Chapter 323

Chapter 323 – Village Five’s Alcohol Situation

I’m a man who runs a bar in Village Five .

My name does not matter .

That’s not what I want to talk about .

I’m in a pinch now .

The cause of it is the Village Five Festival that was held a while ago .

That time, a delicious alcohol of unknown origin was sold .

It was very delicious .

The superb alcohol that I’ve been drinking up to now can be considered as ditchwater .

It was also sold at a cheap price .

At that time, I did not think of anything else because I was so drunk drinking that delicious alcohol .

It was only after the festival that I awakened from my drunkenness .

To those who tasted that alcohol, everything else has now become ditch water .

「No, even this alcohol is not delicious enough . This was satisfying until a while ago!」

My voice, which is full of emptiness, echoes across this deserted bar .

… .

This is not good .

It is unpalatable .

What’s wrong is that I can’t even fool myself .

I need to be honest with myself .

I want to drink that alcohol .

I checked all the alcohol wholesalers, big and small, in Village Five .

However, they don’t have it .

And it seems like they are looking for the supplier too .

The only one who had a positive response was Goroun Company .

However, it is not available in their branch here in Village Five but in their head office in Shashaato City .

Unfortunately, it is currently out of stock .

There’s also no exact date for the next arrival .

Should I give up?

No .

I will not give up .

I can’t give up .

I need that alcohol .

What do I do then?

Go to the Goroun Company head office in Shashaato City and ask for the information about the supplier… .

There is no way they’ll tell me .

For a company, there’s no merit in telling a customer about the information of the supplier .

On the contrary, there are a lot of demerits .

Ah, what should I do now?


Or should I close my bar and join Goroun Company?

Ugugu .

I’m in trouble .

When I was worrying, Youko-sama, the acting village chief of Village Five, issued an announcement .

The content is, a small amount of alcohol served at the festival will be sold at a low price .

Ooohhh, sasuga Youko-sama!

She fulfills the wishes of the villagers!

The top of the small mountain where Village Five is located .

The venue where the alcohol would be sold is overflowing with people .



Why are the other shop owners that sell alcohol here too? I have never seen every shop owner in one place .


No .

Not only the shop owners but even common residents are here too .

Right .

According to the notice, the amount you could buy is limited but it did not specify who could buy .

Is this Youko-sama’s carelessness?

No, it’s not .

「Wholesalers, please gather on the west, retailers at the center, and all others to the east . 」

I see .

She already anticipated the movement of the general public .

Indeed, the amount of alcohol a wholesaler, a retailer, and a normal citizen would buy is quite different .

It seems like she already anticipated that area .

I can’t complain if she wants to sell to the wholesalers but I wish she wouldn’t sell some to the general public .

I’m a retailer so I head to the center .

The staff explained to the retailers gathered at the center how to handle the alcohol first .

The way of handling is the same as other alcohol is handled .

It’s not difficult .

They also said that we can freely sell them if we want .

However, the staff recommended us to treat it as a premium and not sell it to the general public .

I wondered why but soon found out the reason .

The amount to be sold is small .

Perhaps all they’ll sell to us are the barrels of alcohol behind the staff .

However, if you divide the number of barrels to the number of retailers here, not everyone will have one .

With that amount, it will likely be consumed immediately if sold to the public .

What surprised me was the price .

It was 300 times more expensive than it was at the festival .

As expected, there are complaints .

「Shouldn’t it be cheaper if sold wholesale!」

「According to the notice, it will be sold at a low price!」

Those are the voices of other retailers .

I thought of saying something too but I did not dare because Youko-sama came .

「You guys, the fact that you came here must have been because you tasted it at the festival . Is this alcohol expensive at this price? Or do you think it is cheap?」

When she said that, we were embarrassed .

Certainly, it’s the finest alcohol .

Even if its price is 300 times more compared to its price during the festival, it is still cheap .

「At the festival, it was only sold cheaply because of the village chief . This alcohol was also prepared by the village chief . If you have any complaints, leave this place . 」

Not a single person left .

I obtained alcohol .

It was a big expenditure but just having this alcohol at hand put my heart at ease .

As recommended, I’ll use it as a premium when there’s an event .

However, thinking of my bar, I remembered that I don’t have any decent alcohol to sell .

The alcohols I have are no longer popular .

Assuming that everyone now has ten serving of festival alcohol, no one would dare drink my alcohol who no longer has appeal .

At the very least, I want one to three appealing alcohols .

My big problem . Youko-sama solved it .

「Although not as good as the festival alcohol, we also prepared alcohol with a decent taste . Sampling is permitted . If you want to try, you can ask the staff . 」

Decent taste alcohol .

So that’s how it is .

It really has a decent taste .

However, if you compare it with all the alcohols I’ve tasted in the past, it is incomparable .

They say this alcohol can also be used for cooking .

At the same time .

On the east side, a fierce draw lots had begun .

The staff realized that it is impossible to sell to everyone who gathered there .

Only those who win the draw lots can drink a small cup on the spot .

Free of charge .

Screams of joy echo .

On the west side, the wholesalers had begun an auction .

Every barrel has a sky-high price .

Ah, Goroun Company is terrible .

It’s like they’re beating everyone with silver coins .

However, given that price, it will be difficult for any retailer to buy .

They are probably planning to sell it outside .

Oh, several wholesalers group together and bid off at a high price .

Don’t do it .

With that price, you can even buy my store .

Will you be alright?

Ah, you’re going to drink them yourself?

They look overjoyed so I guess there’s no problem .

Meanwhile .

I’m someone who runs a restaurant in Village Five .

My name does not matter .

I’m in a pinch now .

The cause of it is the Village Five Festival that was held a while ago .

The dishes served there were too delicious .

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