Island Fishery

Chapter 245: Playing Games with Vecna ​​at Night

Chapter 245: Playing Games with Vecna ​​at Night

"Forest Ice and Fire Man" is a level-breaking game operated by two people. There are many people playing it. The operation is simple but it tests the cooperation of two people.

One of the two players controls the "Iceman" and the other controls the "Fireman". They walk in the direction of the "Stone Gate" in the tunnel with the "forest" as the background.

Li Shu and Vecna ​​came to her study to play games. The two sat behind the desk and looked at a computer. As the first level began, Vecna, who was sitting on the left of Li Shu, lightly pressed "D" Key, beep~ Iceman jumps.

"I haven't played this game before, is it easy to operate?" Seeing Li Shu's enthusiasm, Vecna ​​was too embarrassed to refuse, but the interface with a very good start attracted her.

"The little blue ice man I control seems to be a girl, and her hair is a girl." Vecna's focus seems to be a little different, and her pair of beautiful eyes looked at the crimson ice man controlled by Li Shu. "Little Fireman", even laughed: "Little Fireman should be a boy, with hair that shoots up into the sky.".

"Um, I haven't really noticed this, but it seems to be true after you say it that way." Li Shu laughed.

"Your control keys are W, A, D, S. My control keys are the arrows on the right side of the keyboard. I eat red diamonds, you eat blue diamonds, and then run across the road to the "Shimen". If you die, you have to start over." Li Shu smiled and said: "Okay, let's start.".

"Okay." Vecna ​​controlled the blue villain to go left, and suddenly saw a red pool, and asked curiously as she walked in: "What is this red thing? Go straight forward?".

"Don't! That's magma! The red one is magma, you..." Li Shu's pupils shrank in fright, but before he finished speaking, the little iceman controlled by Vecna ​​entered the red magma, accompanied by With a sound of "ah~", the little ice man was burned into water vapor.

thump thump thump~

game over.

"The little iceman was burnt to steam, hehe." Vecna ​​smiled embarrassedly like a child who did something wrong.

"It's all right, come again, I'm a man of fire, afraid of water, and I have to jump over any pool I encounter, but you are an ice man, afraid of fire, so you have to jump over lava." Li Shu said with a smile, and the two shared a pool. With a keyboard, Li Shu could not only clearly smell the light perfume emanating from Vecna's body, but occasionally touch Vecna's elbow with his elbow.

Vecna's flesh was very soft, and Li Shu could clearly feel it when his elbows were touched.

Soon the second game will start.

This time Vecna ​​obviously learned the lessons from the last time. Swipe ~ a run-up and press the "D" key to jump, easily jump over the magma pool, and eat the blue diamond above the magma pool.

"Hiss, it's very simple." Vecna ​​showed a smile.

The first level is very simple, one ice man and one fire man bounce around, eat all the diamonds quickly, and then pass the level.

Then came the second level, the third level, the fourth level... The difficulty of each level is increasing, but the increase is limited, all the way to the 10th level without any danger, the joy in Vecna's eyes is getting brighter It is getting richer and richer, obviously she is more and more interested in this game.

"Huh? Why is there a blower? I... floated up! Hahaha, so interesting!" Vecna ​​couldn't help laughing as she watched the little iceman who was blown up and down in mid-air by the wind.

"Be careful, there is a balance board in this round, and there is a swamp under the balance board. No matter who falls off of us, we will die." Li Shu reminded.


Li Shu controlled the red fireman to jump onto the balance board, and the balance board swayed with the sound of chains rattling in an instant, but the second time he didn't jump up at all, he fell into the swamp and died.

"Ah, you are dead." Vecna ​​felt very novel: "You are not very good.".

Li Shu: "......".

"Come again!" Li Shu rolled up his sleeves.


The two sat behind the desk in the study and played games. Because they used a keyboard, they were very close. Sometimes Li Shu's left leg would inadvertently touch Vecna's right thigh.


The white squirrel finished eating the big and red strawberries in the fruit plate, and then jumped around in the study room surrounded by pink bookshelves, with its fluffy white tail whirring ~ dancing.

"Squeak~"【Unintelligible. 】

The white squirrel climbed up to the top of the bookshelf, then leaned over and looked backwards at the rows of book titles on the side, and blinked to realize that it couldn't understand at all.

Standing on the top of the bookshelf, looking down at Li Shu and Vecna, looking down at Li Shu and Vecna, laughing and chatting from time to time, they seem to be very happy, the white squirrel looked bewildered.

"Zhizhizhi~" [I miss the big orange cat, there are no animals to play with me here. 】

The white squirrel quickly climbed down the bookshelf.

"White squirrel, do you want to go to the toilet?" Hearing the white squirrel always calling, Li Shu suddenly stretched his neck and poked his head out from behind the computer, asking with concern.

Vecna ​​also looked at the white squirrel curiously, and then saw a scene that shocked her—the white squirrel shook its head slightly.

Vecna ​​felt that her three views were shattered, and her tongue was about to tie up: "It, it, it... Can it understand human language?".

"I can understand part of it." Li Shu said with a proud smile: "The white squirrel is very smart, you can see how sharp its eyes are full of spirituality.".

"If you say that, it's true." Vecna ​​continued.

"Pets follow the owner. If the owner is stupid, most of the pets are stupid. If the owner is smart, the pets are mostly smart. As smart as me, it is normal to have pets full of spirituality." Li Shu Self-promotion in a different way.

"Pfft~ You're so shameless, hahaha." Vecna ​​looked at the proud Li Shu in shock, and immediately covered her mouth and laughed.

"I'm just stating a fact, and... your big white teeth are pretty." Li Shu said slowly.

Vecna: "……".

"Believe it or not, I'll pinch you.".

When the two were fighting, the white squirrel climbed up the desk and came to the fruit plate, looked at the green apple, hesitated for a moment, and then bit it.

"Ugh~" The little squirrel held back, feeling that he still couldn't bear the smell of apples, and instantly spit out a piece of apple flesh the size of a little fingernail.

Plum tree: "-_-||".

Vecna ​​also laughed, and she asked the maid to bring three huge pine cones, and the white squirrel's eyes lit up instantly, jumping up and down to hug the pine cones: "Zhizhizhi~" [There are pine cones] Don't take out the tower sooner! You are all bad guys! 】

"Bring a bottle of Bordeaux red wine over here, open it and wake up." Vecna ​​ordered the maid lightly, then turned to Li Shu and smiled softly: "I don't have any drinks at home, how about some red wine?".

"Yes." Li Shu agreed.

The red wine that woke up quickly was poured into the red wine glass. The red wine was like a ruby, and a light aroma emanated out. Li Shu and Vecna ​​continued to play "Forest Ice and Fire Man" while drinking the red wine.

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