Island Fishery

Chapter 302 Delicious Barnacle Meat

Chapter 302 Delicious Barnacle Meat

Li Shu was very happy to find the treasure this time. The sun was shining on the deserted island No. 17, the vegetation was growing freely, and flocks of white seabirds were flying not far away.

When there are sea fish swimming on the surface of the sea, they are easily spotted by the sharp-eyed seabirds. The latter's vigorous body swoops down, and its sharp claws can accurately grab the sea fish.


A piercing cry sounded, as if showing off its bravery to its companions.

"Chiliu~" Jing's second child raised his head and looked at the seabirds with longing eyes: "These seabirds are really strong. The hairs are pulled out, the internal organs are removed, and they are roasted on the fire with a stick. Chiliu~ the meat quality Absolutely delicious.”.

"Your poop is about to come out, wipe it off quickly." Li Shu's face was covered with black lines.

After cooking the crabs and sea fish, they had a big meal at noon, and then the three of them entered the tents to rest.

Li Shu lay on the hammock in the tent, raised his right wrist, and frosted the dial of an expensive waterproof water meter with his left hand: "It is 1:35 in the afternoon. I am exhausted physically and mentally from the high-intensity treasure hunting for days. In the afternoon, you don’t need to go treasure hunting in the sea, and you can take half a day’s leisure by stealing Fusheng, and you can have a good rest in the afternoon.”.

The thoughts in my mind flashed away, and then I closed my eyes and fell asleep slowly, and soon the sound of even breathing sounded in the tent.

The hot wind was blowing outside the tent, and the half-meter-high weeds swayed, casting shadows on the tent.

time flies.

When Li Shu woke up again, he found that it was already 4 o'clock in the afternoon. He turned over and got off the hammock, stretched his arms a few times and then walked out of the tent: "This sleep is really comfortable. You don't have to rush to the sea to hunt for treasure, you can relax Enjoying a slow-paced life leisurely, really happy.".

Jing's second and Jing's third are packing the package. They will leave after staying another night, and many bits and pieces that won't be used for one night are put into the package.

The sun at 4 o'clock in the afternoon is no longer blazing, and it shines softly and warmly on people. Li Shu squinted his eyes and half covered them with his hands to look west. The bright red sun radiated endless energy.

"Boss Jing will come by helicopter tomorrow morning. We need to pack everything before he arrives, because we have to sleep at night, so the tent and hammock can be dismantled earlier in the morning." Li Shu said.

"Okay, boss." Jing's second son said in unison.

"Hey, hey, hey! The pot can be collected in the morning, and we still have to eat at night and tomorrow morning." Li Shu just wanted to praise the hard work of the second and second son, but he was startled instantly.

"Okay, boss." Jing's second child took out the iron pot that was put in the package again, with a normal expression.

"Hiss~" Li Shu strolled to the three gem boxes, click~ he grabbed a lot of gems with his left hand, took a photo with his mobile phone in his right hand, and finally took a photo of himself and the three tents behind him, the boundless sea water, the blue sky and white clouds.

"This is really a memorable day. Not only did I find the treasure, but it was also the first time in my life that I saw crystals and agates in reality." Li Shu put away his mobile phone and began to walk on the 17th desert island. The base is a circle with a diameter of about 200 meters, and the whole island is a small hill with a height of more than 100 meters.

The plum tree was walking around the island. During the period, I saw the stumps and rough stumps left by Mr. Jing after cutting down the dry trees on the island to make firewood. The annual rings were ringing. There were already big black spiders on the stumps and the grass. network between.


Feeling the vibration of the ground when Li Shu approached, the big black spider made a warning sound, and at the same time raised its front legs, ready to attack at any time.

"Hey, the little guy is quite fierce, but I found the treasure, and I'm in a good mood now. Seeing you, this ferocious big spider, I think it's much cuter." Li Shu clicked~ took a photo of himself and the big spider: "Danguan It seems that there are big fried spiders sold in the city. If you count the open legs, each big black spider is as big as a child's fist. I don't know if the spider is the same species as the spider on the deserted island. ".

Li Shu walked to the seashore in the northeast of the deserted island. There were large and small stones on the 20-meter-long and 10-meter-wide reef. Most of the stones were gray and black, and they were covered with barnacles that looked messy and slightly dirty. .

"Sure enough, there are barnacles here. Cook the barnacles to eat at night!" Looking at the densely packed barnacles growing on the rocks, about 7 cm high, and shaped like "horse teeth", Li Shu couldn't help licking the corner of his mouth.

He quickly ran back to the west side of the hill from the northeast corner, and brought the iron pot, bowl and knife. Jing Lao Er and Jing Lao San had already packed the things they didn't use at night, and they followed to dig barnacles.

“Wow, so many barnacles.”.

"These barnacles are like small volcanoes, hey~ they grow on the rocks, they are so sticky that they can't be pulled off.".

“Dig with a knife.”.

Some half-meter-long reefs are already covered with dense barnacles, which seem to make people feel dense phobia, and because the "competition for space" is too serious, some barnacles grow thin and twisted.

"If you only want big barnacles, not small ones, if they stick too firmly on the rocks, break their shells, pinch out the barnacle meat and put them into a bowl, fill a bowl and pour it into an iron pot, Then dig again." Li Shu's trouser legs were already rolled up to his knees, and the warm sea water made his leg hair slightly float.

"Okay, Boss." Jing and the second child agreed, and they dug a bowl quickly with strong hands.

"I didn't expect to leave the deserted island, and I could go to the sea for a while." Li Shu smiled. The sea water was swaying, with a cycle of about ten minutes. Submerged most of the plum tree's calf.

"Okay, the whole pot is enough to eat." Li Shu waded out of the water and looked at the large pot of barnacles in the iron pot with joy on his face.

"Boss, there is a fish in the crevice of this stone, about 12 centimeters." Jing Laosan, who was still standing in the sea, suddenly straightened up, holding a sea fish in his hand and showing it to Li Shu. The fine fish scales on the belly of the fish reflected the light of the setting sun. It looks like the belly of a fish glows.

"No, 12 centimeters is too short." Li Shu said with a smile: "It's fine to eat only barnacles today, and it's not easy to cook a single fish.".

"Oh." Hearing this, Jing Laosan put the fish back into the crevice of the rock, truly "going back where it came from".

Li Shu: "......".

He felt that Third Jing still needed to learn more. As for the fish, it was not completely stuck in the crevice of the rock, and soon swam away by itself.

On the west slope of the mountain, at the tent.

All the barnacle meat was taken out, cleaned up briefly, marinated, then seasoned with chili and other spices, stir-fried in an iron pan, and it was ready to eat soon, with a fresh aroma blowing over the face.

"Boss, we still have a lot of Want Want snow cakes." Jing's second child said suddenly.

"Then take it out and eat together." Li Shudao, put a spoonful of barnacle meat in a bowl, and taste a piece. It tastes good, the sea breeze is blowing, and the setting sun casts a layer of red on the barnacle meat in the pot.

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