Island Fishery

Chapter 241 The Heavy Rain Prevents Leaving

Chapter 241 The Heavy Rain Prevents Leaving

Facing Vecna's adorable appearance, Li Shu was slightly helpless. A huge lightning flashed like a tree root outside the huge floor-to-ceiling window. At the same time as it shook people's hearts, a rumbling sound of thunder came slowly.

The little squirrel, sleeping on the plum tree's lap, squeaked softly like a dream, with a charming naive look, then twisted its body and continued to sleep.

"80 ringgit/kg is a very expensive price, and it can be called high economic value fish. After all, ordinary sea fish is only 10 ringgit/kg to 20 ringgit/kg. Of course, this is the price of freshly caught fish.

Shipping to the mainland may add transportation costs, labor costs, loss, and after a few waves of increased profits after a few hands, the price may rise a lot. "Li Shu said slowly.

President Vecna ​​earns hundreds of thousands of ringgits a day. It is understandable that a large yellow croaker is sold for 300 ringgits. However, Li Shu is obviously very sensitive to this price because there are a lot of fish in his fishing grounds. The large yellow croakers are about to be sold, and the price fluctuates a little, but after multiplying by hundreds of thousands, it may be a lot of money.

Li Shu has always been concerned about making money, and every time he sees money pouring into his pocket, he will feel extremely refreshed.

"So that's the case." Vecna ​​nodded, and she said with a smile: "I often order my servants to buy large yellow croakers from the property owner. This price should also include the errand fees of the property staff, so it is relatively okay.".

"Why did you buy the big yellow croaker from the property?" Li Shu frowned. His second bowl of rice was also eaten, and the maid standing behind him connected the bowls and filled the third bowl of rice.

The rice that Vecna ​​usually eats is imported from India, and it is also one of the top-quality rice, with a very good taste.

"Oh, there is a "buying agent" service at the property. You can tell them in advance what you want to buy, and they will quote you. If you accept the offer, give them the money, and they will buy it for you soon. Come back." Vecna ​​explained.

"It's like running errands." Li Shu laughed.

"That's true, but our community is a highly protected community, and many outsiders are not allowed to enter.

Personnel from the property can come in, and they have all been carefully screened. Moreover, the property staff are very attentive in buying things, and most of the things they buy can satisfy the employers, so many owners will ask them to buy things on their behalf. "Vecna ​​said slowly, her eyes fell on the third bowl of rice in front of Li Shu, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, she looked at her rice bowl again, the bowl of rice was not finished yet.

"You have a huge appetite. At first I thought that steaming so much rice might not be enough to eat, and I would have to let my servants help to eat it. I didn't expect you to eat so much by yourself, haha.".

"I'm a boy. Of course, I eat a lot. Only by eating a lot can I grow strong." Li Shu said with a smile: "In fact, one of the purposes of my serious study of cooking is to make myself eat better. After all, people still have to be selfish. Yes, it is reasonable to work hard to study dishes in order to eat better for yourself.".

"Puff~" Vecna ​​found that Li Shu could always find various reasons for doing things, she sighed after laughing: "Hey~ In our country, very few boys can cook, they seem to think that cooking will Looks a bit girly? It seems to think that cooking is the responsibility of girls, as if many boys in Huaxia know how to cook?".

"Well, there are indeed many boys who know how to cook." Li Shu said with a smile: "Because girls don't do it, and boys don't do it either, so let's drink the Northwest Wind together.

As for cooking, it will look like a girl... This is mainly due to the boy's own physical fitness and demeanor. If a boy has eight-pack abs and looks very strong, he won't look like a mother when he cooks.

But a boy with greasy hair and pink face, if he has nothing to do, raise his orchid fingers, and walk with his legs clamped, he might look like a mother wielding a machete. ".

Before Li Shu finished speaking, Vecna ​​started laughing, and when he finished speaking, Vecna ​​was already laughing: "Hahaha, your speech is really funny.".

Li Shu shook his head slightly. There are at least a lot of differences between Malaysian Chinese and the Mandarin used by Li Shu.

Basically don't say the word "speak", but say "speak".

"You talk", "let him talk" etc. will be said as "you talk", "let him talk" etc., what else are "bus", "theater", "press the money", "fire", etc. It is also very different from the Mandarin spoken by Li Shu himself.

Malaysian Chinese is mainly Chinese that originated in Fujian, Guangdong and other places. Li Shu didn't learn languages, and he didn't know whether the Chinese in Minyue also used these words.

Oh, "fire" means "turn on the light", and it has nothing to do with the bluish hard thing. When Uncle Hai said "fire" for the first time, Li Shu was blinded for a moment. Later, Uncle Hai stopped saying "fire", and changed to "turn on the light".

After dinner, the rain outside was still imminent, so Vecna ​​arranged a guest room for Li Shu to rest.

"It's raining too much outside, so you should take a rest here first, and then leave after the rain stops." Vecna ​​stood at the door of the guest room and said with a smile: "It's a big deal to stay at my house for another night. We have enough food in our house. Definitely won’t be hungry.”.

Speaking of food, Vecna ​​couldn't help sticking out her little tongue and licking the corner of her mouth.

"You just want me to cook for you at night." Li Shu smiled instantly with black lines on his face. There was lightning and thunder. Even if he could leave Vecna's house, in order to prevent being struck by lightning, he would Unable to return to Neverland by helicopter.

"Haha, there is nothing I can do to keep people under heavy rain." Vecna ​​was very happy, and she wanted to eat some more dishes made by plum trees: "Okay, you rest, I won't bother you anymore.".


The door of the guest room was closed, Li Shu sat down on the bed, and the white squirrel was lying on the big soft bed with all four legs spread out, its big fluffy tail swaying gently.

"Little guy, wake up." Li Shu stroked the white squirrel.

"Squeak——" The white squirrel, who had been sleeping for so long, was completely refreshed. He got up from the bed with his round eyes wide open, and ran around the room, smelling, sniffing, and "squeaking" from time to time. It barked twice, and its big fluffy tail swept the air with a slight whirring sound.

"Little guy, this is not our new home. We will return to Neverland soon." Li Shu smiled. Just as he finished speaking, his phone vibrated suddenly. It turned out to be a video call from his sister.


"Brother, when are you coming back today?" The younger sister said in a childish voice, but what appeared in front of the camera was the big head of the big orange cat, which softly called: "Meow~".

"Hey, big cat, go away, let me talk to elder brother." The little girl even hugged the big orange cat.

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