep bottom of the lake and said, "Let's go! Let's go save Pokémon!"

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