Island Era: I Can See The Information Of All Things

Chapter 42 The Julong Merchant Ship Enters The Sea! 【Seek Evaluation Of Flowers】

With the refugees from Burton Territory surrendering to Yanhuang Island, especially the presence of the shipbuilder Horn, the development speed of Yanhuang Island has accelerated a lot again.

When Horn led the team to build the boat intensively, the first shallow sea fishing ordered by Bai Cheng also officially started.

"Master Island Master, this is the harvest of this shallow sea fishing!"

On the coastline, Bai Cheng, accompanied by old Jean, was checking the catches caught by the patrol team.

The reason why they are not islanders is because they are afraid that there are sea people lurking under the shallow sea. Currently, the islanders of Yanhuang Island are very precious and cannot tolerate mistakes.

However, if there is no attack time after a while, Bai Cheng will consider letting ordinary islanders participate in fishing to enrich their living supplies.

Conch, octopus, starfish... and so on. Although the specific names are a bit weird, they are not much different from those on Blue Star, but I don't know how the taste is.

Thinking of the taste, Bai Cheng couldn't help but want to try it. Anyway, there is a systematic detection, so you can tell if you can eat it or not.

In this world, because of the mystery and impermanence of the chaotic sea, basically no one will fish for seafood, but today Bai Cheng will be the first person to eat crabs!

"Jin, send someone to transport these to the castle. Distribute the rest to the swordsmen, roast them and sprinkle some salt before eating."

Bai Cheng selected some of the ingredients he was interested in, and the rest were shared by Old Ji En because they could not be preserved.

"Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a refrigerator, Yuena's ice-type dragon's breath is a bit lethal..."

Before Bai Cheng wanted to drink some cold drinks, he tried to let Yuena use the ice dragon's breath, but the extremely cold temperature instantly shattered the coconut juice.

Including frozen meat, after being baptized by Yuena's dragon's breath, it would turn into icy lumps at the first touch. After repeated attempts, Bai Cheng gave up this whimsical idea.

"My lord! My lord! All three merchant ships have been built and ready to be launched! Please come and have a look."

Horn's excited voice came from far away, and under his crotch was the light source crystal horse given to him by Bai Cheng.

When he received the rewarded horse, Horn stayed up all night excitedly. Instead, he rode the light source crystal horse and kept dangling around Burton's collar, like a child showing off his toy.

Of course, his behavior naturally aroused the envy of the people of Burton Territory, which greatly satisfied Horn's vanity.

As a shipbuilder, his position in the Primordial Continent is actually quite embarrassing. He has a little effect, but not much. This is why he is willing to follow Burton Harry to the Chaos Sea.

The Chaos Sea Region is where a talented shipbuilder like him should be!


"My lord, are you satisfied with these three merchant ships?"

On the beach, there are three huge merchant ships on display. Under the merchant ships are rows of round logs, which were laid underneath when the merchant ships were first built to facilitate the merchant ships entering the sea.

The merchant ship built by Horn was nearly twice the size of the one that Agnes used to come to trade.

On the hull, simple patterns are engraved to ensure the beauty of the sword valley on the hull.

Moreover, there is an extended wooden statue at the tip of the bow.

It was a wooden dragon with wings stretched out. The dragon's tail naturally hung down to be the center line of the bow breaking through the waves.

A dragon's head is slightly raised and facing forward, which makes people feel a bit of domineering, and the carving can be said to be lifelike.

"Very good! Horn!"

Bai Cheng praised him, which made Horn's face beam with joy, and his own abilities finally had a use.

"Master Island Master! Please give the merchant ship a name!"

"Give a name?"

Bai Cheng was taken aback for a moment, he is a bad namer, and naming a name is the most troublesome thing!

After much deliberation, he saw the wooden dragon carving on the front of the huge ship, so he irresponsibly named it after the Dragon.

With Bai Cheng's order, the workers cut the hemp rope that was pulling the merchant ship.

Amidst the sound of rolling logs, the three trading ships "Julong" that really belonged to Yanhuang Island officially entered the sea, causing quite a splash.

As for the merchant ships traded from Rainbow Island before, as well as the ships Harryhorn took when he fled, they were temporarily stored on the southeast coast of the island.

In Bai Cheng's view, since his islands can already build merchant ships, they need to be unified so that they can appear more formal.

So those ships are no longer useful, and they can be sold if they find a chance to make the best use of them.

【Host】: Bai Cheng.

[Professional Level]: Gold Swordsman seventh rank.

[Skill talent]: Armed color domineering (intermediate), knowledge-color domineering (primary), overlord-color domineering (primary).

[Meritorious Value]: 1233.

[Fortune]: 249 gold, 84 silver and 38 copper.

[Treasures]: Giant Silver Dragon (growing stage).

With a thought, Bai Cheng called out his character panel.

Accepting the person who fled from Burton Island, his funds increased by more than one hundred gold coins. Unfortunately, most of the property in Burton's family was confiscated when the nobles were banned, otherwise he should be a small rich man by now.

Unknowingly, the giant silver dragon Yuena has grown to a length of nearly 70 meters, and she hasn't left her childhood yet. She doesn't know how huge she will be when she becomes an adult.

As for Bai Cheng's own swordsman cultivation, he has grown to the seventh level of gold, which has surpassed Kuru.

If you use the armed color, with the blessing of domineering, Harry, the peak gold swordsman, is not his opponent.

"Speaking of which, Harry is already at the ninth level of gold. If you feed him high-star Yuanqing barley, I wonder if it will allow him to break through to platinum swordsman."

"When his loyalty reaches 99, you can try it."

Although this idea came up, Bai Cheng didn't do it right away. It's not a wise man's move to train subordinates who are beyond his control.

"Master, another trade fleet has come to visit."

While Bai Cheng was calculating Yanhuang Island's current combat power, Kuru received a message from the patrol team and came to report.

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