The Sonic Dragon could not catch up for the time being, so Ren Yan and Deng Qijin gradually slowed down their pace to recover their strength.

However, as they went deeper and deeper, they gradually discovered different situations.

The deeper Ren Yan went, the deeper he felt the breeze, which meant that the cave was connected to another cave entrance.

Pokémon were probably looking for food at another cave entrance.

And there is another important point, all the parents of the Pokémon who just came back are female...

The fathers of these Pokémon have not come back yet...

Maybe it has something to do with this beast tide, Ren Yan wants to take a look...

After resting for a while, the two set off and soon found another larger cave entrance.

Ren Yan and Deng Qijin's eyes lit up and they hurried forward. After a flash of white light, the scene on the other side of the mountain came into view.

This is a huge basin, surrounded by cliffs, covering a forest and a lake at the foot of the mountain.

The most incredible thing is that there are strange and unusually tall trees growing on the cliffs, almost blocking half of the sunlight.

If you look from the outside, you would think this is a flat land. Who would have thought that there would be a vertical and huge basin.

"Damn! How do those trees grow?" Deng Qijin was more and more amazed at the trees above, and was a little absent-minded for a while.

Ren Yan sensed a breath approaching quickly.

"Be careful!"

Ren Yan kicked Deng Qijin away with a flying foot, and then jumped away with a bounce.



A huge dragon smashed at the previous position, which was also a gym-level sonic dragon.

But this sonic dragon did not attack them, but was forced to smash at this position.

Ren Yan looked sideways at the position of the lake and saw a blue figure in the distance.


Ren Yan's eyes tightened, and the power of the wave was fully activated, covering half of the lake...

Gym-level Gyarados... but there are three...

There are also several lord-level ones...

And countless Magikarp, squeezed in this small lake.

This is a whole Gyarados tribe.

Ren Yan walked to the side of the Sonic Dragon, took out medicine and applied it, mainly using the power of Evergreen to understand the psychological state of the Sonic Dragon.

Originally, this basin was where they lived, the cave was their nest, this forest was where they foraged, and where other Pokémon lived.

Who knew that there was a dark river under the lake, connecting to the river on the other side of the mountain.

I don't know when a group of powerful Gyarados appeared in that river, and they drove away all the Pokémon living in and by the river.

Now they have discovered this lake and plan to use it as a nest...

Of course, the local residents disagreed, so the scene just now happened. In addition, there were other male Pokémon lying scattered on the lake, all of whom were seriously injured.

"What did you find?" Deng Qijin asked puzzledly when he saw Ren Yan standing there for a long time.

"The Gyarados in the lake may be the culprit of this beast tide..." Ren Yan said thoughtfully.

The Sonic Dragon in the cave roared, chased out and saw Ren Yan treating her husband, and was stunned again.

Running over to support her husband, the injured Sonic waved her hands, saying that she was fine and thanking Ren Yan for helping her.

Ren Yan looked around and stood up to help other Pokémon...

"Gyarados? I remember there was a group downstream, how did it come to the upstream?" Deng Qijin was puzzled, Gyarados generally does not change its habitat.

"Maybe there is a stronger tribe downstream..." Ren Yan said lightly, "If we want to solve this matter, we can only send people to capture the Gyarados tribe..."

"No need!" Deng Qijin shook his head and said, "In this case, it depends on whether the new tribe has found a place to live. If there is already a place to live, we don't have to transfer the new tribe, we can also transfer the original tribe!"

"Pokémon in the cave?" Ren Yan was puzzled.

Deng Qijin nodded: "Whoever is weak can take it away, anyway, I have also captured the Buzz Bat, and these Pokémon in the cave can be taken to the army to raise!"

"Okay, you are professionals!" Ren Yan didn't care.

"Then I'll go to the cave and ask other Pokémon for their ideas!" Deng Qijin was very happy to be able to solve the problem and get many powerful Pokémon. He went to ask the Soundwave Dragon couple for their ideas first.

Ren Yan rescued other injured Pokémon along the shore...


"What bad luck! Where is this..." Xiao Hui came to a lush forest with a heavy backpack on his back.

Unfortunately, he got lost.

So he planned to climb to the top of the mountain first to determine the surrounding terrain.

"Don't follow me, damn!" Xiao Hui kicked the Psyduck next to him with a look of disgust.

After being kicked away, Psyduck stillHe insisted on following.

They were about to reach the territory of Shandong Province, but Psyduck followed them all the way.

And he always held its bulky head.

"I won't want you when my Pokémon egg hatches!" Xiao Hui said to Psyduck.

Psyduck tilted its head, indicating that it didn't understand what Xiao Hui said...

"You fucking..." Xiao Hui became more and more angry, and wanted to knock on Psyduck's bloated head, but Xiao Hui didn't dare...

Psyduck's head was full of energy. Last time Xiao Hui was so angry that he couldn't punch it, Psyduck directly came with a wave of psychic explosion.

Xiao Hui was directly blown away, but fortunately he hung on a crooked tree and saved his life.

From then on, Xiao Hui never dared to knock Psyduck's head casually again.

Moreover, Psyduck took the initiative to enter Xiao Hui's Pokéball, and it was Xiao Hui's legal Pokémon. Xiao Hui had no right to release it.

Just capture it, but Psyduck never enters the Poké Ball...

This makes Xiao Hui feel like he is carrying a burden, so he dislikes Psyduck so much.

Xiao Hui immediately ignored Psyduck and continued to walk forward.

Xiao Hui stopped walking until he was thirsty and exhausted.

"You are here! It's unlucky!" Xiao Hui took out a sip of water, but still handed the rest of the water to Psyduck.

"Ga!" Psyduck saw the kettle and excitedly sent all the water into his mouth with a telekinesis.

"Fuck! Don't mess with me! Leave some for me!" Xiao Hui grabbed the water with his duck's mouth.

"Ga!" Psyduck drank the water and was satisfied.

"NM, don't rest, go find some water!" Xiao Hui picked up Psyduck and walked away.

But just after taking a step, the clumsy Psyduck was tripped by a branch.

Xiao Hui looked uncomfortable and was tripped by Psyduck, but his backpack flew out at once.

The bag opened, and the Poké Balls and Poké Eggs inside rolled out.

"My egg!" Xiao Hui rushed over and successfully hugged his Poké Egg.

But at this time, he looked at the Poké Ball falling down and realized something was wrong. He stepped on the branches of the cliff, and he fell down one step further.

How could it be empty!!!

Xiao Hui immediately stopped where he was, but turned around and saw Pikachu running over.

Pikachu thought that the owner was waiting for it, and was immediately moved and excited, and happily rushed over to give the owner a loving hug.

"Don't come over!!!"

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