Island Fishery

Chapter 304 Invitation from Su Zhizhe

Chapter 304 Invitation from Su Zhizhe

Huang Yun knows that Li Shu is very rich. After all, Li Shu has posted gold cakes, luxury cars, watches worth 6 million ringgits, etc. in Moments. Li Shu even spent thousands of ringgits on videos with others on deserted islands. The traffic fee didn't even bat an eyelid.

The more she knew that Li Shu was rich, the more Huang Yun didn't want to accept Li Shu's gift, because she felt that if she accepted Li Shu's gift, she would feel that she was not equal to Li Shu.

Slightly pondering, Huang Yun said in a calm and serious tone: "Amethyst is really too precious. Maybe an amethyst bracelet is nothing in your eyes, but it is really worth too much to me.".

"What you said makes sense." Li Shu pondered slightly and said: "Why don't I give you an amethyst bracelet, and when I go to Yanjing, you treat me to dinner.

With the skyrocketing of my social status, I no longer go to the roadside shop to eat, and then you invite me to eat at a better restaurant.

Some time ago, you were not a part-time tutor, teaching elementary school students to draw. At that time, you said that it was 300 yuan an hour, or 500 yuan? How about treating me to dinner with the money you earned as a tutor? ".

Huang Yun was sitting on a chair in their dormitory, her seductive mouth slightly opened, and her almond eyes looked at Li Shu in disbelief. She didn't expect that Li Shu was still thinking about the little hard money she earned as a tutor.

"If you don't accept the amethyst bracelet, then I'll be embarrassed to ask you to invite me to dinner, or even to go to you." Li Shu smiled and said, "How about it, accept the amethyst I gave you." String it up.".

Huang Yun really wanted to meet Li Shu very much, and she didn't dare to refuse Li Shu, fearing that the latter would ignore her if he got angry, so she tapped Xue Ni's chin lightly as a promise.

Li Shu smiled wickedly instantly, and said, "How much money is in your card? You can tell me first, and I will try not to max it out for you then.".

"Ah? Then is it too late for me to regret it?" Huang Yun also pursed her lips and laughed: "Don't spend too much at that time, I earn hard money, and it is very difficult.".

"It's too late to regret! Hahaha." Li Shu laughed.

In the evening, Li Shu, Jing's second child, and Jing's third child went to dig some barnacles again. This time they were not spicy, but boiled.

the next day.

The three of Li Shu got up at 4 o'clock in the morning, and began to dismantle the tent and pack the packages. The stars in the sky had not completely disappeared in the gentle night wind.

"Second Jing, you pull out all the wooden stakes that we have inserted into the soil, and throw them into the woods together with the unburned firewood. Third Jing, you also pick up all the household garbage we threw, we want all of them Take it away." After looking at the night sky, the tall and straight plum tree turned to Jing's second son and Jing's third son.

"Okay, boss." Jing's second son agreed.


buzz buzz~

A little after 7 o'clock in the morning, a helicopter from the northwest flew close to the sea. An electric ejection device was added to the rear door of the helicopter. A rope more than 40 meters long and a net bag tied with the rope hang from the back cabin to the ground.

"Up, up, up." Li Shu, Jing Lao Er, and Jing Lao San are all nimble people. They put the three stone treasure chests into the net pockets, and each of the three Li Shu carried a package on their backs, pulling the rope purely with their arms. After climbing into the helicopter, Li Shu dragged the stone boxes up one by one, Jing's second child and Jing's third child slid down to the ground along the rope, and carried the remaining packages on their backs.

Each package looks bulging, but it is actually clothes, quilts and other daily necessities, etc., and it is not heavy to carry.

The helicopter hovered in the air for more than 4 minutes, and everything was brought up to the helicopter. The speed of Li Shu and others was not uncomfortably fast.

The cable was retracted, and with the rear hatch closed, the helicopter made a U-turn and headed for Johor.

"Go home!" Li Shu, who was sitting in a small space, looked down at the vast sea through the hatch, with a relaxed smile on his lips.

The helicopter landed at "Dexing Port" in Johor State. Dexing Port is a county in Johor State and a tourist attraction. Many Chinese cultural relics have been unearthed.

The helicopter’s fuel tank was bottomed out, and they could only fly back to Danguan City after refueling. Taking advantage of the refueling interval of the plane, Li Shu and others threw away all the packages except the treasure box. Well, the satellite phone and the reef-breaking mine were left behind.

When the helicopter takes off again, the space in the back cabin is not so cramped.

"Huh~ The large space is comfortable. I was almost squeezed into a meatloaf just now." Li Shu laughed.

Waiting for the helicopter to land at Neverland, the time is 9:32 am.

"Brother!" The little girl saw Li Shu get off the helicopter and immediately rushed up. Li Shu bent down and picked her up.

"Papapa~" Uncle Hai, Li Sha, and Yan Zhang stood not far away and applauded to welcome Li Shu back. They didn't know exactly what Li Shu was going to do, and guessed that Li Shu had gone to discuss business.

"Wow woof woof~".

"Meow meow meow~".



The big yellow dog, the big orange cat, the white squirrel and the thrush all came to greet the plum tree. The big yellow dog couldn't restrain himself from his excitement, jumping up and down like crazy, barking and howling, and strange sounds full of excitement came from his mouth Pass it out.

"Big yellow dog, calm down, hahaha." Li Shu took a small red tomato handed to him by the squirrel, and threw the tomato into his mouth to chew. The tree ate a small tomato from a little squirrel's cabin, and the little guy jumped up and down anxiously.

But today, this little guy took the initiative to give him tomatoes.

"Let's go, let's go back to the villa!" Li Shu waved his big hand and walked to the north. Boss Jing and the three were holding a stone box. The stone box was covered with suits, making it difficult to see what was inside.

"Old Yan, what did Brother Li Shu bring back, it seems to be very heavy." Li Sha approached Yan Zhang and asked quietly.

"Don't inquire about it." Yan Zhang responded indifferently.

Li Sha was instantly deflated.

Li Shu chatted with Uncle Hai and the others for a while before letting everyone go to work, while he went to take a bath in the luxurious bathtub. His whole body was soaked in the large bathtub, so comfortable that he almost fell asleep.

"It's too difficult to take a bath on a deserted island." Li Shu muttered, and then took a palm-sized mango from the fruit plate next to him and ate it. The golden flesh was soft and delicious, very delicious.

"I couldn't eat the fruit from Neverland on the deserted island. It was too uncomfortable. I could have brought some seeds, but unfortunately I didn't." Li Shu finished eating a mango, and then began to eat strawberries.

At noon, he made a delicious braised lobster. The ultimate taste made everyone full of praise. Li Shu suddenly realized that the dish "braised lobster" had also been promoted to the perfect level by him.

It was already 3:30 in the afternoon after the nap, the air conditioner was humming on, Li Shu covered the quilt and leaned against the head of the bed, and then happily played two games of Glory of Kings, under his intentional learning, now he plays Glory of Kings On the opposite side of massacre, you will only lose the game if your teammates are super good. Generally, you can win easily, and it is not uncommon to get five kills in the later stage.

"We're going to start scolding among ourselves, hahaha." Just as Li Shu was about to start the third game, Su Zhizhe suddenly called.


"A Shu, go fishing! There are big fish in the Rong River to the south!!" Su Zhizhe looked excited: "Qian Rongjie, Cao Cao has agreed to go, do you want to go?".

"Go!" Li Shu thought for three seconds and agreed directly.

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