Island Era: I Can See The Information Of All Things

Chapter 76 Luxurious Beast Beads, Finally Get The Sound Transmission Conch! 【Subscribe】

As the boxes were opened, all kinds of jewelry and other valuables that could only be worn by high-ranking nobles of the empire were displayed one by one.

But Bai Cheng frowned slightly when he saw these things, not because these things were worthless.

On the contrary, in the barren Chaos Sea Region, these jewels from the Primordial Continent can be said to be rare in number and double in value.

But what Bai Cheng wanted was a rare treasure, a rare treasure that Alans snatched from several other brothers and sisters~.

Until the fourth box was opened, Bai Cheng smiled as if he had drawn an SSR card.

[Name]: Chuanyin snail (three-star rare treasure, main snail, century-old.

[Introduction]: In the deep sea of ​​the chaotic sea, there is a strange kind of conch. Usually, a main conch has several to dozens of secondary conchs attached to it, and information can be exchanged between the primary and secondary conchs.

【Note】: After the sound transmission snail is dead, the star level cannot be strengthened. The longer the growth year, the more the number of secondary snails.

The fourth box turned out to be the sound transmission conch that Bai Cheng had been thinking about for a long time!

And it is a century-old sound-transmitting snail with 16 auxiliary snails!

The size of the main snail of the sound transmission conch is several times larger than the secondary conch that Bai Cheng obtained from the four-armed Naga before, and 15 small strings of secondary conch are adsorbed on the spiral shell.

For this rare treasure, Bai Cheng felt that it was worthwhile for him to go out for so many days.

In the following time, he also lived a life of being able to communicate quickly again.

I can finally bid farewell to the previous delivery method that required running around for everything, which greatly saved some critical time.

Bai Cheng curiously picked up a secondary snail, placed it by his right ear, and said softly to the main snail.



The same sound came out clearly from the sub-snail on the right ear, which was extremely miraculous, and the other 15 sub-snails also heard the sound.

This is a defect of the sound transmission screw compared to the mobile phone, that is, there is no one-on-one communication between the main screw and the auxiliary screw.

"Also, some more personal and private matters are better discussed face-to-face."

Bai Cheng thought for a while, this defect is not a serious cause.

Putting down the sound transmission conch in his hand, full of expectations, Bai Cheng continued his unpacking business.

Most of these things came from Agnes's brothers and sisters, so she felt a little sad when she saw these things, and instead of staying here, she went to find Delia and Nicole.

[Name]: Frost Iron (Excellent).

[Introduction]: The iron ore dug out from the cold place has been impregnated with cold magic power for a long time, and already has certain strange properties.

【Note】: Plastic forging can be carried out by putting it in water without calcination.

[Name]: Orientation paper (one star rare).

[Introduction]: The magnetic wood is processed to an extremely thin degree of paper, and the same triangular paper can only mark the direction of each other.

[Note]: Do not use it for writing, it is a waste.

[Name]: Luxury animal beads (three-star rare).

[Introduction]: It can accommodate a blood contract beast, which is easy to carry, and has a space suitable for the survival of the blood contract beast, regardless of the size of the contract beast.

[Note]: It cannot be strengthened, just squeeze it lightly before use.

After Bai Cheng came for three consecutive times, he realized that these princes and princesses did not all go to sea with rare treasures, but all kinds of things.

However, they are still somewhat useful. Frost iron can be used to forge silver dragon weapons, and direction paper can be used to mark important special items other than islands.

As for the last one, when Bai Cheng first saw the detailed information of the luxurious beast beads, a string of black lines appeared in his head.

What? Change the name of the luxury ball with the elf, so you think I won’t recognize it!?

Of course, this is just a complaint in his heart, the luxurious beast bead is not the same as the luxurious ball, it is just a spar-like bead.

Although Bai Cheng complained silently, it did not hinder his love for this rare treasure.

Maybe it's because the efficacy is not very important, the luxurious beast beads are only three-star treasures, and they cannot be strengthened.

But for Bai Cheng, its practical value is simply not too great.

Yuena, the giant silver dragon, has gathered the blood of both parents, and her body is getting bigger and bigger day by day.

If you want to engage in a surprise battle, this size can't be hidden at all, and it will be easily exposed.

Moreover, if there is a long-distance sea trip, if there is no island where you can rest in the middle, Yuena's physical strength will also be a big problem.

But with this luxurious beast orb, it is different. When attacking, you can directly summon Yuena from it, and catch the opponent by surprise.

Moreover, when he is tired from sailing at sea, Bai Cheng can transfer to a wooden boat and store it in the luxurious beast beads for rest.

This is simply tailor-made for Yuena!

At this time, Bai Cheng actually wanted to thank Allens, if he hadn't killed these treasures by killing him.

How could I get it so easily and grab it myself?

For the sake of Agnes, Bai Cheng couldn't do that kind of thing.

Bai Cheng directly put the luxurious beast beads into the system space. When he was in Yanhuang Island, he still decided to raise Yuena.

It probably doesn't like being kept in captivity either. I haven't seen a big mouse with a yellow skin and lightning tail that doesn't like to stay in the ball. It's good to take Yuena in under special circumstances.

……ask for flowers…

Finally, after opening all the boxes, Bai Cheng found nothing special.

There are a few weapons, which are relatively sophisticated, but compared to the future silver dragon weapons, they are not very comparable.

"Save these weapons to reward swordsmen who perform well."

The other, which interested him a little, was a chart showing only one island.

But judging from Cheng's current situation, the distance between himself and the island is simply too far away.

It is an island located in the middle of the windless area, and it will take some time to explore and see what it is.

Putting away the sea chart casually, Bai Cheng called Old Jean and asked him to arrange for someone to put everything in the warehouse except the sound transmission snail and frost iron.

Including the direction paper, Bai Cheng only kept three sheets, and the rest were put into the warehouse together, and handed over to the old Jean for the purpose of the direction paper.

"Jin, when these direction papers are used, the remaining half must be marked, write down what it is, and seal it up.

"Understood, don't worry, Lord Island Master, I will prepare a separate small room for the direction paper to store. y

I have to say that Bai Cheng appreciates the orderliness of old Gene's work. Usually, with a simple sentence, old Gene can understand and do things to the point that he is most satisfied with.

After dealing with the loot brought back from King's Island, Bai Cheng took out the island orb from Aarons.

Judging from all the island orbs used before, this kind of orbs obtained from the main island can be integrated into your own island and fully inherit the experience value of the opponent's island.

That is to say, if Bai Cheng melts this island orb into Yanhuang Island, then Yanhuang Island can be promoted again, and promoted to Silver Island.

As for whether it is silver low-level or middle-level, Bai Cheng still doesn't know how many experience points are in this King's Island orb.

What's more, I still have an upgrade orb brought back by Geda, an island orb that corrupts the island.

"Promoting to Silver Island is a big stage leap, will there be any special circumstances?"

Bai Cheng didn't know about it, he planned to ask Agnes first, and then proceeded after being fully prepared.

After all, Agnes's background meant that before she stepped into the Chaos Sea, she learned a lot of records about it.

Thinking of this, Bai Cheng got up and left the castle to go to Rainbow District.

Nicole and Delia went to Rainbow Lake to soak in the hot springs, and Agnes should be there too. .

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